Beyond the Blackboard
Beyond the Blackboard
PG | 24 April 2011 (USA)
Beyond the Blackboard Trailers

Inspired by a true story, “Beyond the Blackboard” is about a 24-year-old first-time teacher who makes a difference in the lives of the homeless children she teaches in a shelter’s makeshift classroom. Set in 1987 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, this movie tells the story a brand-new teacher and Mom who is given a tougher than expected teaching job and winds up teaching homeless children in a school that is housed in a room and called, literally, The School with No Name. She has some personal prejudicial hurdles to cross before she is able to be a true teacher for these children and of course there are hurdles like the lack of books and supplies.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Anindita Dutta The movie starts with a young teacher named Stacey Bess who goes for an interview and gets the job right away, without many questions being asked. When she asks the interviewer the name of the school, he says 'The school has no name... It is an initiative for homeless children.'And that is the beginning of her journey... A journey of learning... A journey of bringing a change... not only in the lives of her students, numbered somewhere around 20, but in the lives of thousands of people all around. Stacey Bess tells you how a teacher should be. The movie manages to capture that essence very well. The movie leaves behind, with you, an experience to cherish and to learn from for years to come.Emily VanCamp as Stacey Bess is beyond perfection, charming and so real that there are times you forget that she's just playing a part. All the supporting actors are excellent as well. All the child artists deserve a special mention.
studioAT I've seen Beyond The Blackboard a couple of times now and each time it has proved to be an enjoyable watch.While films about inspirational teachers getting the best out of wayward children are pretty common what separates this one from the rest is the heart and strength of the script behind it. It goes against the normal cliché's and this makes for a better film.It is helped by the fact that Emily Van Camp (better known to many as Emily in Revenge and Amy in the dearly missed Everwood) gives a great performance as Stacey and is supported by some good performances from the young children playing her pupils. Fans of the formerly mentioned Everwood will like the sight of Van Camp working with Treat Williams again and their chemistry shines through in the limited scenes they have together. It is also nice to see Cal from Studio 60 (aka Timothy Busfield) also appear in this above average TV movie.
edwagreen While it often doesn't happen, this is the way schools should be.A novice teacher in Utah is assigned to teach children who are homeless. Where they have housed these children and their families is an absolute disgrace to mankind. Our teacher heroine makes a life for these children. Quickly realizing that it can never be all about academics for these children, she first must get them to trust her and provide a warm, safe environment for them and their parents, many of whom are skeptical at the beginning. Academics shall follow. There is plenty of determination and true grit on her part.Of course, not everyone would call this realistic. Discipline problems are quickly dispensed with as an example. The bureaucratic nature of education is revealed.As this is a Hallmark picture, you know the story will be heartwarming and this film certainly is.Based on a true story, I fully congratulate this outstanding teacher.
willeagle23 My wife asked me to watch this movie with her last night and I'm glad she did. This was a very well done movie. All the actors did a great job especially Emily VanCamp as Stacey Bess. The child actors they got for this movie also did a very good job. I became very interested in the children and what their story was. And to probably be expected some were pretty sad. It was interesting to find out what happens to them during the movie. And as in all Hallmark movies there are some moments that tug at your heartstrings! And moments where you get a smile on your face. This was a story that I wasn't aware of so you could learn something from this movie as well as just get some enjoyment from it. A good choice for the family to watch.