R | 05 February 2009 (USA)
Infestation Trailers

After being stung by a giant insect, Cooper learns that these bugs are attacking the whole city. He joins forces with the survivors Leechee and Sara in order to find a way to counter-attack.

Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
GazerRise Fantastic!
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Michael Ledo Great entertainment. Good characters. Good comedy-horror of 1980's fashion. Zombie film meets the Mist. Break out the popcorn for fun pointless entertainment. Movie is also a good one to watch stoned. And yes, the blonde shows them off. If you liked Zombieland, give this one a try and try not to reason it too hard.
utgard14 Forget the horror or sci-fi elements to this film. They suck and are the usual unimaginative CGI-rendered garbage you expect from low budget genre films these days. The reasons to see this movie are the humor and the two leads. Chris Marquette (who I've never heard of) does a fantastic job as the quirky leading man. He's charming, self-deprecating, and immensely likable. Brooke Nevin is pretty and funny, with nice comedic banter with Marquette. You find yourself rooting for them as the movie progresses. The rest of the cast is OK, with only the always-good Ray Wise as a standout.I'm tempted to give it a higher score, and if I were just to score it compared to other low-budget sci-fi/horror films of the 2000s, it would certainly rate higher. But I don't rate that way. The direction is amateur, the plot ordinary and predictable, and the special effects look like they were made on a home computer. But see it anyway for the great chemistry and humor between the two leads.A point of contention among many would be the ending. Without giving it away, I'll just say the movie tries to play cute with the ending and I'll leave it to you to judge whether they were successful or not. It personally doesn't detract from the movie to me since I was only superficially invested in the plot and more interested in the characters.
amesmonde Giant bugs attempt to take over the world. Infestation is surprisingly not one of though cheap TV films, instead director Kyle Rankin delivers a well made piece of entertainment with some gross effects, great locations and cast. Sometimes the black comedic tone is inconsistence and a few effects work better than others. Nevertheless, the supporting cast are fine, Chris Marquette gives a good performance as the likably flawed anti-hero Cooper and Kinsey Packard's brief appearance as Cindy is notable. Ever reliable Ray Wise is on form.It's road movie feel, the character trying to get from one place to another gives it a grounding and substantial atmosphere that many of the blockbuster films lack. While the ending is predicable there's enough gore moments and surprises to keep you entertained.Overall it's good fun that's more A-film pretending to be a B-film like Tremors as appose to some DTV channel shlock.
fedor8 The ending suggests that the producers may have run out of budget during the filming. "OK, listen up, everyone. We have run of out of money, and there will be a slight change of plan. Throw away today's script, and let's just have someone say something stupid after which we cut to the end-credits. OK?" The movie starts off well, fast-paced and relatively fun, then slows down inexplicably (money for the bug effects ran out?). It almost grinds to a halt at times, which is rather unusual for this kind of film. There are moments of ambivalence regarding as to whether this was supposed to be a comedy or whether "we should just do the horror without the cheap laughs". As a result, neither the comedy nor the drama worked particularly well. But then again, horror comedies are very rarely funny. Just look at "Shaun of the Dead"; to some (desperate) viewers that is practically a milestone of this more-or-less failed genre.And may I ask what the point was of the Asian woman? She shows up, does nothing, is left behind to tend to the cocooned people, and that's it.Brooke Nevin is quite cute. That's at least something.