Batman: Bad Blood
Batman: Bad Blood
PG-13 | 19 January 2016 (USA)
Batman: Bad Blood Trailers

Bruce Wayne is missing. Alfred covers for him while Nightwing and Robin patrol Gotham City in his stead and a new player, Batwoman, investigates Batman's disappearance.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I am not much of a Batman fan, nor a fan of superheroes in general, but still I sat down to watch "Batman: Bad Blood" when I had the chance. And I did so with my son, as he enjoys superheroes in all shapes and sizes.However, it turned out that my son's interest in "Batman: Bad Blood" dwindled quite fast. And to be honest, then I found the storyline in this 2016 animated movie to be mediocre, and not really offering much of anything to spike my interest. But I persisted and stuck with it to the very end.I didn't really know many of the characters in this animated movie, so I have no clue of how true they were to their comic book origins. And while we are on the character gallery here, then I found the characters to be quite generic and essentially didn't have much of variations in personalities and characteristics. Nightwing was essentially just a Batman clone, and that was further cemented when he donned the mantle of the bat and pretended to be Batman. And Batwing, seriously? Batwing? Was the creativity well really so dry that this is what they could come up with? A tech-enhanced version of Batman. And suddenly Robin is a child and the son of Batman? What kind of twisted idea was that? Granted, I have no idea about the storyline of the comic books or other animated movies, so I don't know what warrants this drastic change of character and concept of Robin.Now, as for the animation style and art, then it was rather reminiscent of old school "G.I. Joe". And that worked quite well in favor of the animated movie, I think.The dialogue in "Batman: Bad Blood" was as to be expected and cheesy as superhero movie dialogue go. So you know what you are getting here.The voice acting in this animated movie was adequate, although I didn't recognize a single voice in here. I later saw that Morena Baccarin, John DiMaggio and Ernie Hudson were voicing characters, but I can't claim to have realized that while watching "Batman: Bad Blood"."Batman: Bad Blood" was mediocre entertainment, and as such my rating lands on a 5 out of 10 stars.
tankace Batman Bad Blood is the ending chapter of the "trilogy" about the new Batman team after the start of the New 52. This video film takes elements from the Battle of the Cowl story-line. In general the story is like this: Bruce is out and the rest of the Bat family has to deal with out his guidance and we see how much of an impact his actions had.We also get introduced to two lesser known Bats ,Batwoman (not this from 2003 Mystery Woman) and Batwing (not the jet ;)) and I think they were good, considering what happen later with BvS and The Killing Joke. Yea let's leave that behind for the best. As for the plot is OK, not great. If you have seen enough action thrillers you will definitely recognize it and be bother by that. Never the less it works for the flick so I will give it a pass.As for the voice casting and animation, we get a decent job and as I have wrote about it in Son of Batman, they have some big shoes to fill and the whole team does its best every time.And now for the future Batman film:I don't want to watch Bruce any longer. It isn't that I don't like Batman, far from it, but this film was a proof that the rest of the Bat-Family can carry a film with out Batman and they have to get their own time in the spotlight ,for example I want a solo Nightwing movie and or see the famous black sheep of them Red Hood either in a stand alone project or in contrast with Nightwing. For least be honest comic comrades the Dark Knight has get more than enough screen time in both films, TV series, video movies and video-games. It has been almost twenty years since the last appearance of member of the Bat-Family and the was in the infamous Batman and Robin! Since 2005 when Batman returned to the big screen we had ourselves full with him, but close to nothing from the rest of the Bats.If anything is to be said about this recent animated trilogy is that is time to see what the rest of the members of the House of Bats has to offer. As for the Bruce himself put him in supporting roles or small cameos, that's more than enough nowadays!And this project of mine has ended.. WOW. I had my full of the Caped Crusader for good for the rest of the year. My hope is that Warner Brother CEO read this or other reports or watch video on Youtube about the Knight of Gotham and DO IT, just do it!
OneEightNine Media DC had the best animated films. Especially the Batman stuff but now.. we get pure garbage. After Flashpoint Paradox (which is one of the best DCU films), it has just been going downhill and not stopping. There was a little bit of hope with Batman Vs Robin and even the animated Suicide Squad movie but after watching this trash.. after watching Batman Bad Blood, I am officially giving up on all upcoming DC animated films. They can wait for Cartoon Network for all I care.I guess my main issue is Batwoman. She takes up the majority of this film and makes it nearly unwatchable. The people marketing this lame piece of trash knew they couldn't call the movie "Bat-woman: Bad Blood" because no one would buy it. Batwoman is a painfully one dimensional character and boring as all heck. She is just upset off all the time and seems to only care about herself. In the beginning of the film her lack of training nearly gets Batman killed and thought dead by everyone. When discussing Batman's death, she doesn't seem to care much. On top of that, this stupid movie forces us to watch Batwoman's dating life and her relationship with her father and other things unrelated to the plot whatsoever. And we get to she her lame origin story and it is laughably awful.Basically, she walks home drunk from a nightclub and almost gets jumped by a few guys but is saved by Batman. After she doesn't thank Batman for saving her, she sees the Bat Symbol in the sky and gets inspired. I wish I was making this up. The last thing I have to call BS on about Batwoman is her fight at the end of the movie with Talia Al Ghul. She goes toe to toe with Talia Al Ghul without missing a beat. Normally, I would have no problem with this but at the beginning of the film we literally see Batwoman having trouble with C-list villains. So I guess that must make Talia Al Ghul, one of Batman's deadliest villains a C-List enemy. Man I hate this movie.I guess I should actually review this piece of trash, given the fact I wasted my time watching it but I just wanted to give you a little introduction about my history with DC's animated film universe. Anyway, it is hard to pick just one thing that makes this film hard to watch. This review is getting too long and honestly there is a ton of things to complain about. The pacing of the movie just terrible. The action is okay but the storyline makes you not really give a care. One last thing, PLEASE STOP GIVING BATMAN A GUN!!! What the heck is wrong with DC nowadays???? We all know they give Batman a freaking gun just for the stupid shock value but OMGoodness IT IS GETTING OLD! I was laughing my booty off when it happened but it was at the end of the movie and I already pretty much given up all hope.I had to edit the living daylights out of this review because of all the prohibited words used. This freaking movie..
Dan Nett First things first: this film is good but some major flaws stop it from being among the best of its kind. If you enjoyed the other films DC's released since its universe restarted, this one is definitely a nobrainer.The pros are definitely good animations with some really strong pictures, crazy ideas and an interesting story that allows some character development.You could say the film tries to be an action film with story - unfortunately the fusion doesn t quite work. One reason for this is, that the film favors action over story. This wouldn t be as bad, if the protagonists wouldn t turn to punchline-swinging clichés while fighting, just seconds after they had some actually interesting conversations that drive a plot that is supposed to give them depth. This luckily applies a bit less to Batwoman and not at all for Robin.The second major flaw for me is that I feel like the writers don t respect the motivations, aims or morals of the protagonists. Some other reviews also mention the ridiculously accidental dying of super-criminals. Your protagonists can t kill someone, so Karma has to do justice or what? If Batman would take his code of honor seriously, he had to kick all of them, due to them being unable to watch out.A last minor flaw for me was Batwing. This guy got some clichéd background and then continued to just being there, well and kick major ass. Maybe he marks the point where the writers didn t have time for more plot, since Batwing really misses some dialogs to make his integration into the Batfamily somehow authentic.On the bright side of characters there is Robin, who gets just little screen time but I think they got really a lot out of it. I think Batwoman also deserves a character-development shout out, even though I feel like she would have been more plausible if she wouldn t be the clear loser on the "Kick Ass-O-Meter".I personally feel like if the film had given the story more room, it would be a contender for the likes of Batman and the Phantom. This way it s "only" a good film.