Highlander II: The Quickening
Highlander II: The Quickening
R | 01 November 1991 (USA)
Highlander II: The Quickening Trailers

In the year 2024, the ozone layer is believed to have been destroyed, and it's up to MacLeod and Ramirez to set things right. Opposition comes from both the planet Zeist (MacLeod and Ramirez's homeworld) and a corporation profiting from the supposed lack of ozone. Also, flashbacks show the story behind MacLeod and Ramirez's exile from Zeist.

SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
quridley It's not nearly as exciting, fun or cool as the original but it's still a creative and well-made sequel that is hated because of a horrible version that had nothing to do with the director/writer. It's no Blade Runner yet it's the first of a zillion films that tries to be. The drastic changes from the original film were panned at the time but in a culture swamped in bad remakes and redundant sequels, maybe posterity will appreciate how Highlander 2 ramps up the political and existential themes that were wallpaper to its more exciting predecessor.
nilen-51573 I remember seeing this as a small child. Maybe I was 6 years old. I really liked American action films. I had a illusion that big costly movies can really be bad. The reason for this is that so much money is spent on it and so many persons are involved and looking at the script. This movie destroyed that. Its so awful.
thesar-2 Uh, maybe I shouldn't have started the Highlander saga with part II.Actually, I believe I saw the first one many years ago and wasn't a big fan, from what I can remember. But at least it was comprehensible, had a plot and direction. This piece of sh|t had nothing. Highlander II: The Quickening, or growing up, people used to call "Highlander II: The Sickening," was just one pile of a mess and quite literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I don't even know where to begin, but then again, neither did the cast & crew.Nothing made sense, just scenes spliced together. Things just happened and then the movie went on. The special effects were horrible, the acting was forced and the ideas underdeveloped. I am guessing a lot of this was supposed to be comedy, and I will admit one scene did make me smirk: the airplane "safety" video was pretty clever and funny. Unfortunately, in the entire film, those 15 seconds were the only mild- fun I had.I can't even give the synopsis because I doubt there was ever a finished script. But suffice to say, the "only one" had destroy the machine he built and the stakes aren't really that high, either way. This movie was an abomination, from beginning to end. It's the exact opposite on how to construct a film. And unfortunately, it's been over 14 years since I've seen the original – IF I saw it – and I cannot remember that one in the least to compare it. But, my bet is that this had nothing to do with that with the exception of some choked out lines and the actors. Just quickly walk away from this and pretend like it never happened.***Final thoughts: Aside from the airplane gag, the only other positive I could think of was: Thank God, the How Did This Get Made? podcast finally got back to its roots. I only watched this since they covered it and it's been awhile since they reviewed a genuinely bad film.
generationofswine And somebody in Hollywood said: "Highlander one was a stand alone film, and it turned out really good and people absolutely loved it. It was one of the most popular movies in the box office and made a lot of money." And someone else from Hollywood said: "Great Point. Let's take everything that everyone loved about the first one and retcon it away into something entirely different and try to make more money." How the heck did that happen? The Game was one in the first movie.And it is a movie about immortals. They literally had all of human history in which to make another film and stay true to "The Highlander." Instead they destroyed the franchise on its second outing. "Rape" would actually be an appropriately weighted word for what they did to it.And the fans, the critics, and movie goers in general all hated it.It wasn't redeemed again until the TV series did it right once more.