R | 25 May 2006 (USA)
Candy Trailers

A poet falls in love with an art student, who gravitates to his bohemian lifestyle — and his love of heroin. Hooked as much on one another as they are on the drug, their relationship alternates between states of oblivion, self-destruction, and despair.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
SnoopyStyle Poetic Dan (Heath Ledger) is in love with painter Candy (Abbie Cornish) and candy of the heroin kind. Casper (Geoffrey Rush) is their drug mentor. The couple falls deeper and deeper under the influence of drugs. They borrow money, steal and get married. They get into prostitution. They try and fail to get clean. All the while, their world continues to fall apart.These are two beautiful people in a dreamy drug haze. The whole movie is filled with a haze. The couple is a pair of whiners who won't let the audience root for them. There is a lack of intensity. There isn't much drama since their slide down is pretty standard. Ledger and Cornish show flashes of intensity but are generally a muddle. The style isn't as good as other drug movies. There are moments of good drama but their story rambles on and on rather than reach a climax. I would recommend 'Requiem for a Dream' instead.
case_327 *No direct spoilers*I have watched this movie six times in two days, it is that addicting.A few slow scenes here and there, but well worth it.To be honest, you get so lost in the movie because of Cornish and Ledger's great chemistry when they act together. You actually want their love to be in reality.As powerful and shocking as the relationship between them is, including their powerful drug addiction, I could not watch it fully through the first time I watched it. But for some reason Cornish and Ledger's chemistry in the movie kept me thinking I should go ahead and finish the movie. Very happy I chose to do so. When you cheat life with mind-alternating substances, there will be consequences. The ending was nothing that I was expecting, and I STRONGLY encourage you to check this out, if you're not in the mood for something like The Notebook, or completely closured movies.P.S. *I could not understand probably 50% of what was being said because of the heavy accents. To fix this I turned on my TV's caption, since the movie does not come with English subtitles.*
BernardoLima Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish play Dan and Candy, two young bohemians who fall madly in love while shooting heroin together. In the beginning, the couple's days are occupied with making love, shoplifting, and having a strung-out wedding day that ends with a lot of giggling over a couple of Big Macs. Despite Candy's disapproving parents, they cling to each other with a fierceness that shuts out any and all outside criticism. When funds or drugs are low they pop by the house of a pharmacology professor named Casper (Geoffrey Rush), who uses his professional expertise to supply them with pharmaceutical-grade heroin. As the reality of their addiction creeps to the forefront, they must turn to desperate measures to get their fix...Candy is one of the most beautiful and poignant films I have seen lately. It's extremely rare for me to feel the need to re-watch a film immediately after the first viewing but that's exactly what happened with Candy. I didn't, of course. I rather let the film sink in and then watch it again after a couple of weeks or months but it goes to show you how much I enjoyed the film. Candy starts with the two main characters entering some sort of rotating device ( a futuristic carousel if you will) along with a bunch of kids while the famous "Song to the Siren" plays on the background. From that moment I knew I was watching something special and I also knew that Candy, just like the rotating device, would be a hell of a ride. And I was right. The film is a realistic portrayal of what addiction does to people and shows the several stages of Dan and Candy's relationship. Because of its realism, the film can be hard to watch at times but I think every single scene in the film is absolutely necessary to tell the story effectively. Candy was beautifully shot and the soundtrack is mesmerizing. There's a lot of conceptual scenes that add to the depth and poignancy of the film and that show the director's unique vision. Yes, heroin abuse has been documented in many films but there's something very special and beautiful about Candy. Both Ledger and Cornish deliver terrific performances. They displayed a huge amount of talent and it was some of the finest acting I have ever seen. I think it's absurd how Heath won an Oscar for his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight (which I thought was completely average) and yet, his brilliant work in Candy was completely over-looked. Overall, a touching, entertaining and absolutely beautiful film that I strongly recommend.9.5/10
Kenny Belliveau Candy tells the story of Candy and Dan, two lovers who both believe in the arts. Candy is a painter and Dan is a poet. They met and fell in love like it was meant to be. Dan was a heroin addict and Candy quickly changed her lifestyle to accompany his. Candy and Dan begin to spiral down and out of control. Can anything save these two lovers? Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish are both flawless. These two are so brilliant that this film becomes so hard to watch. Heath plays Dan, a man who loves Candy and will do anything for her, yet he got in to deep and now he has an addiction. Heath is so powerful and his and Abbies portrayals are both so realistic it hurts after a while to watch.Candy is probably the most powerful film I have ever watched in my life. It is a tragedy and about half way through there is a scene that just makes the best of us breakdown and cry. It is the most painfully realistic film to be releases in years, There is no glorification of drugs, it shows the struggles of trying to quit and trying to settle down and have a family. The temptations are so strong, that sometimes even the most willing of people cannot give up what pains the most.The Chemistry between Heath and Abbie makes this films message so much deeper. Dan and Candy begin to drift apart and when Candy suffers a nervous breakdown they are forced to make a choice. Whether or not staying together is good for both of them.Candy is a hard film to watch, it makes you cry. This film is the first film to ever get me crying half way through and I was still crying for about an hour after it was completed. As a movie it is a good, but its so painfully real that it would be hard to watch a second time. The acting is perfect and that makes it harder to watch. This film will leave you with so many mixed emotions that you wont even know what to think or feel when its done except sadness. Great performances by Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish.Here are a couple of quotes from the film Candy that will sum up how sad this film actually is.Dan: I wasn't trying to wreck Candy's life. I was trying to make mine better.Casper: to Dan Promise me you'll stop. Promise me you'll stop before I do.Once upon a time there was Candy and Dan. It was just the two of them. Everything was gold. He was handsome and a very good criminal. We lived on sunlight and chocolate bars. He would climb balconies, climb everywhere, do anything for her. Her Danny boy. He came into my life really fast and I liked it. But Danny, you said, you promised, you pointed at the sky: That one is called Sirius, the Dog Star, but only here on Earth. How much do I love this worrying in my ears, since there is only one thing to love and it can not be you. Danny the daredevil. Candy went missing." Once again this film is so painfully real it hurts to watch it.