R | 16 November 2001 (USA)
Pendulum Trailers

The nature and lure of power: in Dallas, a councilman is on trial for corruption, the D.A. is running for the US Senate, a serial killer is slashing prostitutes, and a professor is murdered. Amanda Reeve is assigned to investigate the law-school killing. She hears rumors that the dead man offered women students good grades in exchange for sex. The trail leads her to two wealthy, beautiful students whose alibi is provided by a librarian. At the same time, the cops close in on the slasher. Meanwhile, Amanda misses her former lover, next in line to become D.A., and a reporter is fired for getting close to the truth about the Senate candidate. Is a cover-up or conspiracy in the works?

Cortechba Overrated
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
tedg The first howler in this is the notion that Texas hosts the 'finest law school in the south,' as if it were possible - and if would matter if it was. Of course, once we are introduced to a DA running for Congress, we know who the villain is. Having made that scriptwriting error, we wait to see whether the author will redeem himself with suitable twists along the way. And he nearly satisfies. There is a rather interesting red herring in an old case of 'justified' homicide which is cleverly introduced. There are the double red herrings of two fishy lesbians, obviously engineered for prurient seasoning and to reference Eszterhas's 'Instinct.' There is an unexploited narrative fold: we see the murder through a witness's eye and then see the detection through a detective's eye.It comes pretty close to being acceptable storywise. All the acting and directing is much worse except for one example, a woman with the mellifluous name of Scarlett McAlister, who has the appearance of a young Nichole Kidman. If this were an intelligent film, say a Lynch project, her role as double narrator and provider (as librarian) of the backstory would have been a fine opportunity for folded acting. The director is oblivious of course, but either she or her acting coach knew - and you can tell she tried this difficult approach. She's on my list to look out for.Though the murderer is easy to spot, the meaning of the title is not. I suppose it refers to the exhusband, who (we assume) swings both ways.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 4: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
The_Limey There is much that 'Pendulum' gets wrong, its Texas location, featuring not one actor with even a trace of a Texas accent. A non-actor as the lead etcHowever its biggest flaw is the fact it is so obviously trying to be a 'tough smart woman manages to outsmart the odds in a male dominated environment' type movie, however the ending totally destroys this, and I am fairly sure the writers didn't even understand they were doing so, so desperate where they to accomplish a complex Noir ending.*SPOILER*What she does is throw away the evidence because the killer is an ex-boyfriend. This makes her weak. The ex-boyfriend was not even the killer anyway, he was protecting the killer. Therefore she is stupid. So your tough female cop is, in the final analysis, weak and stupid.*END SPOILER*Really not worth the effort of watching, it isn't even bad enough to be fun, and the sound track is really annoying...
niibu_yaa It is amazing how Hollywood keeps pushing the envelope on making unwatchable movies. Every time I think I've come to a new low in film making, something comes along and proves me wrong. That is the case with this movie. As many have mentioned the writting is truly bad. Couple that with less than believable performances from the cast, and we are left with a movie without a leg to stand on. The lead in the movie , who I've not seen before, seemed out of place with her poorly done "American" accent. I later found that she was from New Zealand which could be an excuse. However, I don't feel there is an excuse for poor acting. There are many English or foreign actors that can pull off the "American" accent without problem, she is certainly not one of them. To compound all these factors, they were attempting to make a film noir type movie. Something that was so poorly done, it's almost not noticeable. Later in an attempt to save the movie they add some purportless nudity. At this point I think they should have just gone ahead and made it into a porn flick, as the writting was about that level. I give this movie 1 star out of ten.....only because I can't give it a lower rating on this system.
vpa21133 Pendulum is a murder mystery, or rather two murder mysteries. Rachel Hunter plays a detective originally assigned to investigate the brutal murders of several street prostitutes, then reassigned to investigate the murder of a prominent law school professor.Hunter's character is not exactly "Colombo," and there are several red herrings along the way. The film is set in a milieu of prostitution, lies, kinky sex, corruption, violence, etc., which is why I consider it a "film noir."This movie isn't a classic, but it keeps you interested. If you enjoyed "Presumed Innocent" you'll enjoy this one.