Monster Trucks
Monster Trucks
PG | 13 January 2017 (USA)
Monster Trucks Trailers

Tripp is a high school senior with a knack for building trucks who makes an incredible discovery - a gas-guzzling creature named Creech. To protect his mischievous new friend, Tripp hides Creech under the hood of his latest creation, turning it into a real-life super-powered Monster Truck. Together, this unlikely duo with a shared taste for speed team up on a wild and unforgettable journey to reunite Creech with his family.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
p008 This film is recommended only for under six years of age.
DCfan I saw this movie when I was travelling to New York on a plane and I really enjoyed the movie. This movie was absolutely fun especially with when the alien was fixing the chase scene. The acting was good. This film is definitely no Dragon Ball evolution. The CGI was very awesome and the story was cleaver. Overall very fun.
JennM This movie deserves a lot more of a chance: it's an adorable adventure story that has the feel of the live-action Disney films from the 1970s and 80s. The story is fun, implausible, but as far as sci-fi storytelling goes, it's entertaining enough to deserve a certain amount of suspension of disbelief. The acting is good, with likable characters. The creatures/CGI are pretty great, and it's definitely a good family flick. This is an overall great ride!
thekarmicnomad A young man encounters a creature that that has been removed from its habitat by a drilling company. The creature ends up living in the mans truck. The rest pretty much speaks for itself.This is a modern film with great effects and acting; but, saying that, it takes a very classic approach. This could easily be mistaken for "Karate Kid" or "Free Willy" in another guise.The well worn footpaths are used to great affect - there are even some montages to cheesy rock music.The characters are templated from other movies, the love interest is particularly predictable. The bad guys are an evil petroleum firm that will stop at nothing to capture the ultra-cute creature.All this familiarity means that that the film doesn't have to waste time explaining what's going on - we already know.This is a solid family movie with dashes of action, comedy, romance, and heart warming moments. It is aimed at keeping the kids quiet, don't expect sharp adult humour woven amongst the bright, fast moving scenes. It does exactly what it to set out to do, so I have to commend all involved for that.
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