R | 01 January 1989 (USA)
Ghosthouse Trailers

A group of unlikely companions receive a radio call leading to a deserted house with a grisly past.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
iamwhitewica This should be in a bargain bin. I have rarely seen such idiotic characters. If they would not have died I would kill them myself for such bad acting, makes you want to punch them and kill them yourself. Especially the 3 girls, actually forget this, all characters are acting like dumb idiots with no brains and no nerves.Besides the cast that keep screaming at everything, they don't react. None of the actors in this movie seems real. NO ONE would react like these pathetic zombies, and if they do; they deserve to die!The movie plot is good and with good acting and directing this could be a very strong movie. The directing and acting makes this version so lame that it should be burned.I love B movies cause there is something in them you don't get in the Hollywood big flicks; soul. This movie however has no soul, no body, not much besides the amazing story idea. I wish someone would pick it up and make a real movie with real actors. (Is is so bad that you need to really want to see the end to endure the acting, again, it is soooooooooooo bad I couldn't believe it.)A movie to watch, painfully, just to get the story behind it, good story, destructive acting and directing.
geminiredblue Once again, let me say "Thank God for RiffTrax." They tackled this one and came up with a gem! There are so many laughable moments, and their comments just add to the quirkiness of it all. Now then, those crazy Italian directors are at it again. This time, Umberto Lenzi (under the confusing pseudonym Humphrey Humbert) steals liberally from much better films, like POLTERGEIST, in telling a completely nonsensical story. Many years ago, a creepy little girl and her equally hideous clown doll go on a rampage and kill her parents. 20 or so years later (though it's never made clear because in Italian horror flicks, details are annoying) a ham radio operator named Paul (uh-oh!) and his bland girlfriend Martha sit around eating chili (cuz that's what us Americans do, right?) Then Paul's radio picks up a strange message. So out they go, attempting to find the source of the mysterious signal. Along the way, they pick up an annoying hitchhiker named Pepe. And finally come across the Ghost House. There, they meet up with a group of campers in an RV (cuz that's so American) and together, they decide to investigate the Ghost House. Now, I won't give anything else away, because this film has to be seen to be believed. Just know it's one of those unhinged Italian movies, so there's bound to be weird occurrences and violent deaths. But then again, that's why we love those crazy Italians. So track down RiffTrax's version, or invite your own motley crew of comedians over for a laugh riot!
jdollak I first saw Ghosthouse around 1996, and while I sat through it, not much of an impression was made. But the memories of the movie remained, and specific shots remained in my mind. Eventually I watched it again, and was struck with how charming it is. The script is unpretentious, with some incredibly simplistic writing. But the horror elements are a bizarre mix of fairly disconnected clichés. But it will stick with you, not in its entirety, but just little things.I watched the movie a third time recently, and I'm willing to concede a few more substantial faults. The pacing is awkward and it slows down a whole lot during some sequences. Some of the things - like the little storm in the bedroom - are laughable.Despite these faults, the fact is that this cheap movie is a memorable one. For a horror movie, the ability to remain in our memory is a really important one.
HumanoidOfFlesh "Ghosthouse" is about a group of obnoxious teenagers trapped in a haunted house where terrible crime took place years ago.A ghostly little girl in white and her creepy clown doll are causing all the terror.A radio operator and his girlfriend trace the source of a weird,scary signal that keeps interrupting his radio.They trace it to an old,abandoned house where they meet a group of teenagers staying in it.The script is half-assed and the acting sucks,but "Ghosthouse" provides plenty of good bloody fun.The evil doll clown looks creepy and the nursery theme is haunting.If you are into late 80's Italian horror give this one a chance.7 out of 10.
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