Little Black Book
Little Black Book
PG-13 | 06 August 2004 (USA)
Little Black Book Trailers

Determined to learn about her boyfriend's past relationships, Stacy -- who works for a talk show -- becomes a bona fide snoop. With her colleague, Barb, Stacy gets the names of Derek's ex-lovers and interviews them, supposedly for an upcoming show. But what she learns only adds to her confusion, and her plans begin to unravel when she befriends one of the women.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
sexwizardmoustache Went in expecting another run-of-the-mill, formulaic, predictable romcom. Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, tension/climax ensues threatening their bond before all is resolved in a happy ending where boy ends up with girl.This is not what this movie is AT ALL. That alone deserves a 5/10. Why this movie receives such harsh ratings from IMDB reviewers and critics alike shows that people don't appreciate movies that defy stereotypical genres. I certainly do.This is a very relatable premise. Possible infidelity in relationships, which technology makes easier to uncover. But it was not explored in the context of a predictable romcom, but instead, it was more of an exposé on the world of reality TV, where cutthroat, merciless, manipulative, sociopathic TV producers will do anything for ratings, including ruin people's lives. Funnily enough, this movie was made before the TV show Unreal but this is what it reminded me of. Hunter's character was brilliantly portrayed. The way she manically got off on the real life drama she created for television, by toying with the lives of several people, while feeling no remorse was disturbing and chilling to watch. I certainly did not see the twist coming AT ALL because she maintained the ruse of being Murphy's friend and side kick effortlessly well throughout the film, giving no hint of what she was plotting behind the scenes. As a viewer, I felt just as played as Murphy's character did. That in my book, is a job well done on the part of the acting, writing and direction of this movie.I love how in the end, Stacey doesn't end up with a guy, but instead, her dream job. What romantic comedy has ever ended like this in history? Where a woman is not defined by ending up with a guy in the end, but instead by her career. This ending should be empowering to women everywhere! It is a refreshing change of pace. To all the people and critics scolding Murphy's character, I have to wonder why this is. Firstly, Hunter manipulated her every step of the way, by planting the seed of doubt in her mind, encouraging her to set up interviews with all her boyfriend's exes and even getting a hold of his Blackberry and snooping through it. Stacey was with this guy for a year and it never occurred to her once to snoop through his phone or past relationships. So obviously, she is not an inherently bad person, she was merely a pawn in Barb's game and she was clearly very good at controlling her pawns. That is the whole point of the movie. Seriously, did every single movie critic miss that? Secondly, this guy is nothing to write home about. The fact is, he was deceitful, and ironically, Barb did Stacey a favour by helping her uncover who he really was so she could find someone more deserving of her. I would expect if I'm with someone for a year, that they would not keep from me, weekly meet ups and phone calls with not one, but two of their exes, one of which they keep naked pictures of on their phone. Also, I'd expect that my partner of one year would want to introduce me to their parents after such time. And if they're going to say, oh that's just something I don't do, for that to be the truth, instead of a lie because they don't want to be honest and say, I just don't think you're the one. It is unfair to waste a year of someone's life leading them on. Also, the one woman who was apparently good enough to be introduced to his parents, he deliberately humiliated by laughingly playing her phone messages to his superficial fling. Given how strongly Joyce was holding onto him, I think she also deserved to know what a tool this guy really was. So ultimately it was good for all concerned for the truth to come out. If Derek was a nice guy, then Barb would be unimaginably cruel breaking up a happy relationship. But because he's not, we're ironically grateful that Barb allowed Derek to be exposed for who he really is so both Joyce and Stacey could be open to find someone better. But no, I don't agree Stacey is the villain here at all. She is the victim of a bad relationship and a manipulative, conniving sociopath masquerading as her friend.Overall, a very unexpected, thought provoking movie.
Alex I love this movie starring the late Brittany Murphy. Little Black Book was a romantic and true movie to watch. I bought the DVD of this movie and I watched it with my family and friends. We all loved it! Some of the movie clips were hilarious to watch. I loved the part in the film where she got nervous and broke the fax machine with her baseball bat. That part was hilarious to watch! This is one of my top favorite movies. The acting was good and this movie had a comedic and funny approach to it. It shows us that life can sometimes be a bit strange but we just go with the flow. I would recommend this movie to anybody who appreciates a bit of reality and a bit of comedy in between.
bulgarianstallion Plot-wise the movie sounds better than eventually executed. Stacy (Murphy) gets hold of her boyfriend's digital organizer containing information including pictures of his former girlfriends. But it all seems to go nowhere really really slow. Most of the acting is shallow to workmanlike and the characters aren't all too deep. Murphy's character is unsurprisingly once again: a cute, seemingly innocent girl, but somehow you know she' about to do no good. What saves the movie is Brittany Murphy herself. It is for her fans. There's deliciously long camera time devoted just to her amazing face all through the movie. Certainly it's working due to her recent demise all the more. Either way you can view the movie as portfolio of Brittany. You can do this separately from the story, which drags anyway. Other reviewers have called her presence irritating. But to all fans of hers it is just what they need: A close-up study of a uniquely "cute" and unquestionably ambitious actress.Three quarters into the movie, things actually pick up and begin making sense. Ultimately a surprisingly uplifting movie, still not exactly a "feel-good-movie".
A F For those expecting a complete chick flick, you may be disappointed.The movie started out looking very soft and light, but as it progressed, you were immersed into the lives of strong, funny and independent women. You were drawn into complex female characters, a rarity in the industry, who were neither good nor evil.I loved the movie, as it was not just about the girl getting the guy, but it examined many of the lies that we surround ourselves with. The story had many twists, with witty, and insightful looks into the lives of the women.And I loved the ending.