Crocodile Dundee II
Crocodile Dundee II
PG | 19 May 1988 (USA)
Crocodile Dundee II Trailers

Australian outback expert protects his New York love from gangsters who've followed her down under.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
nrowe99 I first saw this movie as a kid, so my opinion might be skewed, but I loved the movie then and I love this movie now. It's in some ways better than the original, has great moments of humor, has a very entertaining story line, and has such a good ending. For whatever stretches of the imagination there are, compared to how absurd many modern movies are, I see no reason not to give this movie some slack and just enjoy it. So sit back, lighten up, and you'll thoroughly enjoy this movie.
adonis98-743-186503 Mick and Sue continue where they left off in "'Crocodile' Dundee". New York drug lords are pursuing Sue for having solid evidence against them for murder, so for her safety, Mick takes her back to Australia. When the gangsters follow them, Mick demonstrates his outback skills once more. Crocodile Dundee 2 although it's not better than the original in terms of humor it's better in terms of action the train station scene or when he jumped from his apartment with a rope around his waist and got inside another apartment and his skills in the jungle those things totally won me over and especially that scene when he tries to call his friends and you see the sun which at the time is afternoon or something like that i'm not sure and the scene looked so beautiful it was the 80's man. Crocodile Dundee II still packs the same elements of the first film but expands it in terms of character development around Mick but also in terms of action which there is a lot trust me PG action but a lot of nice tricks for him to defeat all of this guys.
Fluke_Skywalker With the fish-out-of-water gimmick milked dry in the original, they had to contrive something new here and unfortunately that was to pit Dundee against a group of Columbian drug dealers. But even though it adds that dark element, there seemed to be a conscious effort to tone things down a bit, as evidenced by the PG rating (vs. the PG-13 of the first one). There's "violence", but it's mostly of the comedic, Home Alone sort. And despite evolving into somewhat of an action film, it actually plods along more slowly than the original, lacking any semblance of energy or purpose. Hogan remains charming, but unfortunately the charm of the first film is all but gone.
gavin6942 Australian outback expert (Paul Hogan) protects his New York love (Linda Kozlowski) from gangsters who have followed her down under.Whether this film is better than its predecessor is a matter of debate. Unlike other series where one film is clearly better than another, people seem to be split on this one. But only half of them are right: this film is better than the first one.Why? Because there is more action, and there is a lot more humor. The suicide jumper, the gang, Leroy Brown, the addition of the aborigines... this movie sucks you in where the first one could not. Not to say the first was bad, but it had Mick far too preoccupied with romance when he should have been getting into more shenanigans. Here the romance is just assumed and plays no major part in the plot.