R | 08 June 2000 (USA)
Groove Trailers

An inside look into one night in the San Francisco underground rave scene.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
sales-58 I saw this late Sat. night/Sun. morning on IFC. Wonderful film with good work by the director. I guess the bad reviews made here in IMDb were written by people who don't make movies? The movie carried me into the scene, wound me up, and left me unable to get the music out of my head :) I've gone and bought the Bedrock CD and Paul Oakenfold's Tranceport CD. Point one: Independent film made so well I never feel as if I'm facing indecision in the editing room. Point two: I couldn't take my eyes away from the film, from start to end. Point three: I love the fast/slow motion trick Greg Harrison does to sync /scratch the video to match Digweed's "Heaven Scent" audio! In the end, everybody reaches simultaneous bliss during that song, followed by the inevitable Sunday morning sun (I hate Sundays). Though hinting that this lifestyle can't go on forever it is blissfully free of the overdone TV-style "sin like this and die" guilt messages. Two thumbs way up (as if Ebert would ever publicly review this, laugh.)
helpless_dancer Crazy picture about a group who go to all manner of effort to put on techno dance parties in abandoned buildings. The spaced out dancers [for want of a better word] were entertained for several hours by a succession of DJ's, each with his/her own collection of tunes. Since the law was being broken to hold the event things didn't go smoothly all night, however everyone seemed to take it in stride. Interesting look a portion of a degenerate generation whose sole intent is to have a good time.
JZvezda Like "Rave" the hairspray, "Groove" is cheap and tacky --but it works.Premise: A night in the life of not-so-creepy club crawlers.Plot-points: --Boy meets girl-- An unrealistic, unbelievable story of the veteran raver "Leyla" teaching the ropes to the novice/party nerd "David" (Hamish Linklater). In reality, it would probably take someone higher up the genetics food chain, to get a babe like Lola Glaudini to spend her nite nursing an ecstasy-stupored dork back to coherency. Especially considering the fact that Leyla is sober during the event, and I can't think of too many sober club-goers willing to sit and listen to a drug-addled mess of a stranger spout jibberish. But whatever.--Boy proposes to girl, then meets boy-- Colin & Harmony, the quintessential club kid couple. He helps her dye her hair purple and she paints his fingernails black. Ahhh, to be in love. Enter creepy massage guy. I'm sure that a great number of straight female ravers can relate to this storyline.--Boy desperately seeking "the nod"-- The perils of party throwing 101:* How to decorate an abandoned warehouse* What to do when one of your DJ's is M.I.A. (too whacked out to spin)* The boys in blue are here, now what?That's basically it in a neon nutshell. First-time director Greg Harrison's ode to party people, a film that probably should have skipped the soapy storylines and reinvented itself as a documentary.There are some cute in-jokes though: A raveboy becomes ill after over-dosing on the drug GHB, his friend nurses him and after concluding that he'll be okay, she says: "What are you, *new*? EAT before you do drugs." Cute."Groove" is that party that isn't really all that happening, but not buzz-kill bad either. Once you make it past the lumberyard acting and surrender to the idea that music and dancing are some people's idea of doubles tennis or a night at the opera... you may see this movie for what it is: A simple, colorful, shout-out to club kids everywhere."Groove" Not a party for the ages but well worth the cover charge
brandonsites1981 Film follows the events that take place within 24 hours at an underground rave in San Francisco on a Saturday night. Of course this rave is different because a whole bunch of the characters will find their lives changed forever. Entertaining, but unmemorable effort made on a shoestring budget features a few nice directorial touches and moves along nicely, despite very familiar material. Rated R.