Clay Pigeons
Clay Pigeons
R | 25 September 1998 (USA)
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Clay is a young man in a small town who witnesses his friend, Earl kill himself because of the ongoing affair that Clay was having with the man's wife, Amanda. Feeling guilty, Clay now resists the widow when she presses him to continue with their sexual affairs. Clay inadvertently befriends a serial killer named Lester Long, who murders the widow in an attempt to "help" his "fishing buddy."

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
carbuff This is exactly the sort of low-key offbeat thriller that I really love. This is why the words strange and quirky were invented. Every actor's performance is totally solid and natural and you really don't know how it's going to move next. Some of the violence is a bit harsh, but not excessively so by modern standards. Vince Vaughn disturbingly captures malevolence especially well. It also has elements of dark humor to really round out the script.This film was just great all the way through to the very ending. A true hidden gem--really shows what can be done on what must have been a pretty low budget.
themorethemurrier I have loved this movie for years. It's one of only a dozen or so that I felt compelled to actually purchase, and I often recommend and lend it to friends and coworkers who haven't heard of it. Upon return, they generally suggest that there's something wrong with me for including this in my all time favorites, but always concede that they enjoyed it.It is hilarious, but it's a dark, dark comedy. Every performance is solid, and you will find yourself quoting some of the funnier lines to others when you try to explain to them why they, too, should watch this messed up but delightfully amusing tale.I'll not waste your time with a lengthy review of the plot; you can find that any number of other places. I will give you a warning that it is a rated R movie for a reason. I'd recommended it to a close girlfriend years ago when she was in college. She picked it for a coed movie night with a hundred or so folks...and it was apparently a bit racier than there normal fare. (They whistled and jeered, she blushed and was mortified, but everyone loved it.)
bowmanblue I've now seen 'Clay Pigeons' three times and yet I'm still not totally sure how best to describe it, or know what exactly I've even watched! However, at least I must like it... whatever it is.It's a story which doesn't really fit easily into any particular genre. It's not really thrilling enough to be a thriller. It doesn't have any element of a 'who-dun-it' as every death is pretty much self explanatory and there's certainly no action in it. Perhaps the best category – if this IS even a category – is 'serial killer' film... as there are plenty of bodies piling up here and there.It's about a man – Clay, played by Joaquin Phoenix – who just seems to attract death and destruction all around him. He can't seem to go a day in his small American town without someone he knows getting killed – normally horribly. And this trend is set to get worse when he meets Lester, played by (a slim) Vince Vaughn, who also seems to just want to kill pretty much everyone in his way.What follows isn't your average story. There are no 'damsels in distress' who conveniently need to be rescued in the final act. And, talking of final acts, there isn't the traditional stand-off between hero and villain in some dramatic place, like the top of a high-rise building. Perhaps that's why the film has such an odd feel to it. It doesn't really conform to any sort of blueprint. You just follow the lives of these – murderous – characters and see where it takes you.If you like the sound of that, you should get something out of this film. It has the feel of a film-maker's early work where he's still allowed enough freedom not to conform to every Hollywood convention. However, a word of caution, if you're looking for 'relatable' characters then you probably won't find any here. All of them, even Clay, are hardly the sort of people you'd want to hang around with. But then that's why you probably won't mind seeing them bumped off one by one.
KatieKnowsBest I saw Clay Pidgeons for the first time yesterday. My sister has loved this movie for a long time. I have to say that I haven't had that much fun in a while. I LOVED Lester Long and had so much fun watching little Joaquin Phoenix. I have to say that I don't think anyone can make you love a psycho killer like Vince Vaughn did. On that note, I liked that, at the diner, they showed that even though Vince Vaughn is so good that he makes you love Lester Long, Lester's still a bad person.I loved the dark humor of the movie as well. There were so many great one-liners. I would have to say that even 50 years from now, the line, 'Lester the Molester', will make me die laughing. Finally, I hope that if you haven't already seen this great movie, you will take give it a chance to make your day.