The Blue Lagoon
The Blue Lagoon
R | 05 July 1980 (USA)
The Blue Lagoon Trailers

Two small children and a ship's cook survive a shipwreck and find safety on an idyllic tropical island. Soon, however, the cook dies and the young boy and girl are left on their own. Days become years and Emmeline and Richard make a home for themselves surrounded by exotic creatures and nature's beauty. But will they ever see civilization again?

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Fanny Darling A really sweet and dream-like film with beautiful music. The acting was over-the-top for the first hour, but for the rest of the movie I thought it felt more genuine and considerated for the most part. I think it worked particularly well at the sequence when Emmeline has just had the baby and they have no idea _why_ she has had it and tries to feed it fruit. I'm thinking perhaps their acting was meant to be a bit exaggerated to emphasize how they sort of remain children since all they have is each other with no other contact with other people or impacts, apart from their memories. However, the dialogue came off as clumsy at times though.Further I would've thought it would be interesting to see Emmeline and Richard in "the real world", the civilisation, because surely these crucial years on the island affected them in many ways. How would they differ from other young adults? How would they perceive a world that they were never really part of? Maybe that was what they ending was trying to tell – that Emmeline and Richard would never be able to fully adapt to the society, considering it was so far from what they knew. As viewers we actually don't know know if they do die, if the berries are _that_ poisonous, although that is what we can assume, but still – the last lines are: "are they dead?", "no sir, they are asleep". They remain in the dreamlike state in which they have lived in most of their lives, leaving the outcome a bit open.
markjayaweera2003 **** Contains Spoilers***** No I don't think they died at the end. However the movie forces us to draw our own conclusions. They probably survived. Was re-united with their father and moved back to San Francisco or Boston. It would have been nice if the made a proper movie sequel. Where after they are rescued they show a bit about Richard, Emmeline and their son their life back in America. After returning did they get married. You want this family to live happily ever after because you emotionally invested so much in their lives and this very moving story. How did they re-integrate after so many years living on a desert island. I would hate to think our innocent heros , Richard and Emmeline died after all they have been through. I have to say Blue Lagoon is one of the best films I have seen in my life. It is now one of my favourites. Because once in a while a rare movie comes along that deals with the human condition, relationships between men and women, desire to raise a family. Their child like innocence is endearing in a harsh world. Yet they survive against the odds. Few movies deal with real issues like this. A movie about the human condition. IMDb's rating is far too low. This movie deserves a solid 8. The very least 7.5. Outstanding movies with a outstanding story like the Blue Lagoon deserve a much higher rating on IMDb.
Realrockerhalloween A modern day Adam and Eve are stranded on a deserted island and must learn to coop with the challenges it presents.The location shots set the scenes and are some of the most beautiful decorations to grace the screen.Richard and Em are almost a candidate for a documentary on how well mankind could make it without the comforts or technology we take for granted everyday. They revert back to their instincts of making shelter, learning how to make weapons, hunt, gather good and create fire all the skills you need to survive.They tried to hold onto the past they once knew, discover love sex that's hard for them to put into words and yet retain a child like innocence.The casting was interesting, if you had told me this was Brooke Sheilds Brian's first roles I would've called you a liar, are how I imagined them from the book.Yet it only adds to the tragic end as the small family try a last minute effort to sail off into the sea to save their only child who fell sick. Will they or won't they make it?The only film I can say that ever reached the brilliance and majesty of the lagoon was caste away.10/10
Tracy Winters You'll think someone pee'd in the lagoon turning the water yellow in this stinky film about young teens discovering their bodies and the importance of building their outhouse down-wind.Brooke Shields is pretty and Chris Atkins looks at least as good as she does. The two island lovebirds have sex until Brooke gets knocked up. Oh no! All of a sudden, the jungle drums they've been hearing are getting louder, but who the hell cares, because Brooke is giving birth! Holy Coconuts! What to do?! Well, they'll think of something.Popular coming-of-age film has been over-rated for decades. Tune in if you must, but don't go near Atkins' other sea-going adventure, 'The Pirate Movie'. That flick REALLY sucked, and if that isn't enough, Kristy McNichol(!) played his 'love interest'! EEEEWWWW!!! Mommy, I'm scared!