R | 31 January 1986 (USA)
Youngblood Trailers

A skilled young hockey prospect hoping to attract the attention of professional scouts is pressured to show that he can fight if challenged during his stay in a Canadian minor hockey town. His on-ice activities are complicated by his relationship with the coach's daughter.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
HelenMary I love this film. It's about Ice Hockey (alwasys a good start), and an up and coming US player who goes over the border to Canada to play having been scouted, in the hope of making a career for himself. Starring Rob Lowe as the titular Dean Youngblood, Patrick Swayze as Derek Sutton the Team Captain and Cythia Gibb as the love interest, it's a typical 80's star vehicle when Rob Lowe as a member of the Brat Pack and seemed to be in everything (The Outsiders, St Elmo's Fire, About Last Night etc). Everything about it screams 80s and I'm not entirely sure it's aged well, it's shot very simply but some nice "set pieces" such as Lowe working out or skate-training sessions. The chemistry between Lowe and Swayze is brotherly, a "bromance", after the initiation at least, and they had played brothers only a few years before in The Outsiders - Darry and Sodapop Curtis.Whilst this is a an underdog-does-good sports film, it isn't so Hollywood and without drama and it's not a typical happy ending. The skating scenes are really good, Swayze throws himself into the physicality of the role in typical fashion. I'm sure some stunt skaters were used but possibly the actors were ice-familiar anyway. Keanu Reeves has a minor (comedic, and with some great one liners) role and was a goalie at school and he plays Heaver, the goalie with the Mustangs. Much of the story is predictable but there's also a few twists, and whilst the acting isn't stunning, Gibb is the weakest link, the skating and the comedy makes this a fab film - especially the bar scene when Dean first joins the team. The love scene is a little cringeworthy (more so when I first saw this) especially in connection with the wonderful Miss McGill (Fionnula Flanagan). I guarantee you'll never hear the phrase "Room Service?" without smiling, and you'll never look at a cup of tea the same way again. LOL.
saybow69 i see a few of the user comments referring to their playing days of college hockey and junior ice leagues or semi-pro hockey? (like the movie is) and got no problem with how the movie portrays the sport, few good moments (although don't think a 3 game series is played over a span of 3 weeks? (like movie makes it out to be? not playing football!) and believe me, i know those leagues are tough as nails! but i don't see how anyone who has played hockey at any level? can think that Racki would not have been suspended? ha ha? give me a break! almost killed Swayze! Patrick Roy goalie son goes and beats up other goalie fair an square and gets suspended for 7 games! and Patrick got 5! (junior hockey league) and you guys have no problem with Racki not getting suspended at all? cmon! and then the stick work in fighting? were the hell they come up with that? that is the fakest scene in a movie i have ever seen! they do not do that! at any level! best friend son plays for (OHL) Plymouth Whalers (Tyler Brown) and one of the toughest guys in league and he almost pee'd himself laughing when i showed him movie, felt like i was watching zorro? for some of the bloggers to have mentioned they played hockey their whole lives and not mentioned either one of these blunders? i find it hard to believe they ever even picked up a puck? if they didn't notice those 2 huge blunders or flat out fallacies! like certain parts of movie? but those 2 parts of movie were so fake? ruined whole movie! not too mention reeves acting! man he was bad!!
moviedude1 Rob Lowe stars as a teenager who gets the call to go north of the border to play junior hockey for the Mustangs. Along the way, he's done everything to get on the bad side of the coach (Ed Lauter), which includes dating his daughter (Cynthia Gibb).This film has nothing but potential stars involved, featuring not only the stars mentioned above, but the likes of Patrick Swayze and the debut of Keanu Reeves. To me, it seems like Swayze and Lowe struggle through some of the scenes, and it just never seemed to find the chemistry that a movie like this should have (maybe it's just that some of the film was shot in Minnesota and passed off as Canadian territory, but maybe it's just me). I've never cared for Lowe, but this is one of his better roles and I'm happy to have this film in my collection.8 out of 10 stars.
ni-8 The inconsistency was just too much for me to take.Sadly I must admit that one of the most realistic parts of the film was the tequila scene - been there / done that.For me, the whole film was spoiled by the refereeing decision at the end! When a penalty shooter plays the puck with his skate he has lost control - shot over - no goal!Caught between taking itself too seriously and not seriously enough this was just too disappointing. There was not enough humour (see Slapshot or Happy Gilmour), critique (The Deadliest Season or Net Worth), escapism (The Mighty Ducks or Mystery Alaska), documentary (Summit on Ice), realism (Gross Misconduct), romance (Love Story).
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