Alien Cargo
Alien Cargo
| 28 January 1999 (USA)
Alien Cargo Trailers

After eight months of hyper-sleep, when Christopher 'Chris' McNiel (Jason London) and Theta Kaplan (Missy Crider) of a Mars cargo transport ship the Solar System Shipping Vessel No.17 (Triple S-17) awaken, they find out something has gone terribly wrong. They've woken up from hyper-sleep almost ten months past their scheduled time, find the ship's internals badly damaged, off course and almost no fuel. What's more, it's discovered the first shift killed each other. As the plot unfolds, something truly evil is discovered on board - an alien biological life form which can psychologically manipulate humans.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
willywants The SSS17 is on a routine cargo mission from Titan to Mars. Two lovers, Chris McNeil and Theta Kaplan, wake from hypersleep for their duty shift to find that they have been asleep for a year rather than several weeks, and that the two previous crewmen are missing and the ship is way off course. But then they find themselves suddenly at one another's throats, trying to kill each other. Trying to fight what is influencing their minds, they discover that a piece of space debris brought aboard by the other two crewmen contains a biological agent that makes the human brain homicidal. Steadily made & acted film features some good elements (Production values and performances are more accomplished that usual made-for-cable SF film)but the film suffers from VERY poor special effects and a sluggish pace. Their is a very effective ending, but it's too bad the rest of the film is a cliched and paint-by-numbers production that tries to be different but lacked the resources to make that possible. My rating for "Alien cargo"--4.5/10.
redbeard_nv Read the other reviews for plot lines and spoilers, this one is an analysis of the mechanics of the movie.On the plus side, the title doesn't mean a guy in a phony rubber suit. On the negative, the pacing is a little too slow for me to pay a great deal of attention, regardless of how intelligent the script turned out to be, although, as another poster has mentioned, it seems to lack a third act, or a payoff.Netter Digital, the gang responsible for the effects work on "Babylon 5", turn in a satisfactory job on the SSS-17, a clunky boxy space cargo ship, but a better set of effects on the deep space exploration vessel, The Dolphin. Attention to a lot of detail, concepts of what a corporation will do to minimize costs in the future world of Solar System mining and transport of goods and raw materials, a couple of decent actors handling the script (which, as I mentioned isn't too shabby), contribute to a surprising change of pace, regardless of a downer ending (I don't know if something else would have happened, that it would have become anti-climactic).All in all, better than a lot of straight to vid sci-fi. I just wish it had been done just a little better.
kcwells I just watched this movie again, this time on the Sci-Fi channel, and I came on here to see what others thought. Frankly, I'm surprised it has such a low rating on here. It's certainly not flawless, but I think it's actually pretty darn good. There really wasn't anything BAD about it, either--nothing really to complain about at all. The acting was all pretty well done; perhaps not Oscar-winning, but not unbelievable at all. The plot, dialogue, and story all made sense too. The special effects--though there weren't really much of these to comment on--were all better than you'd expect for a movie you'd see on TV, and even the prop corpses looked reasonably as you'd expect them to look. I was impressed at how logical they made it all: the way the cargo system on the ship worked, the way the ship computer interacted with them, the way they moved around outside the ship (it didn't look like they were on strings when they were slightly hovering around), the way they realistically handled all of the situations, everything. Seriously, this movie isn't bad at all. It's certainly not the MOST creative or original movie out there, but I really don't understand why anyone would give it a 4.8/10 (which is the user rating on here at the time of me writing this). Although I would find it hard for someone to say this is their FAVORITE movie, it certainly shouldn't get anything lower than a 6. Personally, I'm giving it a 7. It's entertaining, pretty well acted and written, and it doesn't contain any gratuitous gore, nudity, or foul language either to bring down its quality level. Heck, it's even thought-provoking. *shrugs* I like it, and if you like sci-fi movies (or even if you don't), I bet you'd probably like it too. Don't let the abnormally low user rating scare you, this is a good movie. Oh, and it's not a creature flick either--there are no monsters or aliens or anything to make it hokey. It's a pretty good movie, try it out for yourself.
fgunther Since TV Guide only gave this movie one star, I was going to skip it, but, thankfully, something made me look a bit deeper. I'm glad I did, or I would have missed one of those rare gems buried in the dreck cable channels use as filler.The title leads one to expect a cheesy "C" movie, with poor special effects, paint-by-numbers acting and every cliche known to the third-rate scriptwriter. Instead, we get a very well-done suspense film, far better than such big-budget blockbusters as "Red Planet".The acting is nicely done and understated, the directing is taut and keeps the story flowing beautifully. As for cliches, the only one I noticed was the sleazy, obnoxious Company manager at the beginning. Otherwise, the other characters developed right in front of us, in the first fifteen minutes, with an almost British economy of dialogue.The parallels with the original movie "Alien" are clear (cargo vessel, small crew, hypersleep during voyage), creating a locked-room environment for the drama to play itself out. But the plot is completely different, and the enemy far less clearly defined, only gradually becoming clear (sorry, I'm trying to avoid spoilers here). One of the film's nice touches is the handling of even the smaller roles, like the two communicators on the space station around Neptune; they actually come through as likable people, trying their best in an impossible situation.The suspense at the end is maintained with a minimum of artificial plot devices, the elements of the story flowing smoothly and credibly one into the other. In my humble opinion, this movie deserved a better deal than it got in terms of exposure and promotion, but what can you expect from the suits who run the entertainment business today?This movie gets 8 stars from me, and even people who don't like SciFi will probably agree. Or not. I would definitely watch this film again.