R | 23 July 1982 (USA)
Zapped! Trailers

Peyton and Barney are fun loving high school students working on a science project with white mice. When one of the mice begins to move food toward itself with out touching it, Barney finds he has accidently discovered a formula for telekinetic powers. Now, how much trouble can a high school boy who can move things with just his mind get into?

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
utgard14 Well this was fun. It's like a cross between an '80s sex comedy and those Disney movies from the '70s where Kurt Russell gained super strength or intelligence from a science experiment gone wrong. It feels like it might be a parody of those movies ("Are you a junkie, son?"), although I keep seeing people say it's a take on Carrie. I assume that's because of the climax, which is clearly spoofing Carrie a little. The movie teams Scott Baio and Willie Aames years before their Charles in Charge glory. Baio plays a nerd who gains the power of telekinesis from a lab accident. Aames is his horny friend who doesn't hesitate to exploit this new power as much as he can. Baio is enjoyable and Aames is a lot of fun, even though his character is kind of scummy at times. The supporting cast is terrific, with older actors like Sue Ane Langdon, Scatman Crothers, Robert Mandan, and the great LaWanda Page providing many of the movie's laughs. Highlights include the Star Trek scene, marijuana Einstein dream, the cheesy montage when Baio gets laid, and the baseball game where Scatman Crothers makes a fat kid eat a booger. All this plus sexy Heather Thomas and some corny sound effects I loved to death because I'm simple like that. It's a fun movie and I really wasn't expecting it to be. Obviously judging by its score here it's not well-loved by most. I guess I can see why but I did like it so I would recommend it to anyone thinking of trying it out, provided you are prepared for it to be a somewhat odd mix of corny and vulgar.
cultfilmfreaksdotcom Sort of a MODERN PROBLEMS of the teen set or a racy update of the Disney DEXTER films, ZAPPED stars Scott Baio as a brainy scientific high school whiz kid Barney. After womanizing rich kid Peyton, played by future CHARLES IN CHARLES co-star Willie Aames, pours beer into a potion that explodes in the laboratory, Barney's able to move things around at will: ranging from bullies to girl's skirts and not in that order.Too silly for the college crowd and too dirty for kids, the lighthearted tale never quite knows where it's going, or why. But the banal venture is not without merit. Felice Schachter's spectacled beauty Bernadette, as a snoopy journalist student, is a good love interest, providing a conscious for our hero, eventually using his power to gamble.Scenes involving Barney's skills to save his troublesome friend out of sticky situations, mostly involving ingénue hottie Heather Thomas and her jerky college beau, are engaging with dated yet somewhat impressive special effects. As are the segments where Barney causes a ventriloquist dummy to stalk his religious zealot mother (Mews Small).Okay, so it's no comedy classic, but all the hijinx magic, leading to homage of CARRIE – Barney turning the prom into a frantic tornado – is fun enough to keep you entertained. And what else do you expect from a film with this title? For More Reviews:
George Bailey (Edwinjhill) I believe I'm one of the few people who are huge fans of this movie. It's not a great movie but it excels in it's 1980's cheesy-ness. Forget John Hughes and St. Elmo's Fire, if you are looking for the quintessential teen movie, it's Zapped. Scott Baio gets hit on the head and gets telekenisis powers, Willie Ames is with him as always, Scatman Crothers gets high and rides a bike through a field, girls shirts rip off. I have devoted my life to make sure as many people see this movie as possible. And the song they play at the prom, "Got To Believe In Magic" by David Pomeranz. It's beautiful, I've used it in video projects and a play I directed. It's a horrible movie but it's not in the so bad it's good category. It's a movie I can watch repeatedly and enjoy even though it is pretty bad. Stay away from the sequel you will only get scorned.
evildead1978 Zapped has only two redeeming values...the fact that it showcases the talents of the late, great Scatman Crothers (NOT a pinnacle of his career) and more importantly...the big screen debut of the lovely Miss Heather Thomas. Other than that, this movie is best watched after many, many beers...even then it may not be watchable. The story is a soft-core porno meets an ABC after-school special...lotsa boobs, extremely bad story-line, a "Star Trek" sequence that must be seen to be believed (or disbelieved!)...But somehow the 10 minutes that Heather Thomas graces the screen makes it all seem worthwhile...HmmmmmmmmmmmmSkip the lame sequel at all costs! (Even Linda Blair doesn't save it!)As Scott Baio's father asks him: "Son, are you on dope?" - - you'd have to be to enjoy this one!