Batman Beyond: The Movie
Batman Beyond: The Movie
NR | 10 January 1999 (USA)
Batman Beyond: The Movie Trailers

Fuelled by remorse and vengeance, a high schooler named Terry McGinnis becomes the new Batman as he fights crime in the futuristic Neo-Gotham City.

YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
adonis98-743-186503 Batman Beyond: The Movie s basically the first few episodes of the Batman Beyond Animated TV Series edited together and made out as a movie it's not something that you haven't seen before so you might actually be disappointed but in the end this is the same exciting show that we all loved just it's first episodes mixed together made out in a movie. You know the story it takes place some decades later where Bruce Wayne is old and Batman is retired and after Terry's dad gets murdered he chooses to steal one of Wayne's suits and become The Batman. The impressive thing about this show and movie is not only that is awesome and reaches the heights of the Animated Series but also the cast the voice cast that is here you have Kevin Conroy, Linda Hamilton, CCH Pounder, Seth Green, Michael Gross and many many more. In the end Batman Beyond is a fun mix of the episodes that you have already seen and it's totally worth your money but between this and Return of the Joker we all know which one is the better movie but also the better story.
c-blauvelt Batman Beyond: The Movie (1999) by Curt Geda--Batman Beyond: The Movie is the compilation of the first two episodes of the Batman Beyond TV series. The show alternates awkwardly between brilliant exploration of the nature of vigilantism (what it means to be Batman), with insanely over-blown action sequences, and Dawson's Creek-style teenage angst. The premise for the show is that Bruce Wayne ended his career as Batman when he was forced to use a gun for the first time to save his life. Many years went by and in his 80s he is a bitter old man living out his waning days remembering the past, usually by staring at his little museum of super-hero suits, Miss Havisham from Great Expectations-style. After much initial reluctance he begins to train a new Batman, a teenager named Terry McGinnis, whose own father suffered a similar fate to Bruce's parents. The premise of Bruce training Terry to be the new Batman allows for some probing psychological exploration of what it means to be a vigilante who dresses up in a Bat-suit. But the psychology of the characters isn't as richly explored as it could be, due to the emphasis of extraordinary over-the-top action sequences usually involving gang members called the Jokers who pattern themselves on Batman's old arch nemesis. Much of the initial episode focuses on Terry's love interests as well, a waste of time that could have been spent developing more of a relationship between Bruce and Terry. The animation style isn't nearly as compelling as Batman: The Animated Series or Batman: Gotham Knights, with its emphasis on extreme action and characterization. The style of this show leaves no room for nuance, as opposed to the phenomenally detailed, probing nature of the cartoon-noir Batman: The Animated Series. Ultimately, this show leaves the viewer with the same dissatisfied effect of watching a Batman film directed by Joel Schumacher: a lot of fast-paced action and thrills, but little heart. B-
xindi005 I have always been a fan of Batman, from the first Batman movie(1989) to the recent film (Batman Begins)< so it was natural that I would follow the adventures of this new batman....I have mixed reviews.First and foremost, this a very cool series and it deserved more respect that it got. Though I have to admit that I was just as concerned as many "Bats" fans when I heard the first cut of the title, "Batman Tomorrow"....."Batman Tomorrow"? Even the name sounds stupid and badly planned. Well, with a much needed name change and some well-placed faith(on my part at least), the show came on and I was impressed.Though, I did like the series and the very cool animated movie that followed, I did think that the series reminded me too much of the "Spider-man" TV series that came on FOX just a few years before(now that show was cheesy). I mean the protagonist got away a bit too much and the series seemed a bit cookie-cutter like that( no real drama). In the end of it's run, the series got a lot better at catching you by the sack and keeping your interest.The movie, like the series' final seasons, did not disappoint and the uncut version made it even better(if you buy the movie, buy that version).So, if you haven't seen "Batman Beyond" because you did have the KidsWB network then or because you're just being stubborn, then take a look....I guarantee you will like least a little.
Big Movie Fan It's always fun to watch somebody inherit a famous superheroes mantle and the result is always fresh and exciting.Terry McGinnis is the new Batman and a very interesting character. It's also interesting watching an elderly and cynical Bruce Wayne act as mentor to Terry. Boy, hasn't Bruce become miserable in his old age?The new Batman is fresh, young and raring to go and he honestly believes that he can change things. Terry has had some great adventures fighting the criminals of the future especially the Jokerz. This is an intelligent cartoon and very dark just like it's predecessor. This is an awesome cartoon with several years ahead of it. It actually came out in 1999 but I only actually watched this movie and subsequent episodes at the end of 2001. I now catch the episodes whenever they are on.All in all, a great series but I do have one question; Is Superman still around in the future?
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