The Kindred
The Kindred
R | 09 January 1987 (USA)
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Amanda's deathbed request to her son, John, was for him to destroy all the lab notes etc. from her last experiment. She also blurts out he had a brother. At the funeral John meets Melissa, who claims to be his mother's biggest fan. Together with some of John's friends they go to Amanda's house, but none are prepared for what they find there.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
maarck6 Storywise, this is a two tiered tale. The first dealing with Rod Steiger as a (very) mad scientist who is performing unholy genetic experiments with humans who have been kidnapped from automobile accidents, turning them into mad half-people half-something else (watch the movie and find out what). Meanwhile, John is a young doctor who is informed by his girlfriend that his mother has just come out of a three year coma after a heart attack.Unfortunately, she is also a mad scientist, but, having found her conscious, wants her son to go out to her house and destroy all her research and notes. Steiger, of course, takes umbrage to this, and wants to put the skids on this destruction. To help him, he plants Melissa, who is a spy, in John's camp.John takes Melissa, his girlfriend, and some friends up to his mom's house, and it is here that strange things start happening, including a dog's bloody death and a woman being attacked by a creature possessed watermelon (!), and the pacing starts to pick up from there to a truly exciting climax.This is an old-fashioned monster romp, full of icky monsters, monster attacks, a mad scientists, mad scientists experiments, people running amok in panic, cute babes, and a solid pacing. There's suspense and humor, although this film never devolves into comedy. The special effects are totally icky, but in a fun way. The story is full of plot holes to be sure, something that comes from a script that was written by five people, including Stephen Carpenter (who created Grimm), Joseph Stefano (Psycho), and Earl Ghaffari (music editor for such movies as Frozen, Zootopia, and Wreck-It Ralph). But it also moves at a quick pace, and all seem to be having a wacky time making it. Including the cast, which includes such journeymen actors like Kim Hunter, Rod Steiger, who just chews up the scenery, Talia Balsam, Peter Frechette (Profiler), and the yummy Amanda Pays (Max Headroom, and both versions of The Flash) as the subversive Melissa.The best way to describe this movie is as if Frankenstein and The Island of Doctor Moreau were written by H. P. Lovecraft and filmed by a less coked out Stuart Gordon. No nudity, no real gore, good make-up, so it's fun for everybody and don't forget to bring the kids.
crazy_nanabush I remember this film from when I was a wee little thing. It definitely scared the crap out of me when I was kid. Not bad for a little horror monster movie that probably not a lot of people have heard of. The most memorable moments in the film for me have already been mentioned in previous reviews.Now that I'm 27 years-old, I can still remember how horrific I found the "watermelon" scene when "Anthony", the mutated creature with long tentacles and sharp teeth, manages to miraculously crawl inside a watermelon. The scene where it bursts out of the watermellon in backseat of a car and attacks an unsuspecting woman by stuffing it's tenacles up her nose and under her skin still grosses me out. You'll have to see it to believe it. Very great visual effects for a little horror movie. This movie gave me nightmares when I was a kid. Now that I think about, the "watermelon scene" does come across a bit silly but it's still a very effective and creepy scene in the film. And the "fish lady" transformation scene still etches itself in my brain. If you come across this rare little horror movie, check it out for the creep and camp factor. True 80's horror fans won't be disappointed.
udar55 For the demographic demanding to see Rod Steiger covered in slime, this movie is for you! THE KINDRED is actually a fun little monster flick. Dr. John Hollins (David Allen Brooks) heads to the home of his scientist mother (Kim Hunter) with some friends to clean up her work after she has a heart attack. While he isn't quite sure what she was working on, she demands he destroy it all. Oh, she also reveals he has a brother named Anthony. What is Anthony? A mutant hybrid of John's genes and some aquamarine life. Of course an evil scientist (Steiger) is also out to get his hands on Anthony. The film does have a few problems (most notably the slow first half hour and low body count) but this is still an enjoyable monster mash with good acting. Titular creature Anthony is an original looking design and the rest of the effects work is very good. In addition, the film has a great score by David Newman. Co-directors Stephen Carpenter and Jeffrey Obrow are also responsible for THE DORM THAT DRIPPED BLOOD, THE POWER and SERVANTS OF TWILIGHT.
HumanoidOfFlesh Dr.Amanda Hollins,a molecular biologist who,in distress and ill health requests her son John to destroy all the lab notes from her last genetic experiment.She also blurts out that he had a brother named Anthony.From her natural son's living tissue,Amanda has created a half-human monster that sits dormant in her basement.Unfortunately for John and his friends Anthony has come to life as an oozing,tentacled and slime-covered monster,ready to taste human blood..."The Kindred" is a seriously underrated little horror flick.The creature effects are pretty good,the acting is fine and there is a little bit of gore.The action is fast-paced and the film manages to be both entertaining and gruesome.All in all,"The Kindred" provides a few chills plus a few intense moments.Give this obscure little gem a look.7 out of 10.