The Brandon Teena Story
The Brandon Teena Story
| 23 September 1998 (USA)
The Brandon Teena Story Trailers

Documentary about Brandon Teena, a transgender man who was murdered along with two others in 1993 in rural Nebraska.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Michael O'Keefe A technical low budget documentary, but powerful account of the life and death of Brandon Teena, a troubled Lincoln, Nebraska woman dealing with gender identity. Always labeled as a tomboy and more comfortable dressing as a male. Trying to live her life as a man would be a fateful undoing. This documentary uses news footage and interviews with numerous friends and even the two men charged with Brandon's brutal attack and murder. Brandon dated several young women, who were sure they were dating a man. Although Brandon found some happiness with a girlfriend, it was make or break time concerning the gender issue around Christmas of 1993. When it was finally proved that Brandon Teena was really Teena Brandon, this poor soul was beaten and raped while staying in Falls City...then murdered with two other friends a week later in Humboldt, Nebraska. The original investigation on the rape was proved to be inappropriate as well as unprofessional giving time for the premeditated murder to take place. This story became the subject, with liberties, for the Oscar winning 1999 film BOYS DON'T CRY that also garnered Hilary Swank the Best Actress Award.
shaystewart OK. I spent the last fifteen minutes reading the comments written about this film. Out of the twenty some I've read thus far, only about four users seemingly understood the film's content and message. Brandon Teena was male. Yes, he was born in a female body, but he was transgender, therefore ONLY male pronouns should be used in reference to him. He/his/boy/man/etc. HE WAS NOT A GIRL. The fact that all of the users who have commented have presumably seen the film, and especially those of you who claim the ignorance of others, but then continue to use wrong pronouns for Brandon disgusts me. Do your research, and have some more respect.
toocute34 I thought the movie was great. I wished that I could have met Brandon. I felt sorry for him and what he went through. THEM (so called men) took a life and for what?? Because of how someone lived his life. BRANDON didn't hurt anyone not by a long shot. He was a kid hanging out and having fun with his friends.People are always talking about peace and love. To me people don't care about anything, they care about themselves and they don't care who they hurt. But my question to them is.... WHY? What do you get out of it? We all live in the same world. We are all going to die sooner or later. Why cut there life short. And over something that never concerned them in the first place. Brandon's life was taken from him because of someone's stupidity. I don't feel sorry for Tom nor John. I feel sorry for Brandon's mother and family. Because they lost someone they loved for no reason.
gerdur The material in this film is so good that it is almost impossible to destroy it - these filmmakers almost did it. They did worse job than a three years old on a home video. The film was more or less out of focus, or the focus was on something beside the person interviewed. It was very un-original. Endless filming out of car windows, and the old trick of having photography in the foreground and moving landscape behind.But the material was fascinating and it revealed very well the prejudges of people, especially the conversation Brandon had with the police when he reported the rape. I just wish that someone had made a better film about it.