The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls
The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls
NR | 16 September 1987 (USA)
The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls Trailers

A company, not wanting to pay for their chemicals to be dumped properly, put some into a truck of milk, which eventually kills three girls. The girls then return from the dead to seek bloody revenge.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Michael_Elliott Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (1987) *** (out of 4) I love a good French horror and this one here offers up three beautiful French whores. Incredibly bizarre, surreal and sometimes disturbing film that sounds dumb but manages to pack quite a little punch. A company, not wanting to pay for their chemicals to be dumped properly, put some into a truck of milk, which eventually kills three girls. The girls then return from the dead to seek bloody revenge. There's a lot of political overtones that get somewhat tiresome but the real reason to seek this film out is due to the incredibly violent and sexual nature of the film. Men and women's genitalia are torn to shreds, eyes ripped out, beautiful naked French ladies and there's even a foursome between a prostitute and the three dead girls. The film is certainly campy but there's some terrific atmosphere. The alternate ending on the DVD is a jewel.
McQualude A chemical company CEO boost profits by illegally dumping dangerous chemicals. The lackey dumps the chemicals, where else, but in a graveyard and when the chemicals soak into the ground, some recently dead young women get up out of their graves and decide to exact some revenge.My appreciation for this movie demonstrates my weakness for campy B movies. While ostensibly a zombie movie, the zombies are quite unusual in that they only come out at night, are very cunning, can open and shut doors, can put on or take off clothes, swim, have sex and even drive cars. The explanation for all this was so obvious I admit I didn't guess it until I watched the alternate ending on the DVD. It also explains why the director played fast and loose with the plot throughout the movie attempting to obfuscate the obvious and I guess he succeeded with me.The zombie girls have some issues with make-up continuity; their hands will be dead looking in one scene yet normal in the next. More continuity issues plague the victims whose state of dress changes from scene to scene. One female victim, her clothes ripped off in the attack, is once again covered a moment later as the zombie girls drag her from the room. The acting is terrible and the direction uninspired, technically the movie doesn't deserve a 6/10 but it manages to be entertaining despite its flaws and ultimately that's what movies are all about. Kudos to the casting department, the women are all very attractive without looking like bimbos.
lazarillo This is one of those films that "irresponsibly" intermixes extreme sex and violence. This doesn't bother me, however, because the two things are like drinking cold beer in a hot tub--both are enjoyable but for completely different reasons. And just as no sane person is going to start bathing in cold vats of beer or drinking hot tub water, these kinds of movies aren't going to make gore erotic and sex repulsive, however much they mix the two. The real problem with THIS movie though is that it fails miserably both as a sex movie AND as a splatter movie.Three nubile young girls die and come back to life as zombies either because some misguided environmentalists poisoned their milk with chemical stolen from a chemical company OR because the same chemical company is pouring toxic waste in the graveyard--the incompetently plotted movie never quite makes up its mind on this. The zombie girls have dessicated faces and hands but perfectly firm young bodies when they disrobe (which is very often). They are thus neither very sexy nor at all scary. Maybe this was meant to be an absurdist comedy, but I sure wasn't laughing. The non-zombie girls aren't much more appealing (how do you say "sleazy skanks" in French?). They kind of look like refugees from "Traci, I Love You" (Traci Lord's French-made, only-legal porn flick) except that their acting is not quite up to the level of 80's Euro-porn.The splatter scenes are very puerile in their attempts to shock the viewer, resembling more the shot-on-video, sold-to-suckers-over-the-internet efforts of modern-day amateur filmmakers than the European horror masters like Argento and Fulci (or even the European horror hacks like D'Amato and Mattei). The director, another hardcore-porn refugee, apparently went on to helm the "French Lolita" (hardly a necessary film in the "zank 'eaven, for leetle girlss" French cinema).Not a good film in any sense of the word , but if you're still interested contact me--I'll sell it to you, CHEAP.
Coventry The French and movies about the living dead don't really seem to match together very well, do they? Remember "Zombie Lake"? Well, "Revenge of the Living Dead Girls" is almost as awful as that one, only it wasn't so fortunate to hoard a gigantic cult status and became pretty much forgotten over the years. Nevertheless, this is entertaining bad cinema in case all you're looking for is no-budget exploitation, sleaze and a handful of repulsive gore sequences. The film opens like standard zombie guff, with three recently deceased teenage girls coming back from the dead after toxic waste has been spilled on their tombs. The girls immediately go after the management of the local dairy factory since poisoned milk caused their deaths to begin with. Or at least so it seems, because the whole factory hangs together by fraud, conspiracies, scandals and bribery. There's a fairly ingenious plot-twist near the end but, until then, all we get to see is terrible acting, pointless red herrings and completely hilarious dialogues ("a little bit of necrophilia never hurt anyone"). The gory scenes, albeit amateurish, are effectively nauseating and offensive! Some woman gets her eyes poked out by high heels, another one poor soul gets a sword inserted in her vagina and THE most stomach-turning moment involves a totally random but incredibly bloody miscarriage in the shower. That was just too much! Proceed at your own risk...