R | 07 May 1982 (USA)
Paradise Trailers

After their caravan is attacked and their respective families butchered by Arab marauders, teenagers David and Sarah flee across the desert. But the desert is filled with danger from the elements, animals and the unwholesome appetite of the Jackal, a sheik who wants Sarah for himself. However, the desert also holds temptation and love. David and Sarah hide out in an oasis and build a life for themselves, discovering each other in new ways.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
tbills2 Phoebe Cates is so hot. I mean that. Really. She is so super cute. Phoebe is purely beautiful in Paradise and Paradise is a wonderful movie. Oh my God!! Phoebe Cates! Paradise is one of the very best movies in showing off nudity. Showing off Phoebe's butt, and body. Phoebe reveals her butt aa looot in it. That's what I'm saying. Her perfect sweet bottom is so nice. It's really nice. It's really, really.............really nice. Phoebe is really so sweet and she has a really beautiful body to show off. She's a real talented body. I've loved Phoebe Cates always for as long as I can remember. Paradise is a Phoebe Cates classic. Phoebe was just 17 at the time she filmed it, but she was already such a woman. I love you, Phoebe Caaaates!! Paradise is a great film for boys and girls to see and learn about sex and about firstly realizing your sexual attractions with others. Phoebe Cates is so sweet! Willie Aames does a really fine job as the appealing young man, he is excellent for the showing, and the chimpanzees are so funny and really nice to be around and solid side characters. I love this movie and I love Phoebe Cates. This movies has its ups and down but mostly it's very beautiful. Phoebe Cates is gorgeous. Really. Thank you for reading and allowing me to praise the beauty of such a perfect desert rose...........Phoebe Cates, that is. Phoebe is Paradise, or something that goes like that. Phoebe is really, really..........really so beautiful. I'm in love with............Phoebe Cates.
Rob_Taylor I don't know where to start. It's like they saw Blue Lagoon and someone said "Let's make a comedy version of this!" The dialogue is, at times, inane to the point of making you guffaw with laughter and the acting - Aames in particular - is painful to endure.Add in the comedy chimps (I only wish I were joking, sadly) and the terrible music (which varies from plinky-plonky comedy piano tunes to over-the-top "Danger Will Robinson!" theme.That said, this is mostly about naked bodies and there's plenty of that. There's even full frontal Chimpanzee nudity! There's little to recommend this film. Poor acting, and a poor script, along with the plethora of stupid on display, make this seem like it was intended to be light-hearted and aimed at kids. The nudity, however, is definitely not family friendly and aimed squarely at adults.And about the stupid...Things I learned from this movie, contrary to common sense: 1. When lost in the desert, don't despair! There are circus-trained chimps everywhere, and they will help you! 2. Seeing a chimp masturbate on screen is perfectly acceptable and funny. It's not at all disturbing, no, no, no! 3. Said chimps can mate and produce a monkey baby! 4. In the blink of an edit, having arrived at an oasis the scene before, you can build a house and a love swing covered with goat furs.5. In the blink of a following edit, having built a house and, apparently hunted goats successfully, our hero is seen unable to fire an arrow from his bow.6. After having shown you a chimp masturbating, it was apparently considered improper for the chimps to be naked, so they are dressed in tiny loincloths after that.SUMMARY: Sub-standard Blue Lagoon clone which irritates more than tittilates. Bad everything, really. Not worth the effort.
BA_Harrison Unless you're Kevin Kline, there's probably zero chance of seeing Phoebe Cates in the raw for real without the risk of a custodial sentence; the best that you can do is to get hold of an uncut copy of Cates' movie debut Paradise, a desert adventure/coming of age movie in which the gorgeous actress gives her fans, and her lucky co-star Willy Aames, plenty to get excited about.The delectable Miss Cates plays 19th Century English traveller Sarah, who finds herself lost in the desert with fellow teenager David (Aames) after their camel train is attacked by a ruthless gang of slave traders led by 'The Jackal'. Narrowly escaping capture on several occasions, Sarah and David eventually make their way to the coast where they spend their time frolicking in the sea, watching their pet chimp pull his pud, and—once their hormones kick in—getting jiggy with each other.This storyline, blatantly ripped off from the Brooke Shields hit The Blue Lagoon, ensures that fabulous Phoebe gets her kit off at regular intervals, proving that she is more than just a pretty face—she's got a rockin' bod as well!! Cates bares her awesome ass under a cascade of warm water in a cave, exposes her breasts as she examines them for size, and gives brief glimpses of bush as she goes for a naked underwater swim. She looks so yummy, it's no wonder that 'The Jackal' continues his search for Sarah to the bitter end...To be honest, as an adventure flick, Paradise is mediocre at best, but any film with this much Cates on display is guaranteed full marks from me.
SilentOne92 Paradise stars Willie Aames as David and Phoebe Cates as Sarah. They play 2 teenagers who are traveling with their parents on a caravan to Damascas when their group is raided by a slave trader named "The Jackel" (Tuvia Tavi). Both Sarah's and David's parents are killed in the attack. This forces Sarah and David to escape through the desert with Sarah's family servant Geoffrey. David comes across an underground "paradise" in the desert with running streams, etc. Geoffrey becomes ill which leads to David and Sarah fending for themselves. Since both of their parents were Christians (who were actually on a pilgrimage) the kids are very innocent in the ways of sex, etc. which they discover. They are not of the woods though since the Jackel and other raiders are still out there. This is an OK movie which took its basic premise from the film "The Blue Lagoon" It is not the greatest film and the script and plot is somewhat laughable at times. Cates does a good job though as does Aames. One of the main attractions of the film though are the frequent nude scenes which shows her spectacular figure. If you liked The Blue Lagoon you will like this movie as it is slightly better made. If you are a fan of Phoebe Cates this is a must see.