Where the Day Takes You
Where the Day Takes You
R | 11 September 1992 (USA)
Where the Day Takes You Trailers

King is a young man, but he's already a veteran of life on the streets of Los Angeles. The de facto leader of a group of teenage runaways, King acts as a mentor to troubled kids such as gay hustler Little J and junkie Greg. When Heather, a beautiful girl from Chicago, starts hanging out with King and his crew, it changes the dynamic of the gang. However, it seems as though nothing will alter their dangerous lifestyle.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
slightlymad22 Having finished my look book at the career of Tom Cruise to date, I have decided to do Will Smith next, as I owned most of them anyway, but have not seen a movie of his (except Suicide Squad) since the awful After Earth. Where The Day Takes You (1991)Plot In A Paragraph: A group of teenage runaways try to survive on the streets of L.AWhat a cast, what performances, what a great little movie. How had I never heard of this?? If anything it suffers from his famous most of its cast became through various TV and film roles. Dermot Mulroney is the main actor here as The King, a sort of leader of the runaways. Sean Astin (in what I now consider his best performance) and Beltzhar Getty are his closest allies, as for Will Smith, he portrays Manny, a legless cripple, who is on the fringes of being in with The King. Riki Lake, Lara Flynn Boyle, Robert Knepper, Adam Baldwin, Alyssa Milano, David Arquette, Kyle MacLachlan and James Le Gros all have roles of varying importance to the plot, but all are fantastic. Considering the cocky, outgoing public persona Smith was portraying in public at the time, and the light comedic tone of The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, this was certainly an interesting first movie for Smith.Despite only a $3 million budget, Where The Day Takes You was a commercial flop, grossing only $390,000 at the domestic box office.
Cassandra_Jade Moving film with issues that people who have been in the same situations will be able to relate to. Sean Astin(Greg) was really good in this film he played his part well and you feel for him and try to understand how it must feel living life the way they all do on the streets. Great cast line-up and it was good to see Will Smith in there. All the characters seemed real not just movie stars playing homeless kids.
sschne Marc Rocco writes and directs us into the world of homeless runaways on the streets of Hollywood in this often overlooked early-nineties gem. Artistic, fast-paced editing and a unique story structure capture and hold our interest with an emotional acoustic soundtrack by Melissa Etheridge. The dim lighting can be frustrating, but it certainly helps to convey the darkness of the subject matter. Understated perfomances also create a compelling character-driven drama by a cast of soon-to-be stars, before the mediocrity of fame had a chance to dull their talent. (Will Smith, Kyle MacLachlan, Tara Flynn Boyle, Rikki Lake, etc...) Life on the streets has rarely been conveyed so well, and the themes and social issues raised are wrapped in an extremely appealing package.
tenacious t It bears repeating, I absolutely loved this movie! It is one of my favorite movies of all time! I admit that initially I only wanted to see it because of Balthazar Getty, but it has so many great stars! Everyone does a fabulous job. Great story and characters. I have nothing to base this on, but it seems really realistic. There is some humor and some really sad parts. The director and writer Marc Rocco gives them a lot to work with. I don't see how anyone could not like this movie. Dermot Mulroney, Balthazar Getty, Sean Astin and Lara Flynn Boyle give fantastic performances! I highly recommend this movie! It does make you appreciate what you have and makes you realize how some people, kids, can end up and what can happen to them. Awesome flick!