NC-17 | 28 July 1995 (USA)
Kids Trailers

A day in the life of a group of teens as they travel around New York City skating, drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins.

Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
maxrottenberk I could not even get myself to finish watching this. The first shot is a CU of high schoolers making out for way too long. That wasn't the only cringy scene in the film. The entire first twenty minutes cuts between a group of guys talking about sex and a group of girls talking about sex. All the guys keep acting like they're the best and it is just monotonous and quite annoying. I remember a lot of use of the N word by white teens. The worst part about this film is that it isn't a fun bad movie to watch i.e. Birdemic, The Room. All I did was cringe. That goes for anything Harmony Korine has done. I've never been able to finish any of his films. So my advice for you is to not even try.
Omabba I can see how people might think of this movie as disturbing, but I don't think it has that intention. I think what it wants at it's core is giving these unseen, unwanted, uncared for kids recognition for what is their reality. Though at times the movie may feel a little unreal. There's little to no reality checking, in a sense that you'd expect the movie to show the dark, maybe even traumatic effect of the events in the story. There's no aftermath, there's no tomorrow, but that's also just how these kids live. New York in the summer is a bright, colorful and romantic place, which adds to the movie's ever present state of intoxication and constant partying, an atmosphere fueled by drugs and alcohol. And while there's bad stuff going on, which as an adult might make you feel worried for these kids, the movie tries to let that fuzzy, nostalgic, playful feeling of careless youth (by stimulation) stay with you.There's a lot of sad and depressing stuff in this movie, but there's no rush to focus on that and milk it. Sporadically, you get a glimpse of what might come tomorrow, what would happen if summer's over and winter's there, like the feeling of an upcoming panic attack, which is instantly blocked out again, because you don't wanna focus on the consequences, you want to live in the now.
ReturnedVideotapes Every character in Kids except Ruby and Jenny are unlikable. Telly spends his whole day having sex with virgins and lying to them while also stealing money from his mother to buy drugs while they continue to live in poverty. Casper is homophobic, violent, and rapes Jenny. All of their friends are the same way as they try to mimic each other. Going to parties, getting drunk, doing drugs, having sex, repeat. While all this is going on Jenny decides to keep her friend Ruby company as she gets tested for STDs. Jenny decides to take the test even though the only person she slept with was Telly and finds out she's HIV positive. For the rest of the movie Jenny is on a journey through Manhattan to find Telly. After the rape scene, the most disturbing part of the movie is when Casper and a man get into a fight. He is beaten on the head with a skateboard by Harold, a friend of Telly and Casper's. They then knock him to the ground and Telly, Casper and all their friends continue to beat him senseless. As the camera cuts down to his face you see the afraid look in his eyes and all the blood dripping down from his head as he twitches. You know that they may have killed him. After, Casper and Telly discuss if they killed the man at the park or not. They seem to laugh as talking about the whole ordeal letting you know that these kids do not have any remorse for pretty much anyone. It is a shame that when Kids was released nearly 20 years ago the MPAA gave it an NC-17 (it then ended up being released unrated) and it stirred up a ton of controversy. Because, you see how important it is to teach people not to act like Casper and Telly and as easy as you may think it is, for some people it may not. The same circumstances that Telly grew up in could still apply to many people today. Kids is a wake up call to people that think children are innocent. That drugs, unprotected sex, and crime still are done by people under the age of 18. It seems that as soon as we become parents ourselves, we forget about all the bad things that happened during our childhood. But in reality, nothing has really changed.
Anthony Jackson At the start it looks like a little bit of underage kids doing adult things. But little did I know how old they actually were. My guess was 16. Turns out it's 12 and 13 year old kids in White Ghetto New York. It was very entertaining to see the average day in the life of late 80s and 90s kids. The kids are crazy, and quite frankly remind me of myself when I was that age. What with all the weed, drinking, and fun with friends. But I really related to the movie. I really found laughter and drama in what really isn't too funny a movie, and no this review isn't a review on the whole movie. It's my experience with the movie. 10/10 IGN, Would Watch again.