R | 24 March 1971 (USA)
Friends Trailers

Paul, a rich English boy, and Michelle, an orphaned French girl, run away from home to a remote beach. Living on their own, their friendship grows into love.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
english-express Rating this flick 10 out 10 makes me a person that grew up in the sixties.A flower child,and someone like Paul and Michelle just knew that the real importance in life,was to live and to live was to love. I was 18 years old back then,and although I'm from a big city(São Paulo/Brazil)I watched Friends when I was living in Manaus(north Brazil-the jungle place)and my heart just pounded and almost stopped when I rediscovered this film(I couldn't remember the name either in English or Portuguese),but was throughout Elton Jonh's biog that I came across it and a gentle soul has posted it on youtube.I watched.Ít is still a grand movie. Paul,a British boy living in Paris,meets Michelle,a girl that has just became orphaned.Their social-economical level are as distant as the Earth and the Moon,but it didn't bother them a bit.Young,under age,and they just follow their only option to live.Michelle after trying to live with a stupid cousin,sees that the only thing she has left in this world is a small cottage,owned by her late father,in an idyllic small place,Camargue,in Southern France.It is like there was nothing else,nobody else in that world.Just two of them,starting as friends,companions,but then as lovers.A child is born from that love. The director could express the sixties with vivid colors and it is funny because there are neither riots nor anti war displays,but he superbly shows HOW we felt back then.We were pure and innocent and believed in social justice and love, above all.Make love,not war. The scenery is beautiful:the wild horses,the sea,the whole environment,and the youngsters that portrayed Paul and Michelle did a good job!The scene when Michelle is at the cemetery putting flowers to her father(I believe!)is somewhat strong.SHE,really made me believe,in that moment,how alone,how the solitude was present in her life. The Brazilian culture is over sensual,(probably because we are in the tropics)so their nudity didn't matter,and them being under age,is part of the concept THEN,when we didn't talk(or knew,or mattered about children'molestation,that by the way,DOES NOT OCCUR !) "Paul!" "Michelle!"(they calling each other was printed in my soul!) This film is NOT intended for greedy souls. NOT FOR THE GREEDY!
celtic_rose_rk-1 i really love this movie , i saw it for the first time when i was working a video store. when i went to buy it they told me it was out of print and i couldn't order it so i just today thought i would look. and then i found it they put it out in Spain on DVD under the name "Algo Mas Que Amigos" and you can buy there it is in English and Spanish on the DVD....hope this helps ..... i know how hard it is to find movies that we love that they haven't Released to The U.S Market. best of luck..oh For more info here is one place to look.... HTTP:// i think it going for 10 dollars usd on eBay as well.
tlweschler I saw the movie in 1972, and like other people who have commented on it here ... I went back many more times to see it over and over ... I think 9 times in all. Just great is how I would describe it ... I was taken by the sound track, the beautiful panoramas of the south of France, the life style the kids began on their own. An ideal way to live is what they had set up ... of course the powers that be have to intercede, but when I forget that part I find myself wanting to be in the movie and live like that! So good that it is available on DVD now ... it was not around for years! TLW
jeff carroll Well what do you know, I was painting my house today and an Elton john song came on the radio, which immediately took me back to this movie which i saw in 1971. So long ago and so far away. Ten years later i hitched hiked through the country side of France, and i sure would have been keen to see Michelle. The film is probably not very sophisticated by todays standards, more's the pity, but it seemed rather racy back then. A few years later a sequel was made with Michelle living in a high rise in Paris and Paul coming back to meet her, just like life they had moved on, the film was very downbeat. Still the original was fab, and if you can get a copy go rent it, just remember to give it its' due and treat it gently. I note Americans can be rather prudish, so take note, contains scenes and themes possibly upsetting to middle America.