R | 01 May 1984 (USA)
Spasms Trailers

A gigantic serpent is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for experimentation.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
HumanoidOfFlesh A gigantic serpent from hell is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for some sort of scientific experimentation.An American scientist played by Peter Fonda tries to help wealthy Jason Kincaid(Oliver Reed),who has some kind of telepathic link with ghastly serpent.Snake called N'Gana Sunbu escapes from scientific laboratory and promptly begins killing people.It's up to Fonda and Reed to stop satanic snake from hell...I must say that William Fruet did some great exploitation thrillers like "Death Weekend","Funeral Home" or "Trapped".On the other hand,"Spasms" is his stab at animal attack sub-genre.The special effects are cheesy and the snake looks ridiculous.Still there is enough campy fun and bloody violence to satisfy any self-respecting fan of 80's horror cheese.7 serpents out of 10.Vastly enjoyable piece of trash.
MonteCarloMan Spasms stars Oliver Reed as Jason Kincaid, a wealthy big game hunter who, while hunting in the jungle of a remote island, becomes cursed by a demonic serpent. Since the encounter, the hunter is telepathically linked to each attack done by the snake by way of an all-blue color perspective. The serpent is eventually captured after a vicious rampage against the island's native inhabitants and smuggled to North America for research when it escapes it's handlers. From there all hell breaks loose setting up a final, fateful confrontation with Reed's character. Spasms is a fairly decent suspense movie that will keep you riveted as you follow the snake's indiscriminate path toward each doomed victim it encounters. Special effects are generally good for it's time, showing some of the damage impact of the serpent's poison on it's victims but shots of the rarely shown snake itself does reveal some limitations due to lack of budget...this movie would be a good candidate for a CGI enhanced remake with increased budget to tie up the original's loose ends; mainly the believability of the snake itself. The movie is loosely adapted from the novel "Death Bite". Spasms is an increasingly hard to find title which so far is only available in it's out-of-print VHS format.
Wizard-8 For years I heard reports about how utterly bad this movie was, so when I finally got a chance to see it, I wasn't expecting much - especially knowing the movie was also shelved for two years before getting a release. As it turns out, I didn't find it completely bad. For starters, the production values were above average for a Canadian movie of the time (except for when we see the snake at the end - it does indeed look like it was made out of paper mache.) There are a few impressive gore effects (though not as much as you might think), and the sorority house attack sequence is pretty amusing. It was slow at times, but seldom could you find it boring.But I won't deny that the movie is filled with problems. The editing is quite bad at times, with scenes cut short and some information seemingly missing. The whole "snake cult" subplot turns out to be for NOTHING - the movie would need very little additional rewriting if it was completely cut out. The scenes are mixed together with clumsiness - after Peter Fonda's character is introduced, it takes about half an hour before he returns! Ultimately the movie completely falls apart around the last 20 minutes or so, leading to an awful climax and ending. Not just awful, but abrupt - it's pretty clear the ending was considerably tinkered around with in the editing room for some reason. Could it originally have been even more awful than this? Quite possibly.
Mike The absolute worst horror (if you call it that) movie ever made. The only possible reason to see this movie is because of the recently deceased Oliver Reed. Simply disastrous.