88 Minutes
88 Minutes
R | 24 December 2007 (USA)
88 Minutes Trailers

Famed forensic psychiatrist Dr. Jack Gramm enjoys a reputation as one of the most sought-after profilers around. His expert testimony has resulted in the conviction of many criminals, including serial killer Jon Forster. On the eve of Forster's execution, one of Gramm's students is murdered in a vicious copycat crime, and Gramm himself receives an ominous message informing him that he has less than 90 minutes to live.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Yvonne Jodi Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Jack Vasen In a day when sadism, cruelty, and torture appear on our TV and movie screens on a daily basis, I am surprised that so many people think this movie is awful.Not to say that I wanted to see the cruel things done in this movie. There were many scenes of partially clad young women being strung upside down and cut. Didn't need that. But these scenes were such that this movie stayed within the bounds of R movies, maybe because those scenes were relatively short.I agree with most of the bad reviews to the extent that the acting wasn't great. I usually love Alicia Witt, but why did we need her character? It really didn't make sense that she followed him everywhere, even more closely than his office assistant. I think she was meant to be another red herring, but then, it's obvious she couldn't have been responsible for everything that was happening.The plot was OK, but had many flaws. If Graham was supposed to die after 88 minutes, then why so many attempts before that. The murderer sure got around almost as if the murderer had a teleportation device. If you think in detail about what was done, including planting DNA evidence, the logistics were just about impossible, at least for one person. And the overall purpose, to vindicate Forster, was actually hurt by all the overkill. One body with semen would have been the most convincing, but all the others leave too much chance for error and questioning by the police.But this movie didn't really require any more suspension of reality that most of the shows and movies we have seen about sadistic serial killers who seem to be almost omnipotent. I can name at least two popular TV shows based on FBI agents that have had multiple plots that were more unbelievable.Neal McDonough makes a great psychopath, but they are always pretty much the same performance.
Nico Monetti This movie is not good. That said, it is entertaining in terms of how silly it is.If you watch this movie you'll get to see Al Pacino as a character under extremely stressful circumstances, in a position where each minute he wastes someone close to him could be killed in a horrible way, and he's basically fine with it all. Pacino stars a a forensic psychologist/professor who apparently became a multi millionaire like... convicting people of stuff. He's super famous, as far as psychologists or professors go, with everyone seeming to know his resume.Confronted with a bombardment of harassments from a mysterious source on the day a man he helped get convicted stands for execution, Pacino just deals with it all as it comes, not too worried about it really.With the exception of his not approving of another character's carrying a firearm she has a permit to carry, nothing seems to really rattle the guy. He keeps getting calls from a scary voice that updates him on how long he has to live and says, "tick toc doc". Yep. That's what the bad guy says.It's funny too because half the time the calls are from the bad guy - just checking in to be a dick and update him on his upcoming demise (which never even really pays off now that I think about it) and half the time it's one of his employees or someone else it's good to hear from.Pacino's character shrugs everything off and take it in stride, as if dealing with complex webs of murder conspiracies targeted at him are usual occurrences. His career is extremely glamorized and makes no sense - with him having his own office the size of a big law firm in a skyscraper that has James Bond vault status filing cabinets. His apartment is also outrageously badass - the ultimate bachelor pad of the future.Oh, and there are like 15 beautiful women in the movie too (all of which do a good job with their roles if you ask me). Each of them seem to have a sizzling crush on Pacino's character. There's literally even a scene where an attractive lesbian kisses him on the lips. He's quite the ladies man and he also enjoys drinking. As an FBI character puts it at one point in the film, "Everyone knows you're quite the ladies man and that you have a drinking problem!"It's kind of a bummer this thing sucked so much because the premise for the movie is actually fairly solid. You've got a guy on death row with a few tricks up his sleeve trying to cast doubt that he was the right guy by having someone on the outside mimic his crimes. Good premise! If substantially rewritten and executed under different direction this might have made for a great thriller. The cast was great and there's no reason it couldn't be. But oh well. The whole movie's just 10% thriller territory and 90% silly fun time zone, with Pacino himself often seeming like he's only half paying attention to the shoot - looking forward to going home and watching THE GODFATHER.Yeah, there's just a ton of really... weird stuff in this movie. I figured out who was behind it pretty early on, just going with my gut. There's so much exposition and forced twists and so many characters and so much back story that it all just becomes a tangled web of whatever and you stop caring and just take a guess. My guess turned out to be right. I didn't guess the motivation behind their involvement though because well, how could you? It was ridiculous. I've never seen anything like 88 MINUTES in my life. I give it six stars because it made me laugh out loud multiple times. There were just some moments so cheesy and some bits so outrageous that you can't help but laugh.It feels more dated than it is and it's one of those movies that's so bad it's good.
Soroush Sadatsharifee I really like these kinds of Mystery Thriller movies .They make fell exited .I like to follow them to see what would happen next,especially when they are so well performed like this one.Al Pacino is perfect as always.He plays the role of an experienced psychiatrist in a very cool way.I think if he was so stressed out and if he did strange things to keep himself alive it would have been unbelievable but now his great cool performance is acceptable.The ending is wise enough to make us amazed.Great music and wonderful cinematography style don't leave the audience alone.Any way I loved it and I do think it deserves a better rating in IMDb.
k-sakthivel 88 minutes a thriller and psychological crime film.. After 20 minutes into the film you will assume everyone is a suspect behind all the murders. Its a good role for Al Pacino making him a psychiatrist of forensic technology. The movie moves in a really fast pace and find it more thrilling in the end. Its a typical Jon Avnet's film.Movie starts with Jack (Al Pacino's character) receives a call saying he has a hour and a more to live. So Jack goes in search of all clues of the murders committed. while searching he suspects everyone around him and he makes us believe that they might also be involved.Finally at the end Jack solves the case and keeps up his name. I gave a 7 only because of Al Pacino's acting and a little for the story...