G | 24 February 2006 (USA)
Doogal Trailers

This is the story of Doogal, an adorable candy-loving mutt who goes on a mission to save the world.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
SomeoneYouMayKnow I saw the UK version, "The Magic Roundabout", before I dared starting this trek. It is certainly different and has "This used to be a TV series" written all over it, which is why they don't really give much back story to these characters. Despite this, the story is very easy to pick up, get into, and follow. Plus, the script is clever and well-written."Doogal" is a failed attempt at an American adaptation. Personally, I doubt that the writers had the slightest idea of what they were doing. The cultural references try to appeal to the parents while the potty humor tries to int entice the younger children. It's scripting is HEAVILY clichéd, and for the most part, has "WTF?" moments but it doesn't mean that it's that bad of a film. I wouldn't call it a kids movie. In fact, it might have done better if it was marketed towards teens and young adults. Mainly because many of these references seemed as though they would go over most kids' heads. The American dub plays more like a fan dub. In fact, it's hard to believe that it's not the work of someone off of YouTube.What I did like about "Doogal" was the narration. To the American audience who has never seen the series, it gives a nice introduction to the word and its characters. Sadly, it is overdone. Various narration spots throughout the movie take away from the story and is somewhat awkward. Another think I liked was moving a scene from the middle of the movie to the end. It gave a nice ending as opposed to the somewhat abrupt ending in "The Magic Roundabout". Actually, this is the only thing in the whole adaptation done right.Overall, "Doogal" could have been a good family movie given the following: 1. Had the writers kept more closely to the original script; 2. Had the writers been more conservative with their dispensing of pop culture references and fart jokes; 3. Had the narration been reserved only for the beginning and endIf you want a good kid's movie, watch "The Magic Roundabout". If you want a good laugh when you're half out of your mind, take "Doogal".
abrown975 I usually do my best reviews with lists. So here are all the mistakes the movie made, sealing its doom at the box office: 1) Just right off the bat, never EVER say "From the creator of 'The Fairly Odd Parents'" because not only is that show horrible for children, but that just shouts out "HEY! WANNA COME AND HEAR SOME FART JOKES?!" instead of just a regular trailer. I mean, I was a kid when I saw that in the trailer and even then that was a foreshadow for a plain old suck movie.2) The humor just bombed. And I am not kidding (seriously, I'm not) when I say Beverly Hills Chihuahua or The Cat In the Hat is ten times funnier than this tall glass of diarrhea. Most of it is just references to movies and shows, but they're poorly placed and poorly written. Christ, at least Family Guy manages to make me laugh when they make references like that. And after stocking up the shelves with failed attempts at references, they plug up every last nook and cranny with farts and stupid puns (For instance- "I've got a BONE to pick with you" while fighting with skeletons). Jesus, I did not laugh once, not even when I was seeing this for the first time when I was a kid! No lies! 3) The acting was horrible. And that's saying something, considering this was an animated movie, because it is near impossible to overact in a cartoon. Yet, this was an all-star cast! So how could they have completely hammed up the movie? My guess would be in the writer's department. Sometimes it's not the actors, it's the dialogue. But, the bottom line is a pig could be roasting a pig that's eating another pig and it would still be less hammy than this movie.I will say that the British version of this movie (the original, actually) has better acting and better jokes/dialogue, so if you were going to see one of the movies, see that one. But all I see this movie as is another reason Butch Hartman is just a hack that thinks jotting down any poop joke that pops into his head and turning it into an episode of The Fairly Odd Parents counts as writing a children show. This movie deserves a 1/10, because I will say in its defense that it does take a lot of work for a movie this horrible to get such an all-star cast. They must have some kind of dirt on all of them or something because something tells me none of them participated in this movie deliberately. Christ Almighty, this movie was crap.
stacie-husak So many people seem to despise this movie and I just don't get it. It's campy and cheesy and predictable, but it's also FUN. My kids grew up watching DVDs of many of the older movies quoted and enacted and have seen most of the newer ones. We were entranced with the characters and the story the first time we watched it. After that it's become a game to fit the quote with the correct movie title... and later all the script around them. Of course all those movies were better... but there is brilliance in paying homage to so many of the greats in one movie. We've watched it dozens of times and it's always good for making us laugh. My kids have seen the British version and prefer the American - because they saw it first?
Erica Williams I consider myself a Connoisseur of animated films. I myself own countless shelfs of animated movies. I have had such a deep love for them since a child and the love has never changed. I have seen many , many movies but to say this one was an utter disappointment is a gross understatement. I had seen the previews and saw the huge all star cast. Such a wonderful cast it had to be good right? WRONG! The dialog is only understandable by adults , citing references to Television shows or movies for adults. The characters are so bland I wanted to throw salt on the DVD. I really do love most DVD's people would cite as mindless child's entertainment. But this was something I wouldn't even put any effort to Buy/See. The story was so straight into adventure with little back story on the characters. It looks honestly like it was slapped together with no art of finesse. My friend's kids were so board the begged me to change it. I have never had that happen. It was Bland , Boring , Adult dialog references , Very little fun to watch , I tossed out the DVD weeks ago.
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