Knock Knock
Knock Knock
| 29 April 2008 (USA)
Knock Knock Trailers

Knock Knock is a horror film that combines fear with revenge, hate with justice and responsibility with sacrifice. The bible says an "Eye for an Eye." Rico was just a big fun loving son of a hard working neighborhood business man. The problem is his dad is an undertaker. Some popular high school Students thought he was weird because of it. Rico kept to himself...

2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
kai ringler I know people are gonna bash me for giving this a decent review,, but you know what,, I really don't care what everyone thinks.. I liked the movie and that is what matter's... a killer is systematically killing of local teens one by one,, and it has something to do with their father's occupation,,, sure it's not gonna win any awards,,, sure it's n ot the best acted,, and yes it's cheesy,, sleezy,, skanky girls, and all that,, but what's wrong with half naked college girls running around on screen,, the kids are so annoying you are actually wishing that their death would come sooner than later. I liked the movie because of the twist near the end,, but I'm sure most of you didn't make it that far,, altogether I'm going a 6 for this movie,, because iut was more than what I expected.
niecyangel703 I am a true movie buff and usually am one that really seems to love movies others hate. I could find something good in them but this one ... not so much. It had a decent story line and could've been a really good movie if they had written it a little different and OMG the acting was horrible! I kid you NOT overdone, ridiculous reactions and facial expressions let alone the lines. I wouldn't let them put this on my resume as an actor. Most of the time I would read a review like this and say, okay gotta watch to see if it's that bad, don't waste what precious little time you have left on this earth with this movie. Unless you like to laugh at bad acting. I was really disappointed. It was so bad you couldn't even make fun of it. I cannot stress enough how bad the acting was.
ichocolat If there is one improvement I want from IMDb, it's the rating system. Instead of a 1 for the lowest, least-likable film, I think IMDb should have 0 as the lowest. Because there are just too many films nowadays that don't deserve even 1 star. This film is one good example.The film is flimsy, the acting is fake and unbelievable, and it's definitely not something you would want to waste your free time watching.The school kids got killed systematically by a wretched butcher who goes around knocking (mind you, the killer's pretty polite) and then stabs you to death. We've got so much to fear nowadays, what's with the global warming and all, and having a fear of checking out who knocks on your door just seems ridiculous.Verdict : Avoid at all cost .
drnrg31 In order to make this movie seem remotely watchable, I've added spoilers to the max, so if you don't want to know what happens you can stop reading now.This Knock Knock movie was seriously funny. The gore and killing were great, but the rest was just a very bad joke. The acting was horrendous. The starlets seem like strippers and the men look like the strip club owners. I'm not kidding. The men all speak with Brooklyn accents and look like mafia guys. The main detective was pretty ,but couldn't act herself out of a box. The story had some cool ideas. I'll mention those redeeming qualities.1. The beginning. Great 5 minutes of the movie. The guy knocks on the door and waits for the unsuspecting damsel to answer. He repeats this process 3 times and every time she opens the door , there is no one there. Finally she decides to catch the guy in the act by peeking through the peep hole, just as she does this, the killers' arm crashes through the door and grabs her. Even I jumped.2. The killings. Not only the gore, but also the way he props them for the parents to find. One girl is strapped to the shower and gutted. another is cut up into pieces and shoves into his Father's locker. There was no computer generated effects, so pretty good make up.3. This retarded janitor, who we meant to believe could be the killer , has all these Barbie dolls. He cuts off the faces off the students pictures and pastes them on to the dolls. Then he reenacts the murder seen, because fir some reason he always seems to be there, but he isn't the killer. If you have seen Maniac, you would appreciate this idea?These are the good parts. I would reedit this movie keep all those parts and cut out all the detective solving parts and especially the female detective and mafia fathers.I would probably add some more T&A and try to develop these characters at least to cardboard worthy personalities.Watch only if you like cool gory effects, otherwise...Fuggetaboutit.LOL!