Every Which Way but Loose
Every Which Way but Loose
PG | 20 December 1978 (USA)
Every Which Way but Loose Trailers

Philo Beddoe is your regular, easygoing, truck-driving guy. He's also the best bar-room brawler west of the Rockies. And he lives with a 165-pound orangutan named Clyde. Like other guys, Philo finally falls in love - with a flighty singer who leads him on a screwball chase across the American Southwest. Nothing's in the way except a motorcycle gang, some cops, and legendary brawler Tank Murdock.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
movingwater Sure, it's a silly movie. But for those of us who remember the disappointment of the original release, the movie ages extremely well. Watching Clint at his physical peak, fighting and drinking his way across America's southwest, the real fun is on seeing so many familiar character actors of the '70's in one movie. The plot, while unimportant, is also inoffensive, just a means of watching Clint be Clint, while. enjoying performances by familiar country western stars of the time, Mel Tillis, Charlie Rich, and Phil Everly.
jovana-13676 Here's another surprise from Clint Eastwood. First he surprised me with The Bridges of Madison County (1995), then with Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997), and then I saw THIS on YouTube. Clint hangs out with his orangutan buddy, kicks some asses and falls in love. What more could you possibly want?
Rainey Dawn This movie is so damned funny! I don't know who is funnier: Clyde, the orangutan, or Philo Beddoe (Clint Eastwood). Yes this movie is well worth watching if you want a completely different type of a romantic action comedy. You can see Clint Eastwood punch a few "bad guys" in the film and roll with laughter while watching him and his sidekick Clyde roll-on down the highway. Lynn Halsey-Taylor (Sondra Locke) is not a bad singer either - and you can see why Philo Beddoe (Clint Eastwood) falls for her in the movie.If you enjoyed this movie - then you really should watch the second film: "Any Which Way You Can" - it is just a funny as this first film.9/10
oprlvr33 Eaztwood's fist-fighting, bare-knuckled Philo Beddoe does not disappoint, in this 1978 comedy classic.Most of the supportive cast also does not disappoint. Once again, Eastwood casts former costars from his classic Westerns, in the supportive roles; most notably, the late-John Quade, as the biker-gang leader.Sondra Locke, who quickly became "Clint's leading lady", out of respect to their former off-screen Relationship, is mediocre at best, here, as man-hustling, con-artist, country-singer wannabe, Lynne Halsey-Taylor. Most of her delivery falls flat; perhaps due her nervousness in working so closely and intimately with Clint; this being their second film together. The early critics slammed her as flaky and flat, when LHT is supposed to be a vixenish vamp. Perhaps it was because Clint allowed Sondra too much creative leeway. But alas.. one cannot turn back the clock and fix things. Thank goodness Locke's delivery in the sequel Any Which Way You Can redeemed her.At this film's original premiere, some critics grazed Clint for steering away from his classic Westerns personae to do a little comedy for a change. Well that direction paid off; thought admittedly I am dearly surprised this under-rated film's overall average is 6.5. Eastwood is as epic as Coca-Cola and Taco Bell. And he is one of those genuinely versatile stars who built a career on Perfection. To-date, he has seldom disappointed.The biker-gang; mostly composed of repeat co-stars, is deadpan hilarious. Headed by scruffy character-actor John Quade, traditionally, bikers are younger serious muscle-head guys with chicks riding piggyback. However, here, we get a bunch of middle-aged bungling doofus' who routinely get their butts kicked, in spite bearing Black Widow tattoos on their arms. Geoffrey Lewis; lifetime friend and co-star of Eastwood, is deliciously delightful, and goofball, as Philo's brother and fight-manager, Orville; comically turning his hat backwards before Philo enters a fist-fight. What fan and Fem cannot resist his signature blue eyes and sexy shoulders? The real stars and scene-stealers in this film, however - are frothy 'Ma' (Ruth Gordon) who can't seem to pass her senior's driver's test, then goes Annie Oakley on the biker gang. And Clyde; Philo's pet orangutan "12 ribs", with an Oreo cookie fetish, and a taste for action, and human beer.