Bone Dry
Bone Dry
| 17 May 2007 (USA)
Bone Dry Trailers

Eddie finds himself being forced at a gunpoint, by an unseen assailant, on a dark and brutal journey through the harsh terrain of the Mojave desert. His nemesis is Jimmy, a man with an aberrant agenda; armed with a rifle, a scope, walkie-talkies and a truck, he has organized a series of ambushes and mantraps designed to push Eddie to the limits of his humanity and beyond (iMDB)

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
knightcrawler-1 I think I liked the desert the best in this film. It must have been an easy shoot to go out into an open desert and just shoot what you want. I'm sure the heat and bugs got to the cast and crew but at least no streets had to be closed.The movie itself is OK. During the first hour it leaves guessing as why this guy has been kidnapped and is being pushed to his limits. The setup is rather sparse. No real indications as who these characters are but most films are mysteries, we need time to get to know the characters.The hippie character seemed to be the most interesting. I imagine the Mojave desert to be filled with people like him. I didn't really like how that played out though, it seemed uninspired and predictable. The two main characters remain somewhat bland. Only most of the way through the film do we get any indication that the kidnapped guy may not be an innocent victim. He becomes rather good at fighting suddenly and is able to defeat two thugs. This brings up questions. Wouldn't he be to tired and dehydrated to fight and if he had these skills why didn't he use them in the first place? We have to wait until the end to find the reasons behind the whole thing. I found the ending to be decent albeit slightly gimmicky. It's worth a look.
Coventry "Bone Dry" was recommended to me by a good friend and promoted as a modest but exciting little thriller with an original setting and decent performances. Perhaps I simply wasn't in a very good mood when I watched it, but all I saw was a dire, derivative and overlong cat-and-mouse thriller without any thrills. Lance Henriksen – mainly off-screen but immediately recognizable thanks to his distinct voice – threatens a seemingly innocent guy (Luke Goss) at gunpoint and forces him to talk a long walk in the Mojave Desert. Eddie's journey on foot through the hot sand is inhumanly cruel and full of ambushes and death traps, while his unseen assailant follows him around in a jeep and armed with a sniper rifle. Director Brett A. Hart's script tries very hard to make us believe that Eddie is just a poor traveler at the wrong place at the wrong time, whereas Jimmy – the voice on the walkie talkie – is a sadist and merciless villain without proper motivation for his acts. But it's more than obvious right from the beginning that Eddie isn't a randomly targeted victim and that he probably deserves every humiliating and agonizing thing that overcomes him. Their excursion in the Mojave Desert quickly becomes tedious and repetitive, and personally I felt the urge to fast-forward towards the predictable "surprise ending". There isn't much character study going on and the vile interactions between the cat and the mouse are dull and pointless. Lance Henriksen's voice gives away a terrifically menacing performance and there are notable cameo appearances by Dee Wallace-Stone and Tommy Lister, but otherwise I can't find any good arguments to recommend this mundane and forgettable flick.
merklekranz Lance Henrikson admirers will be happy to know that he delivers another solid performance. Unfortunately the script keeps him in the shadows for most of the film, as the mysterious torturer of Luke Goss. "Bone Dry" is a classic example of a no surprise surprise ending, and why everything is revealed in the trailer is another mystery? At times, the film really doesn't play fair with the audience, especially in the beginning, where you get the distinct impression that Henrickson's and Goss's characters never met. The script is underdeveloped, redundant, and about fifteen minutes belongs on the cutting room floor. Marginally recommended, except for squeamish viewers who might want to avoid the sadism. - MERK
sol (There are Spoiler) Strange to say the least the film "Bone Dry" keeps you guessing to just what's going on between the two stars in it Eddie, Luke Goss, and Jimmy, Lance Heriksen, for almost the entire movie.Eddie driving through the bone dry and sun soaked Mojave Desert, the hottest and lowest place in the Continental USA, is suddenly knocked out from behind and then after regaining consciousness is put through the ringer by his, for the most part, unseen and slightly crazed antagonist Jimmy. Jimmy in spite of his mindless and sadistic actions later turns out to be a man with a plan. A plan that Jimmy had in the works and perfected over the last two years.We get a number of hints in the film to why Jimmy has it in for the likable and what seems like harmless as a kitty cat Eddie. The hints are so confusing and disjointed that the film has to go into high gear, and add about ten more minutes, to explain to its audience just what's going on! P.S Before you see the movie "Bone Dry" do everything possible to avoid it's pre-released trailer. "Bone Dry's" movie trailer in fact gives away the the surprise ending before you even get a chance to see the movie!Forced, by a gleeful Jimmy, to find his way back to civilization before he falls prey to the wild animals, rattlesnakes & scorpions, or blistering heat and thirst of the unfriendly Mojave Desert Eddie, with a compass and walkie-talkie that Jimmy provided for him, treks his way north. North to Southern California and the main desert highway, where he can hitch-hike a ride, leading into the very populated golden state.Insane from thirst and being tortured by Jimmy, mostly from afar, Eddie makes it almost home when he runs into Marty,Carl Buffington, a love-child or hippie-like weirdo whom he first mistakes for Jimmy. It later turns out that the harmless looking Marty is anything but hippie-like when Eddie runs into his two friends big bad and black, at 6 foot 5 inch and 230 pound, Mitch played by Tiny, because he's so big, Lister and his big mouth but pea-brain partner Price, Chad Stalcup.***SPOILER ALERT From THIS POINT ON*** These two bumbling but very dangerous guys are trying to make a living by dealing in coke and doing, together with their double-talking advance man Marty, a not so good job at it.It just about then, after Eddie's encounter with Mitch & Price, that we get an inkling to what the heck the movie is all about, and just what's Jimmy's involvement in all this, and it's somewhat of a letdown. It' not that the ending of "Bone Dry" is not effective but were put through so much by Jimmy's crazy antics that we by then completely lost any sympathy for the guy. And that's in spite of what he went through that lead him commit the inhuman and despicable crimes all throughout the movie!