It's Always Fair Weather
It's Always Fair Weather
NR | 30 August 1955 (USA)
It's Always Fair Weather Trailers

Three World War II buddies promise to meet at a specified place and time 10 years after the war. They keep their word only to discover how far apart they've grown. But the reunion sparks memories of youthful dreams that haven't been fulfilled -- and slowly, the three men reevaluate their lives and try to find a way to renew their friendship.

Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
MartinHafer The film begins with three very obnoxious soldiers in a bar. They are celebrating because the war is over and they are all about to go home. However, before they go, these lifelong friends vow to reunite in 10 years.Ten years pass. Doug (Dan Dailey) has NOT become a great bohemian painter but a very stodgy business with a busted marriage. Ted (Gene Kelly) did NOT marry the girl of his dreams but is a gambler and boxing promoter who has contempt for women. And, the most innocent of the three, Angie (Michael Kidd), is pretty happy--owning a burger joint and having a wife and kids. But, what they really discover about each other is that they have nothing in common and don't even like each other any more. And, in some cases, they also see that they don't even like themselves. Fortunately, through the course of the film this meeting ends up changing Ted and Doug for the better. And, it also provides a very strange opportunity to redo this reunion.Considering this film stars Dan Dailey and Gene Kelly, it's not surprising that it's a musical. As for Michael Kidd, most folks won't even recognize him but he was also an exceptional dancer. I honestly think the reason the studio picked this unknown guy was entirely because Frank Sinatra couldn't be in the film, so the producer found the actor who looked the most like Sinatra as possible. To heighten it, they also dressed Kidd like Sinatra and had him imitate his style. Kidd was fine in the film, but they really did NOT need to do this.So is it any good? Well, yes and no. As for the songs, some were absolutely hilarious--which is a shame, as apparently no one went to see the film when it came out in 1955. I loved the song where the three guys sang inside their heads about how much they hated their 'friends' when they reunited! It was hilarious. I also loved the surreal song and dance number in the gym. The song's lyrics were great but it was also great how cute these palookas were! You just have to laugh when they sing and behave so gentlemanly. But, on the other hand, a lot of the other songs fell a bit flat. The story itself was original but it also suffered, a bit, because at first it was very tough to like two of the three leading men--they WERE jerks. But, at least they changed! Plus, it also had a nice sense of humor that picked it up a bit--such as the ultra-horrible TV host! She was a hoot. I also was amazed seeing Kelly dancing on roller skates!! Wow...and a far cry from his embarrassing roller skating in "Xanadu". So overall, is it worth seeing? Well, if you like musicals, of course. If not, you might want to try another one first. Of course, even if you don't like musicals, you might want to see it so you can get a glimpse of Cyd Charisse in a sweater!
Hunt2546 I can just see the story conference where Gene and Stan say to Mr. Mayer, "Gee, L.B., you'll love it. An hour and a half on lacerating male self-hatred, in which three ex GIs, ten years into the rest of their lives, decide they really suck big time and finally come to accept their utter mediocrity!" But that's exactly what this very odd duck of a picture is up to, and it's not helped by gratuitous forays--certainly inconsistent with the overall theme of the work--into parody with TV, advertising, Dinah Shore and Dr. Joyce Brothers among its disparate and incoherent targets. So it doesn't amount to much beyond an interesting failure but it has a few good numbers, notably the famous "trash can dance" by Kelly, Daily and Kidd and a number in a boxing gym where Cyd Charisse throws her 38-22-38 bones around in a tight sweater--and I mean TIGHT!--among a bunch of sweaty pugs. But there are plenty of disappointments. Why on earth is there no climactic Kelly-Charisse number? Who do we get so little of Michael Kidd. In fact, while these guys are quickly sketching in how bad their lives after the war suck- -one's a sellout, one's a small fry, one's a fraud--there's not enough dancing and there's way too much self pity. The ending is an overlong, overchoreographed and underwhelming fist fight sequence which reunites the spirit of the three ex soldiers who thought they'd do so much better and and settled for so much less. After the ebullience of "On the Town," this one is a real bitter pill to swallow.
weezeralfalfa Don't know why this title was chosen, as it doesn't seem to relate at all to the film. Apparently, it was intended as a parody on real life for most people, as demonstrated by our 3 male stars. It was perhaps appropriate for the theme of the TV show included in the film, hosted by Dolores Gray. Originally conceived as a sequel to the hit "On the Town", possibly with the 3 original male stars. But, two were quickly eliminated, with Kelly the sole returnee. Dan Dailey was an excellent choice as one replacement, having established similar screen skills to Kelly's as a dancer, singer and comedian, though with a more blase screen personality, as demonstrated in his too brief solo 'lampshade' act. Michael Kidd, normally an expert choreographer, was an unexpected choice as the third male lead. Unfortunately, his innovative solo scene "Jack and the Space Giants" was cut from the film, but can be seen as an outtake on the 2006 Warner DVD release.Another very ill-advised cut was the only dance featuring Kelly and Cid Charisse: the one romantic couple featured! Again,this outtake can be seen on the 2006 DVD. Dolores Gray provides a classy-looking hostess for a TV combo variety and "This is Your Life " program, primarily serving as a parody of the common sugary TV shows and their often inane commercials of the times. She could also sing, as demonstrated several times.Despite a number of unusual dance numbers, including the 'trash can lid' dance by the drunken trio, Kelly's impressive roller skating street dance, Dailey's drunken unpredictable 'lampshade' act, and Cyd's"Baby You Knock me Out" song and dance , I can understand why this film lacked the audience appeal of "On the Town".It's not just the obvious fact that the 3 buddies at the beginning of the film realize they have become irrelevant strangers to each other for most of the rest of the film. It's not just that Dailey's and Kelly's characters have led mostly meaningless or shady lives since their GI days. The film mainly follows Kelly after the 3 have had enough of each other. Since the other 2 ex-buddies are married, we only have one quickie romance to follow instead of the 3 in "On the Town", and Kelly and Cid never have a 'mating dance', as occurred in "On the Town" and many other musicals of those times.On the other hand, I found the last portion of the film much the best. First, we have Kelly's roller skating dance routine,followed by Dolores's unusual "Thanks, but no Thanks" routine.This is followed by the 3 former buddies being reluctantly forced to meet and tell all on Dolores's over the top 'This is your Life' portion of her TV show, and the subsequent brawl with Kelly's mobster associates that brings them together again briefly: a hilarious and very clever device for ringing an apparently happy ending out of a largely pessimistic story, along with parodying the emerging competing entertainment medium of TV.Incidentally, Kelly's impressive roller skating dance-comedy routine was not the first feature film roller skating dance to include some tap dancing. Nearly 20 years earlier, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers had done an impressive roller skate duo dance, including a bit of tap dancing, in "Shall We Dance". Also, 2 years earlier, Don O'Connor did a solo roller skate dance, including hopping up a series of stair treads, in "I Love Melvin".
jrmontalvo3 It's Always Fair Weather directed by Stanley Donen was a phenomenal movie, because not only did he portray a tale of best friends, but also showed as how in our lives we make friends and as we grow older. Either the more we become closer to these friends or after we have not seen each other in years, we realize that a lot has changed and that sometimes ends a friendship that you may have claimed to last forever. In this story, it starts with three guys from war become close friends Ted, Doug, and Angie. These guys while at a bar are all drinking and saying how that they will be friends for life, well the bar tender bets them a dollar each and drinks on him, that they wouldn't remain friends in ten years. As they accept this bet, they all meet up ten years down the road almost not recognizing each other, but during this movie they try to hang out and do things with each other. As the movie pans out Ted has become more of the high classy player who doesn't have wife or kids or show any intentions to try and get some, Doug however has become a married man with no kids, but struggles with a hard relationship with his wife wanting to divorce him while he is gone on trip to reunite with his old time pals. Angie also shows that he is a married man and Angie also had kids. Later on through the movie, a TV program tries to get all three of these men to reunite on television, but as they are starting to talk about how they have changed a group of mobsters that are after Tim, start to go after Tim. During this riot Doug and Angie, join the fight alongside Tim proving that even though time passed and a lot has changed the fighting side by side will always bring friends closer to each other. At the end of this movie you see that the three friends have finally reunited and party at the bar proving that they are still best friends even after many years of not talking or seeing each other. This movie is a great, must see, it shows how the real life gets to you and friends, but shows that even after many years you can still be close to the friends you were at your younger age.