PG-13 | 22 July 2006 (USA)
Lightspeed Trailers

Government agent Daniel Leight has his radiation treatments sabotaged. He soon finds that he can now move at super speeds but only by risking metabolic damage which could prove to be fatal. 'Lightspeed' must now use his powers to go after old friend turned terrorist who is now a mutant half-snake called Python.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
TheLittleSongbird I like superhero movies just as much as the next person, but I was dubious about Lightspeed considering it was SyFy, notorious for making bad movies. As far as SyFy movies go, Lightspeed is not their worst, and not quite bottom-of-the-barrel quality. And that is only because Python looked cool. However, it was to me a terrible movie, with unimaginative and often cheap-looking special effects and choppy editing. The writing is of a corny and clunky quality throughout, the story is dull and predictable with no real excitement or thrills and the characters have no likability to them, coming across as either annoying or dull. The acting is also very wooden, with Jason Connery an uncharismatic lead and everyone else not faring much better. All in all, it may be a superhero movie but it lacks flash, any genuine excitement, a convincing lead or imagination. 1/10 Bethany Cox
majorhustler This is the most absolute waste of human resources I have ever seen. Everyone involved in this movie's production should be shot on sight. I cant fathom how a movie this bad is created. First, what kind of retard writes a script like this? Second, what kind of idiots read it and think they should make this movie? Third, what kind of actor reads the script and thinks it would be a good idea to act in it? How does this happen? The money spent on making this movie would have been better off being used to buy shares of stock in Enron. Why why why, I really want to know why, or even how a movie like this could possible be made. SciFi channel is a pretty descent cable channel sometimes, if they let this happen they should promptly be removed from the air.
Anyafan14 Okay, I admit the idea probably had good intentions; creating the Marvel version of The Flash has good potential but really, this is just gross. There was a bloodbath within the first 6 minutes and of course this was the family dinner movie. You meet the villain, flashback and learn his story, and then the hero is created. The hero is and interesting sort who makes the normal new superhero mistakes, but his background should prep him some. There were some interesting parts in finding a secret bad guy, but otherwise it was just a bunch of red paint. My brother and I are Stan Lee fans, but this movie definitely was no tribute to his amazing work. We made fun of it whenever we weren't covering our eyes from the gross parts. Unless you like gruesome movies or are looking for an easy diet plan, don't waste your time- just rent Spider-man and enjoy your evening.
jk90 I know Sci-Fi Channel loves to air the worst sci-fi movies they can find, but they've outdone themselves with this garbage! OMG, it's not just bad, it is stupid! The low budget Captain America and Spider-Man TV movies in the 80s had more imagination and style than this bowl of chum. Everythting about it was a joke: The stars, the story, the characters, the dialogue, the direction, the not-very-special effects and most of all that ridiculous costume! Sure, every superhero with a bad comb over walks into a sporting goods shop and throws together their costume. Connery looked like a member of some gay stage show. Jason's dad would be rolling over in his grave if he was dead -- and seeing his son in THIS may kill him.If you want to see a good show about a guy with super speed, skip this vat of pee and pick up the DVDs of the Flash TV series from the 90s. It's a HELL of a lot more netertaining. jk90