The Seasoning House
The Seasoning House
| 21 August 2012 (USA)
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The Seasoning House - where young girls are prostituted to the military. An orphaned deaf mute is enslaved to care for them. She moves between the walls and crawlspaces, planning her escape. Planning her ingenious and brutal revenge.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Abegail Noëlle While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
adsmacdonald-27289 Anyone who slept through the war in the Balkans and the war crime trials which followed may find this movie "laugh out loud dumb" as one critic on Rotten Tomatoes put it. The believability of the action can be questioned but the veracity of the events is undeniable. I am troubled by this film being categorized a thriller or a horror though. Anyone who got a 'thrill' out of it, or enjoyed its gore would probably have found themselves sitting comfortably with the real life psychopaths portrayed in the film. It is not even a revenge movie. It is about how far our instinct to survive will allow us to tolerate outrages, and at what point the line is crossed such that we decide to take action against it, even facing the certainty of death not just for ourselves but for all those around us. As world politics spin wildly out of control, this is a question we may have to face ourselves under similar circumstances sooner than latter. Perhaps its low rating on Rotten Tomatoes is due to its being marketed incorrectly, or because people will deny the possibility of what is staring them straight in the face in real life. For the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of women and girls who are brothel slaves in the world this very second, I'll suspend my disbelief for one movie to believe that one of them could take such action.
Liz This film was not an easy watch. It was not fun or entertaining or even enjoyable. I had to pause every once and a while and take a breather before continuing on, and one MUST be in the right mindset before pressing play. However, without any reservations I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone able to stomach it, and even those unable."The Seasoning House" follows a human sex trafficking house in 1996 Russia and the young girl forced to care for the teenage girls sold as slaves. A real, visceral, horrifying reminder that trafficking is is an absolute issue in the world today and that it is occurring at this very moment. If you can stomach it, I highly encourage you watch this and consider donating to an organization that helps prevent and shut down this disgusting trade. *We are not talking about human trafficking enough. We are not doing anything to change it. Change MUST come.*
Aanna Wilton K I had to stop in the middle, when she kills the soldier and the hunting starts. I just could not handle the fact if they catch her what is going to happen... I went to video sites and watched interviews with the actresses. I had to know they are just acting and they are safe now... It may sound foolish but yeah this movie made a huge impression to me. I was scared. I thought it only will be a horror that i can sign as "watched" and forget about it. But i will never forget it. Very sad that this whole story based on true events. And they made a great decision not to entirely close the movie at the end. Couse it is still happening in the world we must not forget about it. There is no happy ending for this movie. I am still shaking when i think back to this movie, scenes.... It describes what is my opinion.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "The Seasoning House" was really not what I had expected it to be from the movie cover. But I must say that I wasn't sorely disappointed that the movie turned out to be something other than what I had thought it to be.This movie is brutal, not just visually, but also emotionally. Especially because the movie is shot the way that it is, and it is nicely edited. There is just something very realistic, albeit horrible nonetheless, to this movie, and that is really what makes "The Seasoning House" work out so well.The story is about a group of young girls brought to a remote house, against their will, where they are forced into servitude and have to perform sexual acts for customers that frequent the house. The mute girl Angel (played by Rosie Day) works the house as a helper, also against her will, when fate brings those who killed her family to the house, and things spiral out of control, as fate deals Angel an unforeseen card.Now, "The Seasoning House" is a very brutal movie, as I mentioned before. Visually because of the scenes portrayed and the horrors that take place in the house where the girls are kept as slaves, drugged and abused. And emotionally because of the events that unfold in the story, and also because the characters are characters you can relate to and very quickly build up some kind of empathy or antipathy for very quickly.Director Paul Hyett managed to put together something really unique here, and this is definitely a movie that you need to watch. And once watched, it is most likely a movie that will stick with you for a long time afterwards.The cast were doing great jobs, although the English language with a pseudo-Eastern European accent wasn't really doing the trick. But it was a minor inconvenience, because the rest of the movie overshadowed this flaw."The Seasoning House" is well worth watching, despite it being rather grotesque in its story and imagery. But it just goes to prove that movies doesn't all have to be glamor and happy days...