Batman: Under the Red Hood
Batman: Under the Red Hood
PG-13 | 27 July 2010 (USA)
Batman: Under the Red Hood Trailers

One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
gutsthealchemist I actually haven't read A Death in the Family, but this movie makes me want to. Good action, animation, voice-acting, and story. Just go watch it
alialkaby ... review please, let me ask you something respectfully!: What do I have to do to get to watch more of these remarkable cartoons?!?! Shall I donate? You need a lucky mug in the studio? Write a permission? Whatever needs to be done consider it done! Because I just love these fantastic stories! The music, the art direction, the characters, the cast, everything was just great! And for a certain level I enjoyed it more than the movies! Don't get me wrong! I love the movies as well! The Burton ones, the Nolan ones are fantastic! (Let's just not talk about the Schumacher ones already!) These titles belong to these directors. It is their vision. This one is very creative as well, but this one is the real BATMAN! The movie is not flawless though. Of course sometimes they do simple things, and there is no problem, I mean it is a cartoon, so they can get away with it! But one thing is for sure: Warner Bros. has realised that there are two groups of Batman fans out there, and one of these groups is all grown ups now! This cartoon is for them! I definitely wouldn't watch it with my child - there is blood. A lot of blood. - but for us it is like reading a comic book! They both come to life before our eyes. I was waiting for this one and I was very happy to see it eventually! So if anybody would read this from the fantastic team of creators of this great tale: Please make more! You got one definitive fan! And I'm sure that I'm not alone! :D
cricketbat Batman: Under the Red Hood is fun, but you'll probably like it more if you already have a pretty strong Batman background. It deals with characters and storylines some may be unfamiliar with. This feels like an episode of the old Batman: The Animated Series, only darker. I enjoyed it.
SlyGuy21 I guess I can get on my soapbox here for a little while, I've always loved Jason Todd, not only as Red Hood, but Robin as well. He was a more brutal Robin, a more street-wise Robin, and a personification of Batman's ruthlessness. He wasn't a Dick Grayson, he wasn't a Tim Drake, and he wasn't a Damian Wayne. He was his own, unique character, and he got killed because of it. I think the biggest draw for me in terms of Jason Todd is how his life was cut short because the fans wanted him to die, they couldn't accept this new Robin, who was so different from the previous. And so, he was killed off in a very tragic way in the story "A Death in the Family". He is now regarded as Batman's biggest failure, who knows what would've happened to Jason had he not been killed off, but thankfully, he was brought back.Unlike "Batman: Year One", I haven't read the graphic novel this is based off of, and I don't care because this is a masterpiece. In just 80 minutes, this movie changed my expectations of direct-to-DVD movies. Not all of them, but at least the DC ones. "Under the Red Hood" is dark, brutal, but also sad, mostly sad for me because I can sympathize with Todd in this situation. The climax to this is a tear-jerker for sure. The speech that Todd gives is so powerful because it's true. Why has Batman let Joker live all this time? And it's Bruce's explanation that also rings true. He can't kill The Joker, because if he does, he'll never be able to come back from it. This isn't just a matter of good vs evil, this is a matter of what someone considers right and wrong. Where do you draw the line? And when do you cross it? The animation is stunning, the story, intense but heart-breaking, the cast, fantastic. So far, this is THE animated Batman movie for me, and I say "So far" because "The Killing Joke" isn't out yet. That's the whole reason I started "The Bat-a-thon", to celebrate my favorite superhero. And that's exactly what "Under the Red Hood" is, a celebration of what makes Batman so great. And that is being able to tell mature stories, that are engaging, intense, but also emotional and stunning. I salute everyone that had a hand in making this.