Uptown Girls
Uptown Girls
PG-13 | 15 August 2003 (USA)
Uptown Girls Trailers

Molly Gunn, the freewheeling daughter of a deceased rock legend, is forced to get a job when her manager steals her money. As nanny for precocious Ray, the oft ignored daughter of a music executive she learns what it means to be an adult while teaching Ray how to be a child.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Python Hyena Uptown Girls (2003): Dir: Boaz Yakin / Cast: Brittany Murphy, Dakota Fanning, Heather Locklear, Marley Shelton, Donald Faison: Formula driven crass gesture class and age. This film ages fast without the class. Brittany Murphy is relieved of her apartment when her rock star boyfriend fails to return and she is advised to get a job. She ends up being the nanny to a spoiled eight year old girl whose mother is never there for her. Predictable formula that has been done countless times with different faces. Directed by Boaz Yakin who previously made the overrated and boring Remember the Titans. Murphy is the one performance that passes even though her breaking through to Dakota Fanning is all too obvious. Fanning is talented but basically going through the motions of a role that ends up right where viewers predict she will and she will be stubborn the whole way. Supporting roles are the usual flat props. Marley Shelton plays Murphy's friend who offers room for her. Too bad she didn't offer a better script. Donald Faison plays another one of her friends and he isn't any more intriguing than Shelton. Heather Locklear is the biggest waste as Fanning's workaholic mother. How many times have we seen this transitions? The message doesn't matter because this film exists sorely for the employment opportunity for those unfortunate in the Hollywood job bank. Score: 3 / 10
apoorvasingal Don't go by the name or the poster. This is a great movie, period. It may start out as a chick flick. That is the major characters in this movie are women. But its not vanilla. This movie captures the feeling where everyone is getting what they want except you. But women in this movie don't change because of the selfish people around them who claim to love them. It made me cry and I'm sure it can make a boy/dude/hunk cry. The acting is classic. The character stay true to their roles to the end. And though one of them is a 28 year old loser and the other a mysophobic punctual 8 year old you develop respect and love for both as they do for each other. I would never mind watching it again.
ikickbumathockey I loved this movie! It was witty fun and yet it made me want to cry! Britney Murphy and Dakota Fannying did an excellent job and made the whole movie seem so...real! I loved the scene where Molly (Murphy) riped up her pay check and told rays mum off! I thought that was GREAT!! The whole movie was charming and I think it deserves better ratings! i find with all these voting things people only vote when they don't like a movie if they do like a movie they never rate them!This movie although not very realistic it does make you happy this is definitely a feel good movie! anyway hope you liked the movie as much as I did! Happy watching!
board-5 Time will tell you will Dakota Fanning become a famous ,and ,or good,well know actress,but i think Brittany Murphy plays well she's role,but do not show more than earlier.Script:weak,some life smell ,but sunshine situation. Directing:I feel like now we can not talking about it.There are some reasons why the creators had to made this film,if you can understand,you will be glad !Against the story is not too difficult,but loosing emotions-this was the big mistake.If you reading this comment before seen the film ,you will find it better.But if you reading this comment after seen the film ,maybe you will agree with me.Maybe the DVD was better idea to see again,but this news will take your attention:the director produced the horror movie:Hostel.