Audrey Rose
Audrey Rose
PG | 06 April 1977 (USA)
Audrey Rose Trailers

A man is convinced that a young girl is the reincarnation of his own daughter Audrey Rose, who died in a fiery car accident, along with his wife, two minutes before the girl was born.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
tlooknbill Well, I'ld be yelling my head off in excruciating agony running to plunge my entire body in the kitchen ice box. I certainly wouldn't be wining in a weak annoying high pitched tiny scream and flailing my hands against the window while running around the house which is what you'll be subjected to from a little girl reliving this experience through the reincarnated soul of another child occupying the same body who was years before burned to death in a fire from a automobile accident.This little girl's reacting this way throughout the entire movie is the hole in the logic of the movie's entire premise though it is a very interesting concept for a movie plot. It just needed more emphasis either through acting performance and/or special effects to make it land right.I finally watched this movie from start to finish a day ago after always catching this movie in the middle in reruns and kept hitting the remote because I just couldn't sit through this irritating screaming girl I at first thought was just being possessed by an evil spirit as some Exorcist movie wanna' be.I actually misjudged this movie based on not knowing what this screaming girl's problem was. I felt all the adult actors did a very good job in making me suspend disbelief in a movie plot that effectively demonstrates how reincarnation could be shown and manifested in a human.I mean most claims of reincarnation I've heard or read about don't provide any proof. This movie cleverly and compellingly shows it in a well written plot with convincing dialog and realistically gut wrenching emotion from the actors. Lot's of tears are called up by the actors in this one. There's not a lot of movies that approach this subject in this way with this level of seriousness and commitment by the actors and story line at the same time have it be a thoroughly entertaining experience which was the case with me.I just couldn't get passed the little girl's thin sounding screaming from reliving being burned alive over and over.
GL84 Noticing a stranger hanging around them, a girls' parents begin to feel uneasy after he claims that his young daughter has been reincarnated into their daughter yet when a series of strange accidents begin plaguing the family they realize the deadly truth too late to stop them.This one didn't have that many positives. One of the biggest is the sense of realism attached to the whole affair in that there's a real sense of this outlandish concept actually happening. These are played out mostly as panic attacks which become much more dangerous as they go on, letting them have a sense of being built up effectively. This makes them seem like an action to be feared as what's going to happen to top the last one remains a big aspect of the film overall. The majority of these are based on the idea of reliving the car crash that killed off her older self or throwing the furniture around the room which adds a special bit of action with the final one being long and really agonizing while even the actions to soothe her are quite thrilling and take on a sort of uneasy feeling. The film's highlight is the action carried out in the playground where there's real suspense as the rush to stop it from happening and the genuinely disturbing act itself make for a great scene. It works beautifully and really manages to get the film's sole creep-out moment. The only other fun part is the central idea of possession here is uniquely carried out, coming from a really creative viewpoint and offering up something that feels new and fresh. Otherwise, this one wasn't all that terrific since this one does have some pretty big problems. One of the biggest problems is that there's really very little in here that is actually scary. While the constant freak-outs and erratic behavior might be unsettling for some, most of the time all it seems like is just a repetition of the same thing over and over again. After a while, it just produces a feeling of what room will it start in now which doesn't inspire any frights. That's not an entirely scary activity, and to have that become the sole purpose of the creepy behavior isn't that grand a concept since it simply feels like it's been seen before. This is also compounded by the relative lack of fear generated by the event. There's nothing in here that should make the viewer afraid of the act sense all it boils down to a young girl throwing screaming fits every now and then. Had the possession brought on more frightening acts or the fear of what the possessed girl would do under the influence of the victim would've been far more frightening. That is the film's biggest flaw, as well as not providing anything resembling an explanation for the events. That would've been a really rewarding aspect, had it ever been given why this was occurring. The last big problem is that it really feels drawn-out and could've been shortened quite easily with too many scenes that go on and have no real bearing on the film. These are the film's biggest flaws and keep the film from really making its mark.Rated PG: Language and Mild Violence.
utahman1971 Holy annoying little girl that screams nonsense a lot through out the whole movie. How is anyone able to compare this to The Exorcist? Nothing alike. There is no exorcism at all. It is just boring and nothing hardly at all except the girl screaming all the time.I am only watching because just nothing on television but crap most of the time, and this channel Comet shows a lot of interesting movies, except this one. This is just really bad of the bad movies out there and to see it with a over 5 rating is disgusting.Nothing creepy or scary about this film or even remotely interesting, except to just waste a lot time, which it does very well or very badly with the screaming. I rather listen to my metalcore music over the girls screaming. This should be one of the worst films made.
AaronCapenBanner John Beck & Marsha Mason play Bill & Janice Templeton, a happily married New York couple with a young daughter named Ivy, who becomes the center of attention after she is repeatedly followed by a mysterious man, who eventually makes contact, and introduces himself as Elliot Hoover(played by Anthony Hopkins) who had lost his own daughter Audrey Rose 11 years ago in a car accident, and who is convinced that Ivy is his daughter Audrey reincarnated. The Templeton's are sympathetic for his loss, but scoff at reincarnation. However, when Ivy starts having horrible nightmares, Hoover gets directly involved and takes Ivy/Audrey out of their apartment, which prompts his arrest, and a trial involving the validity of reincarnation, which results in Ivy undergoing hypnosis, with unexpected results...Anthony Hopkins is excellent, and though director Robert Wise imbues the film with some atmosphere, it is unfortunately plodding and overlong, though does retain some interest in the premise, its conclusion is not very satisfying, almost becoming ridiculous.