Class of Nuke 'Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown
Class of Nuke 'Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown
| 29 March 1991 (USA)
Class of Nuke 'Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown Trailers

At the Tromaville Institute of Technology's nuclear plant, Prof. Holt has perfected "subhumanoids": living beings without emotions who perform menial tasks. When school reporter Roger Smith meets a beautiful subhumanoid named Victoria, they fall in love and he becomes determined to save her and the school from a giant mutant squirrel, Tromie.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Bryan Kluger One of Troma's bigger franchises next to 'The Toxic Avenger' are the 'Nuke Em High' movies. There have been a few of them and all have that special and unique Troma insanity, which includes blood, guts, laughs, and tons of nudity. The first 'Class of Nuke Em High' came out in 1986 and was pretty straight-forward in a Troma sort of way. The sequel, which came out in 1991 was a completely different animal altogether with a new director named Eric Louzil who wanted to make his own 'Nuke Em High' movie.He didn't really even make a direct sequel, but instead tried something new. Like most Troma sequels, things tend to go berserk in a chaotic manner where a smoother story is left to rot in the corner. It's about more monsters, boobs, and gore this time around, but hey, I'm not really complaining, because I know what I'm in for with Troma most of the time. The big corporation Nukama decides to build a new technology college where Tromaville High once stood called Tromaville Institute of Technology or (T.I.T.) for short. I know, pure geniuses. Of course, this being Troma, the student body consists mostly of almost naked women and a gang called The Squirrels who more or less break into fights than learn.Professor Holt (Lisa Gaye) is in charge of the Subhumanoid program, which is basically mutating humans into these monstrous creatures that have no emotions and are expected to perform easy tasks. There are still a few kinks to work out though as most of the Subhumanoids tend to melt to death at any given moment, hence the title 'Subhumanoid Meltdown'. The school reporter Roger tends to report on all the gossip and fights in school, but comes across a Subhumanoid and ends up falling love with her. When he finds out about the melting condition, he sets out to stop the evil Professor Holt and find a cure.Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there is also a giant mutated evil squirrel named Tromie that breaks out and tries to destroy everything and everyone in the city. I couldn't make this up if I tried. Oddly enough, the start of the film tries to show us what's in store through the movie, by pretty much giving the ending away or at least the climax. It's a strange decision, one that slows the pace down quite a bit. That being said, this unique sequel still has enough Troma nudity and gore to keep your attention and even has a cameo by The Toxic Avenger in a slapstick scene.In the end, this sequel is to chaotic and runs all over the place instead of trying to keep to the story at hand. In addition, this sequel tries to show too much at the beginning of the film in stead of pacing itself out. That being said, there is still enough fun and gross out gags and crazy giant squirrel monsters for you Troma fans to sink your teeth into.
rogierr Troma: the production and distribution company that doesn't hesitate to produce sequel after sequel and they keep getting better (Explain this: Citizen Toxie 8.8 70 votes on 12-nov-2001 ...). It's nihilism. It's eighties' nihilism. No, it's eighties' nihilism made in the nineties. With a spark of escapism. CNHP2SM insults our intelligence BIG TIME and we like it! The mission statement of Troma was already in Mother's Day (1980): 'There are three rules in the filmindustry: distribution, distribution and distribution.' That's what it's all about in Tromaville apparently.Ever wanted to see a prequel of a post-apocalyptic movie? Well, this is it! (Otherwise, you might wanna try 'Miracle Mile'). Roger Smith is even more degenerated than Duke Nukem and wants to prevent the subhumanoids, who are integrated in campus life from melting down violently. One of the many strange things about this movie is that it pretends to be fantasy but keeps you with your feet firmly on the ground as the 'nothing special effects' in the end-credits confirm. Throughout we see people vomiting nuclearly in each others mouth (oh sorry, that was a spoiler), stop-motion animation, sexual harassments 'Just checking for malethion around uranus, ma'am' and supposedly giant squirrels with humongous nuts.But this is more than just kicking in every possible open door. There is the distinctive Troma-humor and sexism that appeals to any self-respecting teenage escapist, but draws heavily on the cacophony of part one (even less coherent) and the enthusiasm of the nihilistic troma-cult society of which each member does not seem to fit in anywhere (not even that particular group). When FOX was producing Alien (1,2,3,4), Planet of the apes (1,2,3,4) and Star Wars (4,5,6,1), Troma found it necessary to make the excruciating Toxic Avenger (1,2,3,4) and Class of nuke 'em high (1,2,3,4). Still better than 'Fat guy goes nutzoid' (1986), 'Violent Sh*t' (1987), 'Driller Killer' (1979), 'Frankenhooker' (1990) together. And more fun than Lethal Weapon (1,2,3,4).Recommended motion pictures: the Robot vs Octopus Monster saga from Beastie Boys' Intergalactic music video. I sincerely wanted to write a dissertation about this stuff, but there is no room for that here. CNHP2SM is reminiscent of certain 'Young Ones' (1982) episodes, Invasion of the bodysnatchers, The Fly, etc, but especially part 1 of course. Lousy music, warm beer, and saggy boobs: boner appetite. Why you layabout, now clear off. Grow up! 3/10
aaronzombie The first of 2 sequels to 1984's Class of Nuke 'Em High is even weirder, believe or not. We have more sex, more goo, more monsters, and even more cretins. It's one strange ride, but it's fun too!!!!POSSIBLE SPOILER OR 2!!!Years have passed since the destruction of Tromaville High and it has been rebuilt into a college campus. A school newspaper reporter is our hero of the story who discovers something strange going on at the new nuclear power plant. People melting down into "gobs of green goo" and weird science experiments abound in Professor Holt's lab. The conclusion includes a mutant squirell attacking the school and students.Good story, effects, and some funny moments. ***1/2 out of *****.
rockmonster2 i saw the bad imdb-vote of this film and thought, it would be worse than class of nuke em'high 1. but actually i occured to watch it andall i can say is :GREAT GREAT GREAT!! this movie is a real masterpiece of entertainment!'! it has everything a movie should have: mutant monsters ,sex ,gore, incredible fat people, bikini girls ( and non-bikini-girls ), crazy looking punks , radioactive waste , a great rock soundtrack , a toxic avenger guest apperance...''##!!GO AND GET THIS ONE !!##''