The Last Starfighter
The Last Starfighter
PG | 13 July 1984 (USA)
The Last Starfighter Trailers

Video game expert Alex Rogan finds himself transported to another planet after conquering the video game The Last Starfighter, only to find out it was just a test. He was recruited to join the team of best Starfighters to defend their world from the attack.

IncaWelCar In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Eric Stevenson I'm going to admit right now that this isn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it's still quite fun. I knew little about it except that it's plot was alluded to in the "South Park" episode "Best Friends Forever". It features a guy who gets the highest score in a video game, only to find out that the game was a test created by aliens to recruit people from all over the Universe to use starships to fight. Okay, I admit the premise is pretty goofy, but it's still a standard film. The makeup effects are quite good. This was in the very early days of CGI, so I can understand that those bits don't hold up well. The guy is replaced on Earth by a robot duplicate who meets up with his girlfriend, Maggie. The ending is really one of the most heartwarming I've seen in a long time. He goes back to Earth after finding out that they need him in space to rebuild the fleet. He decides he at least wants his girlfriend to join him on his adventures and eventually she goes. Honestly, these are some very heartfelt scenes and they more than make up for slower bits in the movie. I love how they set up the story to continue too. ***
moshomaniac ....After all, Star Wars borrowed heavily from both Flash Gordon and Akira Kurosawa(in particular, the hidden fortress). But we are talking about TLS here, so here we go.The Last Starfighter is a space adventure PERFECT for kids around 10-11. The special effects, the tongue-in-cheek script, the whole movie is one of the most exciting and entertaining films to come out of the early 1980s. The use of CGI space ships-then state of the art-may look dated today, but keep in mind this was 1984, so I feel that it doesn't hurt the film that much.*Spoilers ahead* The story is about Alex Rogen, a high school kid living in a trailer park with a talent for an arcade game called 'Star Fighter'. One faithful night, he beats the top score, and the next day, a man named Centauri comes to recruit him to fight evil, the game acting as the proverbial sword in the stone which leads Alex to his destiny, leaving behind a robot double to fill in as his replacement. The film does a good job of making a star wars like fantasy that is just different enough to keep it fresh. Lots of fun, with an enthralling soundtrack and good acting all around, especially from the late Robert Preston(Centauri), who plays the role of Centauri. It is also interesting to note that the film was originally going to spawn a tie-in video game of the same name, Atari's first 3D polygonal arcade game to use a Motorola 68000 as the CPU, but it was never released. If you like Sci-fi and adventure, this film is right up your alley.
jhamjohnston Every teenager could only wish this would happen to them. This movie is a guilty pleasure. If only playing a video game could lead to this kind of adventure. Back in 1984 this was early pioneering of computer generated graphics for special effects. The director had to reach for the stars on a shoe string budget(no models). What got pulled off turns out to be a sweet story of escaping the dead end life to the ultimate adventure.
Hot Rog There are a few Sci-Fi movies that still hold up as great entertainment, despite being decades old. The Last Starfighter is one of them. I remember when I first watched it in the theater and the joy it gave me; a true 80's movie experience with popcorn! You felt that even you could be Alex Rogan, the boy from Earth who travels to another solar system to fight for freedom. It also had a theme of not letting great opportunities pass you by, of being more than everyone expects of you. And the movie was just plain FUN! I dismiss people who always spout "It's just a Star Wars rip-off", as if Star Wars is the only 80's Sci-Fi movie worthy of any consideration. I think Star Wars paved the way for movies like TLS to be made, at least that is my assertion. The Last Starfighter is a great family movie as well as a neat experience. It did make history as the first movies to use computer graphics for rendering all spaceships and space battles. Go check it out!