Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic
Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic
R | 09 February 2010 (USA)
Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic Trailers

Dante journeys through the nine circles of Hell -- limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery -- in search of his true love, Beatrice. An animated version of the video game of the same name.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Kirpianuscus a disturbing film. for one as me, far by video games, admirer of Dante Divina Commedia, expecting a reasonable adaptation of the old book for a new generation. every expectation was destroyed, in precise manner. and he only verdict remains - it is the perfect choice for the fans of video game. nothing bad but almost predictable. this Inferno did part from a large genre who propose myths and legends and classic stories in a manner so bizarre , than , for old men like me, it is not easy to understand the deep purpose of this real industry. sure, the word blasphemy is precise to define it for many motifs. the graphic is impressive and the story so complicated than could be accepted. monsters, fights, crumbs of old Medieval novels, the hero and the Evil. and nothing more.
Armand An anime as instrument to expose Dante universe. Strange and full of great intentions. A warrior against demons and Devil, A delicate Beatrice and sage Virgil, love story, action and moral lesson in same skin, show and presentation, ad usum delphini, of a masterpiece. Great intentions and a final strange taste. Dante is only excuse for an experiment, nice and boring, revolutionary and nasty, with too many ingredients and an ambitious chaotic cook. So, it is interesting to define the target. Imagine the public for this version, very Japanese and cold, technical and strange. Only game for a generation behind books, part of a trilogy, maybe, violent and absurd, a fairy story in irregular uniform, it is not a disappointment if recognize the wave of movies in which history, legends and literature are a form of cake with taste of fast - food. Mirror of our society, piece of wet sand, it is a kind of Divine Comedy ersaz.
Claudio Carvalho After fighting in the Crusades for three years, Dante rides back home to his family estate to reunite with his beloved Beatrice and his father. Dante sees a rider following him, but out of the blue, the man vanishes with no trace. When he arrives home, he sees the servants slaughtered, his father murdered and Beatrice near death. When her soul is going to the heaven, Lucifer takes Beatrice to hell, telling that Dante has betrayed her. Dante meets Virgil that guides him to hell, and the poet explains that Beatrice had bet with Lucifer that Dante would be faithful to her while in the holy war. In return, Lucifer would protect Dante and bring him back home safe and sound. In the arrival in hell, Dante learns that he needs to cross nine circles to reach Lucifer: Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, the Tombs of Heresy in the City of Dis, Violence, Fraud and Treachery. In his painful journey, he discovers who doomed his family to suffering in hell."Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic" presents the journey of Dante to hell based on a video game and not on the poem of Dante Alighieri. The animation follows the Japanese style with few movements and is entertaining even for those that do not know the game. The screenplay is messy and in the end both Dante and his father deserve to be in hell since Dante is evil betraying his beloved Beatrice; slaughtering the prisoners in Jerusalem; permitting that his brother-in-law be blamed and hanged for his crime and his father is a brutal man abusive with his wife. However, Dante incoherently is able to save the souls of his mother and his beloved Beatrice using the cross she had given to him when she went to the Crusades. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Dante's Inferno"
david-kenyeres Well. I'm pretty sure everybody is familiar with the original Dante's Inferno, the story changed a bit and Dante this time isn't that Dante but a crusader and takes a rather bloody journey into the nine circles of hell. The prologue is drawn by Film Roman, not the best part of the movie but far from the worst.Then comes the only part I enjoyed, Limbo which was drawn by Manglobe, a dark Gothic atmosphere that is lost in the upcoming circles drawn by other studios. It is semi realistic (real world rules with an added layer of twisted fantasy) Dante is a hardened veteran of the holy war seeking to rescue his beloved and nothing more, nothing less.After Limbo you are tortured by Dongwoo Animation, and you literally have to endure hell to watch the movie any further as the upcoming four tiers are simply awful. Just an example, apparently for these Korean folks the Cerberus is a three-headed WORM and not a dog, at least they should have put their facts right. Of course Dante by a miracle became a one-man army slicing through skulls, spines, bones and whole bodies vertically with ease, while his physique suggests the opposite.At City of Dis another Korean studio, JM Animation takes over until the 9th tier. Dante reincarnates again as a super hero but with matching looks this time. The differences between the two studios stop here. There are random explosions when Dante is pushed against the ground or simply when his and a former friend's weapons clash in battle, God knows why.The ninth and last tier as a kind of reward (you would think) for all the suffering of the previous 7 tiers, is animated by Production I.G. Yeah the animation is superb but the story. Despite Dante's vow to God thus imprisoning Lucifer once more he still enters the Purgatory.All in all, the story had some potential but it is ruined by the terrible implementation.Thumbs down.