The Tenants
The Tenants
R | 03 February 2006 (USA)
The Tenants Trailers

The story of a Jewish novelist, Harry Lesser, struggling to complete his latest work, and his antagonistic relationship with a black writer who moves in down the hall.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Jaime Gonzales Unrealistic premise: New York rent controlled building occupied by sole individual who refuses to leave until he finishes his book. Writer meets Squatter, also a writer who is trying to finish his book. Statistically, I would imagine that even with 5 billion people on this planet this premise has never actually occurred in nature.Silly relationship: The white, Jewish writer suffers an unlimited amount of verbal, racial and physical abuse at the hands of the black, militant, racist squatter, yet continues to attempt friendship.This movie is actually such a silly contrivance, I am not sure what the point is supposed to be. That writers, of any race, are mentally unstable? That racism is something which must be endured by white, Jewish people who don't appear to be racists themselves? That hatred exists? That, if one person is hateful enough to another person, the other person will think they need to kill them? Which then justifies the hatred of the first person, who, in their last moments, then kills the person whom they stated many times needed to be killed for being white?
Jmkjohn The movie wasn't bad as everyone says, but it could of been made a little better, casting wise I do say. BUT... look at the way the movie LOOKS, the colors are very crisp and MAKES the picture stand out for that reason. The person or persons involved in that did an OUTSTANDING job. 10 out 10 for that, and as a filmmaker I would love to hire the people who were in charge of that. I sat through the film looking at it from that angle. It was done beautifully, it looked like it was shot on film (which it was I bet)but in the 70's era. I can't stress that enough, it looked so damn amazing, I began to think that it was shot in that era. Great job, bottem line.
bubsy-3 30 years ago (wow!) back in High School, I was a big fan of Bernard Malamud and read most of his works in Modern American Literature Class. But I didn't read The Tenants. So I looked forward to seeing The Tenants especially since my Cuzzin, Snoop Dogg is in it.The Tenants is an excellent though simple story transformed into a very good screenplay. The problem, however, is the director. This movie feels like it was directed by a film student. It's directed in what I would call a "matter of fact" style which fails to develop a relationship between the characters. In fact, the characters seem just to be reciting lines. Despite that, the screenplay carries this movie well and it was certainly a movie I wanted to go back to and watch to the end on DVD.
seriously-2 When I first heard of this movie, and of course the fact that Snoop Dogg had a role in it, I didn't think much of it. But it made me curious; Snoop and a serious role...I hope it wasn't the intention to make us curious because Snoop Dogg was in it, I hope it was just a try for a serious play. And serious it was.Without spoiling a thing; I had a hard time imagining Snoop as the 'novellist', Willie. I know Snoop as Snoop Dogg, the famous and maybe a bit extraordinary, but very genius, rapper/MC.Leaving Snoop Doggs intentions in the middle; the story was crap. I could not relate to it, I could not identify with it and it made Afro-American people look like a bunch of racists, which was NOT a good thing. I know where the story was about, I know the intentions, but to me, these intentions did not come out right... Only the end was really worth watching!I think all of you should see it, not because of it's brilliance, but because of it's rareness. It's not your ordinary Drama, it feels real.