Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
PG-13 | 28 September 2010 (USA)
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Trailers

Batman discovers a mysterious teen-aged girl with superhuman powers and a connection to Superman. When the girl comes to the attention of Darkseid, the evil overlord of Apokolips, events take a decidedly dangerous turn.

Sexylocher Masterful Movie
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Eric Stevenson I had no idea that this movie would be an origin story for Supergirl. I personally didn't find it as good as the Wonder Woman or Red Hood movies, but it's still good. I was thinking that all of these films were setting up some new superhero universe like the DCAU. I easily recognized that it wasn't the same Wonder Woman from the other movie. I think Superman's appearance has become a meme of some sort with how goofy it looks. Well, I admit it does look goofy but that's a minor complaint about a good movie. The animation for the most part is really good.I don't know why Desaad wasn't in this movie. It's kind of hard to take seriously a villain named Granny Goodness. Still, the action scenes are tons of fun and we even get a nice twist ending. This certainly told Supergirl's origin better than that awful Supergirl movie. I thought she might have been Power Girl at first, but I guess I'm just more interested in seeing a superhero, who's um, really attractive. It's great to see Batman and Wonder Woman here too and yep, this did a better way of representing them than the disappointing Batman Vs. Superman movie. ***
barrosjared This film does contain enough dedication to the mythos of these characters, but besides that it is an Supergirl story instead of about the most known superheroes:Superman and Batman like the cover apparently gives us an misleading title to pick it up. Even Wonder Woman is rarely used in this film, this had a lot of potential for the three as an group fighting villains, but it has lame, bland dialogue of Supergirl learning the ways of the Earth. Batman is only a supporting character in this film, though Superman fans will enjoy Superman's screen time.What almost saves this film is the final battle between the two kryptonians against the tyrant Darkseid. Darkseid is vastly more powerful than Superman in this to the point where Superman can't even hurt him. Darkseid toys with him and easily punches him over the speed of light. Darkseid is a bad ass here, no one can match him and he has fun toying with the kryptonians even at the same time. Watch this for the final battle only besides, stay away from this useless story and dialogue.
KineticSeoul Rather than this movie being a Superman/Batman team-up movie they should have just simply titled it "Supergirl". Because this movie seemed inconsistent from time to time. By focusing more on what Kara aka Supergirl was going through and more focus on her origin would have made this a better watch in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, Batman and Superman does play a pivotal part in the movie. But it just seemed like the focus should have been more on Supergirl. The fight scenes are pretty good, especially the team up between Superman and Supergirl against Darkseid near the end. It was choreographed very well and had some clever moments. The plot is alright, nothing all that grand or amazing. But it does have enough entertainment value and the superb fight between the heroes against Darkseid makes it worth a watch. The movie does have it's moments, but overall it's pretty average.7.3/10
sunny lovett (dwtaxi) This film is probably the best of all the Superman animated movies that have been released over the least few years, better even than Doomsday. The animation quality, the voice acting, the comic timing, the action scenes, the story, and especially the writing are all of the highest standard. Telling the story of Kara Zor-El's arrival on earth this film is notable for its use of realistic elements, such as language barriers to truly reinforce the realness of the story; although having Kara have powers from the start even though she crash landed at night is a tad annoying. The voice for Darkseid was a little too refined as well, but the talent of Andre Braugher makes up for this.Great action, good drama, well placed and perfectly timed comedy, great voice acting and a very good story mean this movie was wasted on only being direct to video.