The Pet
The Pet
| 17 May 2006 (USA)
The Pet Trailers

A young woman in dire financial straights accepts an offer to be a wealthy aristocrat's human "pet" for six months. Then ruthless modern "pet-nappers" kidnap the woman to sell her on the GSM (Global Slave Market).

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
tomandhuck This is a great film. It would horrify so-called feminists, because it takes a really sexy, hot, princess type girl, strips her down naked for most of the film, puts a collar on her, brands her, dehumanizes her, makes her crawl on all fours, fetch sticks, run naked down the road, kiss guys shoes, be called "it", made to bark like a dog and kept in a cage. Wow. Excellent. And it also has another hot Asian girl,Sommer Ngyuen, in the same position. She was the casting director and she obviously purposely cast herself as the naked slave girl by her own choice. And didn't you see the hot Hispanic maid, Magi Avila's sexy character, looking wistfully, and jealously at GG and longing to be collared and totally humiliated and owned like that? The movie is a total psychological erotic head trip, especially for women. At first I hated it, but had to go back and watch again and again and just try to imagine what made a hottie like Andrea Edmondson want to totally strip off like that, and debase herself in such a deliciously humiliating way? She single handedly sets feminism back 500 years or more. It is quite something to see. And it really shows the vision of the future as imagined by the rich people of today - a world in which there are masters with money and human dogs to be lead around on leashes and controlled completely. I imagine this will be a kind of cult classic as the world falls further and further into neo-feudalism. As the guy in the film says - doesn't it feel so 'free' to be naked in the snow with an electric dog collar, fetching sticks for the entertainment of amoral rich people? Plenty of people in America probably agree and I imagine that a lot of people, including feminists, have a subconscious desire to find themselves 'free' of all requirements to think or worry about anything and in this kind of very erotic, submissive position.It definitely shows a dark, often subconscious and feared to be admitted side of human psychology. My only complaint is that it didn't go deeper. They tried to show Edmonson in a state of total complete submission, but I think she didn't go as far or as deep as she, or the audience really probably wanted.
sharkboy007 For anyone who comes here to read comments about this horrible celluloid abortion, please skip over the post titled "My Musings on The Pet".I actually made the mistake of reading this pretentious tripe, and there's only one conclusion that can be drawn from this person's post: he's one of those imbeciles that spend all their free time role playing as a "Gorean". None of that lifestyle "information" he spewed can be taken seriously by anyone who seriously practices said lifestyle. He needs to just shut up and go back to drinking from his sip-pee cup, and not interrupt the adults. Go back to Gor and never enter the daylight with the rest of the normal people!! ***Caution! The following contains spoilers, read at your own risk! (Scroll down if you wish to read the rest of the review, spoiler free)***This movie is absolutely horrible. It does not show the lifestyle in a positive light, and pretty much makes a mockery of the human slave trade. The main male character is a poor excuse for a human being whose only reason for taking a slave is because his dog died. Really? Really? And you know, it's pretty sad that the dog lived longer than the girl. The main female character is an idiot. She does all this stuff that doesn't even begin to make sense. Sitting on the floor at a restaurant? Yeah, like that happens all the time by people in the lifestyle. And through this entire movie, these people were getting into situations that they could have easily called the police on.And then there's the scenes in which there's some sort of slaver's convention/party/bat cave, complete with the web servers that have the website for slave flesh speculation. In Utah of all places! This "master" doesn't want to sell his pet, so he brings along her ownership tag. To a get together in which they're what? SELLING SLAVES!! Then, he "accidentally" drops it, and somehow, the "pet" is too stupid to not go "um, hello? you just dropped this tag" And it only gets worse.The best part, though, HAD to be the redneck who was doing the Slingblade impression. If he had busted out with something like, "He sure does like his pets branded, mm hum", I would not have been the least bit surprised.***END OF SPOILERS*** If you are into the lifestyle and looking for a good lifestyle movie, or one that presents it in a positive light, this movie is not for you. If you are looking for a good movie that touches on the tragedy of the slave trade, this movie is not for you. If you are someone who enjoys movies, this movie is not for you. If, however, you are someone who spends their free time pretending to be a master or Gorean, and have somehow gotten the idea that you have any reason to speak, then this movie is perfect for you.About the only thing this movie would be good for is for those people who are in a coma. Play this movie, and they're sure to come out of the coma, even if it's just to beat you for making them suffer through this horrible excuse for wasting people's time.
xsxces this is a very low production. like an American b movie. i didn't know that and that was disappointing for me. you can tell right away.i've never reviewed a movie here but this one made me register and then write all this. and not because it's good.let me tell you what happens in the very beginning when the 2 main characters meet. i'm assuming that's not a spoiler but if you think so, please move ahead.a girl is having some financial trouble(can't pay the rent, etc). a guy walks up to a flower stand where the girl is working. he sorta, SORTA, smooth talks her and she agrees to go eat w/ him. at the diner, he hears her story and offers her some money and says this is for nothing in return.they converse and she's now back at her apartment where she "flashes" back to her experience in the diner which shows her walking toward/approaching the guy's side of the booth(they sit in a booth facing each other at first) and asks if she can try his ice cream. he doesn't budge inward at all and she asks if she's supposed to eat on the floor. he says if you'd like, then i can feed you. she sits on the floor leaning on his seat and he feeds her a spoonful. THIS IS THE LITERAL SCENE! nothing more or less. happens in about 5 minutes or point is, there's no development of any kind. story and character. they just happen really fast. not like action movie fast. but pre mature ejac fast.the concept is pretty promising. people who seem to like it seem to really like it.'s like having a feast in front of you but having to eat it in 5 mins. i'm not really into the s/m, d/s, BNDG kinda thing but i can appreciate those when done tastefully. this is really not in that class.acting is pretty bad. i thought the story would draw me in eventually like another reviewer said but not for me. i've read a movie script before and those pages had more detail and emotion than the scenes in this movie.
LngElgntLegs I watched this movie with a group last night who is familiar with BDSM. Personally, I feel the movie did BDSM an injustice. If I did not know better I would think that in order for someone to become involved in a "power exchange," they would have to be enticed with big money or some reason other than their need to be in a supportive and loving environment. A true BDSM relationship involves a "power exchange" which comes from the person's need to submit, a gift of submission to their Master or Dominant. By mixing in the slave trade it only misinformed those who have no knowledge of this type of relationship, and who try to use fear tactics to make us look as if we are a danger to society. In no way did I feel that the movie showed any type of a growing relationship that would justify anyone giving up the degree of control that was displayed. Her devotion was bought and paid for.One comment from the audience was that the acting was comparable to a porno flick. Being knowledgeable as to the true relationships involved in BDSM we could see through the errors. For someone not familiar, it would only make them think that BDSM is a horrible thing. I would not recommend this movie to anyone outside of the BDSM scene.