Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
PG-13 | 30 November 2001 (USA)
Behind Enemy Lines Trailers

While flying a routine reconnaissance mission over Bosnia, fighter pilot Lt. Chris Burnett photographs something he wasn't supposed to see and gets shot down behind enemy lines, where he must outrun an army led by a ruthless Serbian general. With time running out and a deadly tracker on his trail, Burnett's commanding officer, Admiral Reigart, decides to risk his career and launch a renegade rescue mission to save his life.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Tracy Winters Gene Hackman is one of America's finest actors. As for the rest of the mundane cast in this predictable fish-stink, 99% of it reeks.Owen Wilson (with his jacked-up nose and bad speech impediment) is featured as a navy flier who 'doesn't like to follow rules'.... gee, where have we heard that before? There's a Tom Cruise look-a-like on the ship and just like Cruise, this guy can't act either.Some of the idiotic shenanigans in the film include navy deck personnel playing football using the aircraft catapults, Wilson yelling out in enemy territory to his injured buddy, then leaving him sitting in an open field (instead of helping him to the cover of the nearby forest), navy enlisted fools holding push-up contests in the isles of the dining hall floor, and a moronic rescue underling punching a hole in the war room map.Hollywood half-wit film-makers' zillionth opportunity to take liberties in portraying the American military as a group of dumbbells.
SimonJack Made just six years after the end of the Bosnian War (1992-95), "Behind Enemy Lines" is a modern-day war-action film. It doesn't involve troops in combat, but the forces of one of the combatants pursuing a downed American pilot who was flying a photo mission. It was a time when the combatant forces were supposed to be non-aggressive, but the pilot spots illegal troop movements of Serbian forces when he flies over an area outside his authorized zone. He gets shot down by an anti-aircraft missile.I give this film six stars solely for the action, however unrealistic it may seem. And, because of the message that the Navy admiral was not going to abandon one of his men. In this day and age, that's a message that our military need to know, especially if the U.S. is going to rely solely on a volunteer, professional armed forces.My rating is probably stretching it, on the basis of accuracy. I don't know fighter aircraft or Navy operations, but I could see basic mistakes in several portrayals. I was an Army paratrooper many years ago, and the apparent lack of common sense and disregard or lack of knowledge of evasion and escape training by the downed pilot was frustrating to watch. Other reviewers – former Navy pilots and veterans have pointed out some of the many technical and military flaws of Lt. Chris Burnett, played by Owen Wilson. And, of the crew of the carrier.Gene Hackman is OK as the admiral, and the rest of the cast are OK for the roles they have. I think some of the Serbian portrayals are overboard. But, the film is packed with action. Had the filmmakers worked to get accurate portrayals of the carrier crew, proper equipment, correct aircraft, and survival procedures, this could have been a very good film.
Matthew_Capitano Where these sumbitches ever found that ugly and no-talent Owen Wilson, I'll never know -- or care.After his horse-play with the navy catapults, his wanton disrespect for authority, his stupidity at evading capture, and his refusal to obey orders in the field, I couldn't wait to see Wilson get gunned down. Unfortunately, whenever he's a clear target, all the enemy soldiers instantly become the worst shots in history.I watched this film to see Gene Hackman, one of my favorite actors. Gino wasn't at his best here, but he was still better than anything else this little oil slick of spectacularism had to offer, including moments of errant fantasy, like when the black guy in the war-room punches his fist through the tracking map. . . . . yeah, right. Security, throw him in the brig.One more bit of lameness.... Wilson yells out to his buddy who is injured in enemy territory. Um, like, you NEVER do that! There could be enemy soldiers around. Then, Wilson leaves his buddy sitting right in the middle of a meadow while Wilson saunters off to do whatever. It's "Um, like" time again.... Um, like, HIDE THE DUDE IN THE SURROUNDING FOREST FIRST! Geeeez.OK to view on the couch with some beer and a big bag of cheese puffs.
a.lampert Having just seen this 2001 movie and read several of the negative comments, I can understand that anyone viewing it with first hand knowledge of the Bosnian conflict or the US Navy might dismiss it, but as I have neither of these I just watched it because Gene Hackman was in it and I expected a decent thriller. From where I sat in my armchair I just watched it and became completely hooked on what I found to be one of the best chase movies I've ever watched and I do love chase movies (ie: The Naked Prey, Chato's Land). The aerial scenes are spectacularly filmed and I found the tension thoroughly gripping throughout. I watch films on the whole from the point of view of the director and writers endeavouring to entertain us. Reality very often has to be put aside because I know from a film maker's point of view, it doesn't always translate to entertaining viewing, so facts get corrupted for the benefit of a good night out. I can accept this, although many critics have trouble with it. (ie: another movie I loved: Braveheart). So Behind Enemy Lines goes into one of my favourite films I've watched recently. Usual superb acting from the now retired Gene Hackman and a surprising decent turn from lead Owen Wilson. 9 stars from me. Loses one star for not being able to kill Wilson's character with the huge arsenal of weapons available.