Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story
Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story
PG | 07 April 2003 (USA)
Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story Trailers

Based on a true story. Liz Murray is a young girl who is taken care of by her loving, but drug-addicted parents. Liz becomes homeless at 15 and after a tragedy comes upon her, she begins her work to finish high school.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
wangguoxiang This is the best movie since I ever seen which is positive and fantastic.The girl's father is a intemperant and her mother is a woman who doesn't care about her own daughter, so at first the girl went out to play and smoked everyday.She studied very careless and had no hope about her life . But after her parent died,everything changed. She began to leave her bad friends far away and studied hard. When she told her friends that she wants to go into college and the college is Harvard,almost everyone said ,"you are crazy!" She didn't care about the query ,she just kept studying hard. She is homeless but full of hope, she just has one dream that she wants to go into Harvard. She has no money to pay for the tuition and finally she got a special scholarship because of her hard working . Yes,finally she succeed and she changed her life by her own. After watching this movie, i think maybe everyone can change their life themselves,even no parents affording. There are too much things that we don't like or don't want ,but we can't choose by ourselves. Anyway you can make your life to be the shape like your imagination. It's a fantastic movie especially for teenagers in my opinion.Every time you face some difficulties you can not stand ,then you will think about this movie, to make you cheer up!
Linda Ewen A remarkable story of a remarkable person. It is inspirational. While the title seems to say it all, it is all to stark. The movie does not appear to hide very much. It will stay with me for a long time. I am immensely grateful that neither I, nor my children, had to go through anything nearly as difficult as most days must have been for Liz Murray. Watching it, kind of knowing how it would end, was very difficult. I also wonder how many other children are now going through the same thing but without the astonishing intelligence of Liz Murray. I believe it should be shown in every NYC High School. If it were seen by more students and teachers maybe the drop out rate would be lowered.
Allison Martell Poorly directed. Poorly acted. Cheesy storyline. Cheesy soundtrack. Nothing really worth while in this movie. I respect Liz Murray a lot for what she did, and this movie just didn't do her any justice whatsoever. They made it seem like getting into harvard was just something anyone can do, and I think Liz Murray deserves a little more credit than this for her hard work. I did enjoy the portrayal of Liz Murray's father. He brought a certain lovability to such a messed up person. He made it believable that Liz would have respect for this man. Other than that, the acting didn't impress me at all.I give it 2/10 stars. Sorry guys. Just didn't see anything I really liked in this movie.
Stressqueen What a waste. How such an incredible story could be allowed to be let down with such shoddy direction and terrible dialogue is completely beyond me. If Liz Murray is such a genius why on earth did she approve this script? A bit more development (and a new director) would have done justice to and made this piece more deserving of it's central theme.Thora Birch was good but the other performances were two dimensional at best - again I think as a result of the inexperienced direction. Kelly Lunch as her mother was overly dramatic and on the whole unconvincing.One plus is that the pace and momentum really works - the film ticks along nicely.
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