Cat Run
Cat Run
R | 01 April 2011 (USA)
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When a sexy, high-end escort holds the key evidence to a scandalous government cover-up, two bumbling young detectives become her unlikely protectors from a ruthless assassin hired to silence her.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
bowmanblue I've just finished watching 'Cat Run' and I figured I better get my thoughts down before I totally forget what I wanted to say. I'll begin by mentioning that I'm quite happy to watch 'bad' films. By that I mean 'so-bad-they're-good' films. I wasn't expecting much from a film called 'Cat Run.' I read the blurb – working girl witnesses murder, needs protection, baddies give chase. Yeah, that'll do me for an hour and a half of my time.I started watching it. My first thought was, 'Is this film dubbed?' The voices didn't seem to match up with the actors' mouths and I wondered whether I was watching a foreign film (it is set mainly in continental Europe) dubbed into English. But I wasn't. I overlooked the odd lip-syncing and continued. Sure enough, a high class escort witness a multiple murder and comes away with a hard disk containing data the baddies are after. Cue the chase.The escort runs hither and thither, generally looking pretty attractive and little else. Then we meet our other heroes. A pair of young men who set up a detective agency help to find her. I have to say they didn't appeal to me. The main character I found 'wet' and uninteresting and his friend might as well have been called 'cliched best friend #298.' I have to say by this time I was tuning out – checking my emails on my phone and stuff. It was all pretty dull. I may even have turned it off there and then had it not been for one thing...Helen Bingham. If you don't know her (and I must confess that I don't), she's a British actress who must be around middle age (think Helen Mirren, only about twenty years ago). Anyway, she's hired as an assassin (yes, a middle age woman with cut-glass English accent is a bad-ass assassin – go with it) to bring in the escort and anyone who aids and abets her. In short – Helen Bingham rocks. She totally steals every scene and makes the film watchable. The heroes pale in comparison compared to her. She was so good that I had a horrible feeling that she was only going to be in it for a few scenes and I'd end up watching the rest of the film in the hope that she returns. I'm glad to say she's in it the whole way through. And the film is all the better for it.I won't go into too much detail about what follows, only that if you feel like watching a sort of B-movie version of a Guy Ritchie/spy thriller chase movie (yes, it crosses genres quite broadly – there's even a lot of black comedy thrown in there for good measure), then this one is worth it simply for Helen Bingham's performance.
angelicardour Anthony has done his best to distance himself from his family. He even moved out of the U.S. and opened a restaurant on another continent. Business wound up kind of sucking and when his best friend finds him and gives him the idea to start a detective agency he folds. Their first case, though, takes them further into danger than they ever expected.I hate the word "derivative." In fact, the only time you'll ever see it used in one of my reviews is when I'm making fun of it. Why? Well, when a critic uses the word to describe a movie, they're basically just saying that the film was imitating another one. In a lot of cases, I find that it's less imitation and more inspiration. I mean, directors grow up watching movies and honed their styles in the memory of their favorites, right? So almost every one of them has been inspired by something someone else made. If a critic simply means the movie is cookie cutter or unimaginative – then they should just say that. I feel like it's just a word those people use to sound more elitist.Cat Run was not well liked by critics. I think the lot of them were watching the wrong movie or something, because I thought the film was hilarious. There's a lot of sex and nudity, but considering the main plot it makes sense for there to be a lot of sexuality. There was also the buddy- detective aspect because of the two main characters. Most of Cat Run actually seemed like an episode of Psyche with different actors. It did have some relatively original parts, though, and I thought the characters came alive through the actors. There were some plot holes. The only one that I can mention without adding a spoiler alert, however, is that it's never explained why Anthony has such superior observation skills (his skills are revealed roughly 10 minutes into the movie). I would have liked to know the story behind it.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Cat Run" was really an explosive surprise of a movie. I hadn't expected this at all.The story in "Cat Run" is one of multiple facets. First we have the story of longtime friends Anthony Hester (played by Scott Mechlowicz) and Julian Simms (played by Alphonso McAuley) who team up to make a private investigator company and end up hot on the trail on a rather big case. American senator Bill Krebb (played by Christopher McDonald) is doing shady business in Eastern Europe and is caught on video with prostitutes, a video he doesn't want to go public, and this event was Catalina Rona (played by Paz Vega) witness to. Hired to clean up the loose ends and the mess is professional hit(wo)man Helen Bingham (played by Janet McTeer).Essentially it is a high-octane thriller of cat-and-mouse chase mixed up with some spy activity, and just the right amount of comedy. And the end result was awesome.I found "Cat Run" to be incredibly entertaining, both story-wise, action-wise and comedy-wise. This movie had all the ingredients required for a great movie.The action sequences in the movie were really great, nicely choreographed, and could easily as well have been something right out of a James Bond movie. Thumbs up on that. And thumbs up for Janet McTeer, she was off the charts in the action sequences.The people cast for the roles in "Cat Run" were doing really good jobs with their characters. Especially Janet McTeer, she was really the driving force behind this movie.If you like action movies, like spy movies, and like comedy movies, then you definitely owe it to yourself to sit down and watch "Cat Run", because it is well worth it. Great entertainment from start till end.
Tony Heck "She wanted it, she told me to." Catalina (Vega) and her escort friends are at a high end party when senator Bill Krebb (McDonald) goes to far and one of the girls ends up dead. Catalina takes the tape and runs. An assassin is hired to find her and and get the tape back. Catalina finds two private investigators who are just starting up to help her. This is a movie that was actually pretty good, but the big problem was that it was a little too long. There were some really exciting and fun action scenes and tense moments in this, but there were also some very slow paced and unnecessary scenes that slowed the movie down and kept it from being consistent the entire time. Equal parts action and comedy made it a fun watch, but nothing to rush out and see either. Overall, an entertaining movie that is worth watching once but that's about it. I give it a B.