Mosquito Squadron
Mosquito Squadron
G | 01 July 1970 (USA)
Mosquito Squadron Trailers

England, World War II. Quint Munroe, RAF officer and new leader of a Mosquito squadron, is tasked with destroying a secret Nazi base in France while trying to overcome the disappearance of a brother-in-arms.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
zardoz-13 "633 Squadron" producer Lewis J. Rachmil let "Girl Happy" director Boris Sagal recycle exciting aerial combat footage from "633 Squadron" for his generic World War II thriller "Mosquito Squadron," starring David McCallum and Charles Gray. This lackluster epic combines elements of 1964's "633 Squadron," principally the plywood built De Havilland Mosquito fighter-bombers, with 1954's "The Dam Busters," with a bouncing bomb designed to destroy a top secret German weapons facility. The Germans are developing the V-3 rocket, and British Intelligence has located the site in the French countryside at the Château de Charlon. Air Commodore Hufford (Charles Gray of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show") assigns Squadron Leader Quint Munro (David McCallum of "The Great Escape") to bomb it with special ordinance. This low-budget melodrama set in England and France has very little to recommend it. Again, 90 percent of the shots of Mosquitoes winging their way over enemy country were appropriated from Walter E. Grauman's classic "633 Squadron." The prefabricated screenplay by Donald S. Sanford and Joyce Perry antes up one surprise, but everything else is formula served up without verve.Our British heroes are streaking toward their target, a V-2 rocket launching pad, on the French coast as "Mosquito Squadron" opens, using footage from Michael Anderson's "Operation: Crossbow." Incidentally, Anderson directed "The Dam Busters," too. The British destroy the missile launching ramp, but a flight of Messerschmidts blow Squadron Leader David 'Scotty' Scott (David Buck of "The Mummy's Shroud") out of the sky. Quint Munro spots no parachute and assumes 'Scotty' is kaput. Scotty's death elevates Quint to Squadron Leader. Worse, our protagonist has lost a friend who was as close to him as a brother. Scotty and Quint grew up together because Quint's parents died and Scotty's parents raised him. Quint even handed off one of his former girlfriends, Beth (Suzanne Neve of "Bunny Lake Is Missing"), who wound up marrying Scotty. After a reasonable period of mourning, Beth and Quint take long bicycle rides in the country.Air Commodore Hufford sends Quint off on a reconnaissance mission to photograph the Château de Charlon where the British believe the Germans are developing a V-3. V-2 rockets are falling on London and wrecking havoc. Hufford shows Quint some film footage of a bomb that bounces on any terrain, no mean feat. In real life, the bomb was the genuine article and was called a 'Highball' and had been designed to use on battlewagons like the Tirpitz. Meanwhile, now that the Germans know the British are interested in Château, they drop a canister of film which shows that they have gathered British POWs as hostages against any bombing runs. The revelation that Scotty is among those prisoners shocks Quint. Security prevents him from telling Beth about it. Initially, nobody wants to give the Germans a propaganda coup by killing their own men. Quint devises a way to kill two birds with one stone. Not only will they destroy the laboratory tucked into an underground facility with the 'Highball' bomb, but also they will breach the wall at the Château so the French Resistance can storm the Château. The closest thing to a villain in "Mosquito Squadron" is a German Lieutenant named Schack (Vladek Sheybal of "From Russia with Love") who suspects that the Allies prisoners are plotting something when they all turn out for mass on a Sunday, especially when some of them aren't Catholic. The suspicious Sheybal shows his villainy when shoots a Catholic priest with a machine gun. The POWs overpower their guards and fortify themselves in the chapel as the Mosquitoes appear to bomb the premises.Quint and his Mosquito Squadron destroy the underground facility, but our hero has to crash his plane. Once on the ground, Quint runs into Scotty, but Scotty cannot remember his own identity, and he sacrifices his life heroically by blowing up a German tank with a bazooka after several others have tried and failed. A wounded Quint makes it back to England and reunites with Beth. As it turns out, Beth never learned that her late husband survived the crash only to die in France as a casualty of a combined British & French Resistance operation. There is a subplot about Beth's younger brother who has to show the film that the Germans have dropped for the benefit of our heroes. When he threatens to spill the beans about Scotty, the authorities lock him up for the duration."Mosquito Squadron" qualifies as a hack attempt to cash in on "633 Squadron," "Operation Cross-Bow," and "The Dam Busters." Boris Sagal made a couple of memorable movies and television shows, but "Mosquito Squadron" isn't among them. Worse, "Mosquito Squadron" was cranked out by Oakmont Productions which ground out several cheapjack World War II thrillers, including another Sagal saga "The One-Thousand Plane Raid", "The Last Escape," "Hell Boats," and "Submarine X-1." These movies ranked as half-baked epics with neither a shred of atmosphere nor credibility. Sagal has to stage several shots on a studio set, principally the drive in the country that Quint and Beth take in his red roadster to see Scotty's bereaved parents has our stars seated in an automobile mock-up with scenery back projected behind them. Sagal generates neither suspense nor sense of urgency. The cast walk through their roles like automatons delivering uninspired dialogue written by Sanford who went on to write the equally lackluster "Midway" and Joyce Perry who wrote teleplays for juvenile television shows like "Land of the Lost." McCallum gets the best line in the movie when Hufford asks him about the odds of the mission succeeding: "About the same as spitting in an Air Commodore's eye from an express train, sir." In "Mosquito Squadron," Suzanne Neve and McCallum never generate any chemistry so it is difficult to believe that they love each other. Mind you, it is always a pleasure to watch David McCallum act, but "Mosquito Squadron" gives him very little to do.
ma-cortes This standard warfare movie concerns a Mosquito squadron assigned to destroy a stronghold castle where are making V3 , V4 rocket-bombs . The Mosquito Squadron of this movie's title refers to a World War II squadron of Mosquito airplanes which are more specifically described as RAF (Royal Air Force) de Havilland Mosquito fighter-bomber aircraft . As the squadron leader (David McCallum : Cipol agent , Jag , Navy CSI) falls in love with the wife of a recently deceased pilot . The Air vice-commander (Charles Gray : You only live twice , Night of Generals , The Devil rides out) orders to leader along with his squadron on a dangerous and nearly impossible mission into French territory occupied by Nazis . The Mosquito squadron to save England must sacrifice themselves and eliminate vital points guarded by heavy anti-airplane defenses and guns positions considered bomb-proof . Besides , RAF pilots are being held prisoners and used as human shields , though they are helped by the French Resistance . This difficult mission is further complicated by the German guns , Nazi air raids and impenetrable fortress where are manufacturing the destructive bombs .It's a fictionalized recounting of the Mosquitos squadron with a sustained and predictable story , although partially based on true deeds . The movie utilizes an often-used plot line of the war movie genre which has two brave soldiers in love with the same woman , such as : ¨Day-D the sixth of June¨(1956) by Henry Koster and ¨Kings go forth¨(1958) by Delmer Daves . ¨Mosquito Squadron¨ was reminiscent of other wartime films like ¨The dam busters¨, ¨Operation Crossbow¨ (Michael Anderson) and especially ¨633 Squadron¨ (Walter Grauman) with a similar storyline and aerial scenes ; being similar title in both films , this movie is not a sequel to the same studio's 633 Squadron (1964) . This was not the first movie to feature "bouncing bombs" , they were firstly seen in the earlier British war movie , ¨The Dam Busters¨ (1955) and subsequently ¨The thousand plane raid¨ in which thousand allied Bombers to destroy a specific target producing German fighter planes , among others . The movie actually comes to life by excellently realized action shots , they were fairly well-staged ; however , it also contains some stock-shot footage . Splendid , spectacular aerial cinematography by photographer Paul Beeson , he's Walt Disney's usual cameraman (In search castaways , Kidnapped , Disneyland , Moon-spinners) . Most of the aerial flying scenes were filmed at the airfield at Royal Bovington Royal Air Force (RAF) Station in Hertfordshire , UK . Rousing and memorable score by Frank Cordell (Khartoum , Cromwell , Flight from Ashiya). The motion picture was professionally directed by Boris Sagal, a television series expert (Rich man, poor man , Ike , Columbo , Diary of Anne Frank , Masada) . The film was produced by Oakmont production , a company exclusively dedicated to warfare films (Hell boats , Submarine X1, Thousand plane raid , Last escape). The picture isn't a classic by any means , but not a turkey either . It's a passable film in limited budget and it will appeal to British warlike enthusiasts , being a pretty cool time-waster for the airplane lovers .
mark2-1 Some other reviewers comment here are that it is not one of the best British films of it's time - well, the director (father of Katey Sagal from Married with Children and 8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter) was a real American TV series director and that is why this film has the look and feel of an American TV film from the period.This is a very bad movie. It's only saving graces are the presence of some real Mosquito aircraft and some good footage lifted from another slightly earlier film about a Mosquito Squadron - 633 Squadron.633 Squadron is also not one of the best WW2 aircraft films, but it is still far better than this one.For some odd reason "our hero" has a Canada patch on his uniform, although he is supposed to have grown up with his best friend, another pilot, who lives nearby (in Britain). Very odd. I suspect someone else with a more American accent (like Cliff Robertson in 633 Squadron) was supposed to have had the role and David McCallum was a last minute replacement.There is a scene where David McCallum actually crawl out of a wrecked and burning Mosquito - which at first I thought was also a scene lifted from the other Mosquito film. I do hope they didn't also wreck a Mosquito for this film, as they did in the other film. What a waste!The film begins with scenes lifted from Operation Crossbow.Note: There was actually a real, and quite well known, Mosquito raid in 1944 on Amiens prison in France to liberate important French resistance prisoners, where they breached the wall as they did in this film - though not with Barnes-Wallace bombs. This must have inspired this part of the film.
SgtSlaughter The always-overrated David McCallum is one of the few good things in this low-budget World War II adventure piece, yet another quickie from Oakmont Films.Sometime prior to D-Day – probably early '44 or '43 – a Mosquito Squadron is sent to bomb a V-1 rocket installation in France, when Squadron Leader Scott (David Buck) is shot down and presumed dead. His second-in-command, Quint Munroe (who just happens to be like a life-long brother to him) has to return to England and tell his beautiful blonde wife (Suzanne Neve) the sad news. As one would expect, Munroe and Mrs. Scott slowly fall in love. But when Munroe is chosen to lead a mission to bomb a new V-3 development center, things will chance quite a bit – because Scott is a prisoner held at the target fortress!From start to finish, "Mosquito Squadron" is a total hack-job – literally. The story is filled with enough contrivances and clichés to drive any mildly serious critic mad. Let us take a brief look at a 1964 film entitled "633 Squadron". In said film, a squadron commander has a best friend shot down over Norway, and falls in love with his sister. Later on, he is assigned to bomb the fortress where his friend is being held. Sound familiar? And that's not all our title film steals! Virtually all of the aerial battle footage is directly lifted from "633 Squadron", while the new footage is comprised almost entirely of horrible-looking miniatures hanging from far-too-visible wires.The writers have also directly copied another classic war film, "The Dam Busters". The feasibility of Munroe's mission revolves around a bouncing bomb, which will skip along the ground and roll into an open tunnel leading to the V-3 rockets. (I won't even mention how convenient it was to leave a big open tunnel to drop a bomb into). The real bouncing bomb (made famous in 1954's "The Dam Busters") was designed to skip on water to destroy Nazi dams – not the ground as is seen here! The idea of dropping a bouncing bomb on the ground is, simply, ludicrous and impossible. Introduction of this concept kills the storyline immediately.The low budget shows up in every action sequence: the French resistance force is comprised of a half-dozen men in berets carrying Sten guns, and only a handful of German guards enforce security at the "fortress". The forests are obviously cheaply furnished soundstages, and a face-off with an imitation German "tank" is ludicrously shot. We never really see much of the German-held Château, and when we do it never looks as though we're inside some high-tech development center a la "Operation Crossbow". The scenes set in England fare somewhat better, with some excellent scenes set at airfields and a rather rowdy officer's club.David McCallum and the cast of little-known English actors do a fair job, even though the no-frills script doesn't give them much to do. McCallum is a fair actor, nowhere near as great as his fans hail him to be, though. He was better suited for television than cinema, and that comes out in every scene. He often looks uncomfortable and awkward, but delivers his often banal dialog convincingly and with conviction. His scenes with Neve are often touching, even though audiences have seen this dozens of times before. There aren't any other actors worth mention among the ensemble, besides perhaps Charles Gray who would go on to play Blofeld in the James Bond film "Diamonds are Forever" a few years later.Oakmont Productions financed a number of cheap British war films in the late 1960s and early 1970s: "Attack on the Iron Coast", "Hell Boats", "The Last Escape", "The One Thousand Plane Raid" among them. These quickies were best suited for TV viewing instead of theatrical release, but United Artists picked them all up and put them on the big screen. Anyone expecting a classic here – or in any of the aforementioned pieces for that matter – is in for a big disappointment. Check out "633 Squadron" instead.