Kill Switch
Kill Switch
R | 16 June 2017 (USA)
Kill Switch Trailers

A pilot battles to save his family and the planet after an experiment for unlimited energy goes wrong.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
GetPapa Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
The Couchpotatoes I think the only people that can like this movie are full-time gamers. Fans of the First Person Shooter games. Because Kill Switch is just like watching a person playing that game. I do like playing a game every now and then but I don't like watching somebody play because there is no thrill in that. Neither did I like this movie. It's taking boring to another level. I had to fight several times to not fall asleep. The story is not the worst, it's the execution that is really bad. The CGI's are also poorly done. A game looks actually better than this. About the acting is not much to say. The so-called star of the movie just appears in the beginning, for the rest it's just what he sees that you will see. Why they still shoot movies like that is a mystery to me. It never worked and it will never work. Name one movie that has been shot like that that has success. There are just none.
j_ryberg I liked this one a lot. I've liked Dan Stevens since "Downton Abbey" and "The Guest". Also, I'm giving this one "A for Accomplishment", as it's another "How the bleep did they do it?" movie. It sure had more studios involved than I've ever seen at the top of a movie before (and somebody else can enlighten me on just what all those entities do). The plot involves a scary-to-begin-with plan to create a 2nd or "echo" Earth (universe??) and draw power from the echo, solving all our power needs for-evah! Of course, something goes quite, quite wrong, and a small group of heroes have to go, y'know, THERE, and try to undo the mess. There are a few too many close calls here, with nifty hovering gunships, where the sighting and aiming program must've been hacked by Kim Jung Un. Stevens' "Will Porter" gets knocked out too many times, with "Concussion detected" showing up on his built-in "Google Glass". But it's good and worth seeing, because it's so unique, and I'd sure like to see the budget for this one.
scoop492 This is bad. Very bad. Boring and bad. I have no further words. I was confused from the beginning. After watching the main character run around, in first person shooter view, for 5 or so minutes... at least I think it was him.. I proceeded to zone out. The acting made me cringe and then I fell asleep from boredom.
Debabrata Sarker If you ever wanted a decent Half Life Movie this is the nearest you are gonna get.This has a similar outlandish science fiction plot, portals between dimensions, a Barney Calhoun type character. Hell, the hero even looks somewhat like Gordon Freeman minus the glasses. Too bad the hazard suit is missing. The hero even picks up a crowbar at one point of the movie. I do not know why so much hate in the other reviews. This is a pretty smart looking sci-fi movie which I enjoyed. Seeing the reviews I almost didn't. I am glad I saw this. Decent graphics, the plot is straight out of a video game so are the camera angles. The lead takes 1-2 very stupid decisions but what the heck, its a video game inspired movie after all. I enjoyed this movie.