| 22 July 1994 (USA)
Roadracers Trailers

Cynical look at a 1950s rebellious Rocker who has to confront his future, thugs with knives, and the crooked town sheriff.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
david hollyfield TV Movie by Robert Rodriguez? Already a conundrum... And starring David Arquette as the anti hero? Gotta be worth looking at.Not disappointing... Great performances all around, great Rock 'n Roll soundtrack, violence, sexiness and rebellion...It works.
Woodyanders Rowdy and defiant hot shot rebel Dude Delaney (a supremely cool performance by David Arquette) yearns to escape from his repressive small town existence. His fiery girlfriend Donna (an appealing portrayal by Selma Hayek, who looks absolutely gorgeous) and oddball nonconformist buddy Nixer (a delightfully quirky turn by John Hawkes) offer some relief, but Dude finds himself in deep trouble when he runs afoul of both brutal crooked sheriff Sarge (William Sadler in fine hard-nosed form) and a gang of thugs led by Sarge's antagonistic son Teddy (well played to the hateful jerky hilt by Jason Wiles). Director/co-writer Robert Rodriguez brings a funky hopped-up style, a winningly brash sensibility, and a positively galvanizing go-for-it vitality to the hugely entertaining premise: The zippy pace rarely flags for a minute, the stifling conformity and conservatism of the 50's period is vividly rendered without any sappy nostalgic sentiment, and the startling last third erupts with several jolting moments of sudden explosive violence. Moreover, it's acted with zest by an enthusiastic cast, with especially stand-out work from Arquette, Hayek, Sadler, Hawkes, and O'Neal Compton as gruff no-nonsense diner owner J.T. Kevin McCarthy pops up in a neat cameo appearance. Further invigorated by Roberto Schaefer's vibrant cinematography and a right-on rocking soundtrack, this honey overall rates as the cat's groovy pajamas.
LeonLouisRicci Rockabilly music and good performances, combined with stylish photography and an a whole lot of cool make this made-for-Showtime movie stand alongside the Director's later more seasoned and polished work.Hampered by a low budget, the car chases and outdoor scenes show some lack of an expanded view of things, but if you are along for the ride it doesn't seem to matter much. In fact it may even add to the small town, penned-up teenage angst.Every character in the film is dead-on believable and it rocks with a rhythm and angry attitude that is alluring and it has an articulate feel for the scene and setting.
KimmyIdol This has to be one of the coolest greaser movies I've ever seen. I know, you think David Arquette and you can't get Deputy Dewey out of your head. I'm tellin' ya, the man pulled off rockabilly sexy like you wouldn't believe. William Sadler is great as the bad cop/town jerk's dad. The music was out of this world. This is definitely not a serious look at life in the fifties, but c'mon! The roller rink scene, the hair catching on fire, it's classic. Make sure you see this movie, and make sure you stick around for the outtakes after the credits start to roll.