Slums of Beverly Hills
Slums of Beverly Hills
R | 14 August 1998 (USA)
Slums of Beverly Hills Trailers

In 1976, a lower-middle-class teenager struggles to cope living with her neurotic family of nomads on the outskirts of Beverly Hills.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Avid Climber Slums of Beverly Hills is cooky and touching.The good. Interesting story with a number of surprising twists. Well paced scenario. Nice acting. Funny with a touch of drama. On a totally different vibe from most other productions.The actors. Natasha Lyonne uses her rebellious nature to great effect. Alan Arkin plays the dysfunctional father just right. Marisa Tomei is sweet and totally perfect as the problematic child.The bad. The secondary characters, like the brothers, could have used a little bit more depth. The editing is a bit awkward when it comes to breasts shots, obviously done so they could use body doubles, no subtlety.The ugly. Nothing.The result. An offbeat film that is great for those who like the genre, but would probably be disappointing to the masses.
Sandcooler "Slums of Beverly Hills" is a movie that captured me right from the start, for several reasons. The hapless characters are all very likable and often painfully realistic, you side with them immediately even if you barely know them yet. This is mainly because the movie is so well-acted, especially Natasha Lyonne gives a very inspired performance and manages to make even the weaker material work. The dialogues aren't always that great, but the occasional poor line doesn't really affect the gritty realism this movie thrives on so much. It's rough around the edges, and that's probably why people appreciate this to such extent. It also passes by very smoothly, everything gels together well even though there's barely a story to speak of (and whatever story there is never gets resolved anyway). It's still really compelling for reasons you can't quite figure out. "Slums of Beverly Hills" is one of those movies that prove you can make something great with no money, because good ideas are totally free. Awesome movie.
evanston_dad I'm surprised at this film's low rating. I remember really liking this when I saw it in the theatre back in 1998.I didn't realize until coming here to write this comment that Tamara Jenkins directed this. She directed one of my favorite films from a couple of years ago, "The Savages." No wonder I liked this one as well."Slums of Beverly Hills" is a female coming of age story featuring an appealing Natasha Lyonne, who enjoyed a brief period of productivity in the late 90s and since has seemed to disappear from the scene. It's a quirky, very funny little film, not about any big theme but rather about a bunch of little ones. There's an especially hilarious scene featuring Lyonne, Marisa Tomei and a vibrator.Grade: A
Doug Galecawitz i'm not quite sure exactly why i like this film but as the credits rolled i was smiling nonetheless. the orange/brown/pea-soup green 70's setting of it was one of the things i found authentic and quirky about it. the whole texture of the movies seems saturated by that awful color scheme, as though the whole world is being invaded and lorded over by kitsch. another more base reason is the infinitely watchable natasha lyonne as the blossomed teenager coping with an increasingly unstable world. first her family life and now even her body seem to follow wild and unpredictable spurts. she is obviously quite attractive and i would say the best actor/actress to come out of the American pie bunch and thus not surprisingly the most overlooked. the characters all seem believable to the point that one has to understand that some biographical elements are playing heavily into the story. that said brings to mind the old adage that truth is often stranger than fiction, and in this case it also is more entertaining.7 out of 10
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