Night Shift
Night Shift
R | 30 July 1982 (USA)
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A nebbish of a morgue attendant gets shunted back to the night shift where he is shackled with an obnoxious neophyte partner who dreams of the "one great idea" for success. His life takes a bizarre turn when a prostitute neighbor complains about the loss of her pimp. His partner, upon hearing the situation, suggests that they fill that opening themselves using the morgue at night.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
AaronCapenBanner Henry Winkler plays meek, and put-upon morgue attendant Chuck Lumley, who is engaged to a controlling woman he doesn't love, and has also been passed over for a promotion, and forced to work the night shift, when he is paired with wacky new employee Bill(played by Michael Keaton, in a star-making performance) Bill is as extroverted as Chuck is introverted, but somehow(despite a heated argument) they become unlikely friends, then business partners. You see, chuck's neighbor Belinda Keaton(Shelly Long) is a prostitute who hates her pimp, so she organizes her colleagues(Bill's idea) to operate out of the morgue(!) Things go well until Belinda's old pimp decides he wants in on the action...Unlikely premise for a comedy works surprisingly well, thanks to appealing performances and good direction by Ron Howard. Story is far fetched of course, but this comedy succeeds in spite of that.
JoeKarlosi A wonderfully engaging comedy from Ron Howard, where he directed his HAPPY DAYS co- star Henry Winkler, with glowing results. Winkler is excellent in the role of Chuck, a character completely opposite from his tough and confident Fonzie TV persona. Chuck is a laid back nebbish of a man, engaged to a domineering girlfriend, who finds comfort mainly at his quiet job as a morgue attendant in New York City. He's got a pretty neighbor named Belinda (Shelley Long) who's a nice girl but also happens to be a prostitute. One day a loud and obnoxious new work partner who calls himself Billy Blaze (Michael Keaton) invades Chuck's perfect world, and Chuck's life is never the same. He allows the persuasive Blaze to talk him into turning the unoccupied nighttime morgue into a side business for Belinda and her call girl friends, thus turning Chuck and Bill into pimps (or "Loverbrokers", as Blaze prefers to call themselves). NIGHT SHIFT is the perfect early '80s comedy and one of the best of the decade. It's smartly written with many quotable lines, and one should not be immediately put off by the grimy nature of its subject, because it's so much more than just some cheap or sleazy frat movie; it's also a buddy film and touching love story as well, set along the invigorating backdrop of Manhattan. Ron Howard's direction is flawless, and he's got a great cast to work with, beginning with Winkler (who was nominated for a Golden Globe), who makes his nice guy dweeb character completely believable and sympathetic. Then there is Michael Keaton, who is outrageously funny in his motion picture debut, and who steals the show. Shelley Long (of CHEERS fame) manages to instill a sweet girl next door quality to her prostitute character. This is a feel-good comedy that leaves you feeling great at the end, to the tune of Burt Bacharach's "That's What Friends Are For" (sung by Rod Stewart). **** out of ****
Gordon-11 This film is about a man who works night shifts in the city morgue. He has an annoying new colleague, and soon they forge a new way to create sparkle in their lives."Night Shift" is set in a morgue and has lots of prostitutes, but the film is not as gruesome as it appears. "Night Shift" is light, fun and uplifting. Chuck is a likable character, while his fiancée is so neurotic that makes people laugh. Chuck breaks out of the mold by introducing drastic changes to his life. He helps prostitutes to make more money than they earn, fighting exploitation from pimps. It is funny to watch on screen, but it also reminds people that prostitutes are constantly being exploited and are subjected to much violence. The romance between Chuck and Belinda is well developed, and has much chemistry which makes "Night Shift" a satisfying to watch. It may even qualify as a romantic comedy!
lastliberal I really could care less who wins Auburn - Miss State, and i wanted a good laugh, so I turned to an old favorite with Henry Winkler and Micael Keaton, along with Shelly Long, Richard Belzer, and Vincent Schiavelli. You'll even find Kevin Costner and Shannen Doherty in here if you look closely.Winkler got a Golden Globe nomination for his performance, but it was Keaton that got a big start with the film.Winkler & Long were magnificent, and Keaton was so crazy that you laughed every time he opened his mouth. It was a pleasant experience.Great soundtrack, too.